"From Strangers To Friends "

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Surbhi's POV

"Where were you Surbhi" mummy asked as soon as I entered the home.

"Mom actually " I tried to say but was cut off by dad.

"What mom Surbhi. You know we all were tensed here that why you weren't not home yet and even your phone was unreachable. Driver informed us that you'll be coming by metro or cab. How did you come home" Dad threw a series of questions.

Why no one understand  that there is someone standing there. But where is he ?

"Uncle..Your daughter was with me. I dropped her here" came his voice.

What... no.. no... what dad will say now.

"Mahir. You here. What a surprise! .  How you come here. Wait, you dropped Surbhi home " dad asked

"Yes dad. From so much time I wanted to say this only but no one was letting me speak. " I frowned

"Mahir. I didn't understand. How you dropped her here." Dad asked

"Firstly let him come in" Mom nudged

"Oh yeah. Come Mahir. Sit. Come inside " dad welcomed

"No no uncle. Thankyou . I'm late already" he replied

"No Mahir. No excuses.  Come inside" said dad and this time he obliged.

He came and everyone sat in the living room.

"Mahir how's every one at home and Divya especially " asked mom. 

Wow... everyone knew Mahir Maheshwari from the starting except me.

"Everyone is good aunty how are you all" he asked politely.

Is he the same person??

"Well and good." Said bhai

" So Surbhi you could've told us that you are being dropped home by Mahir. We wouldn't have been tensed here princess" said dad

"You are saying as if you know he must have dropped me home safe and sound" I joked

"Yeah. Because I know, If Mahir takes any responsibility he completes it without even thinking about himself. That's the reason he's in the top of the  Asia's youngest  billionaire " dad proudly said and I frowned a little.

Dad never complimented me so much. Huh!!!!

"No no uncle. Its nothing like that. It's just I expanded what I got from dad." He replied

"By the way. Surbhi told me how she misbehaved with you on the metro station" dad said glaring me

Why did I invited him at home.  

"No uncle. Actually I must be sorry.. I misbehaved with her...I should've not done that. And it's so kind of her that instead I misbehaved she did  dressing to my injured hand" he said looking at me and Dad nodded.

"Uncle, I forget. Congratulations to you for winning the community elections" Mahir said in our regional language.

Mahir and I belong to the same community. And I was shocked because he spoke in our regional language. Marwari(rajasthani language).

Dad's very active in community and he again won elections this time for president post of our community.

"Thankyou Mahir. Hope this year we will make greater and good changes "Dad said in our language

"Mahir. Come have dinner and Surbhi you also come and have your dinner"  mom invited
"No no aunty, next time. Right now I'll take your leave. Really getting late" he reasoned

"Yes mom and his next time will come at his wedding. He'll come to give his wedding card, then he'll have his dinner" I  told and laughed while Everyone looked at me.

Did I say something wrong.

"She's crazy" said bhai and now everyone laughed, But Mahir...

He just smiled...A forced smile.

Why you always have to make blunders Surbhi. 

"Okay uncle take care. I'll leave. Jai Shree Krishna" he said standing up and bidding bye. We all wished Jai Shree Krishna whenever we met anyone or bid a bye. I never thought Mahir Maheshwari to be this.


But I could see he was not much happy as before. I know it's because what I said that time.

"Okay. Take Care" said mom

He looked at me and smiled..
"Bye " he said slowly.

"Bye" I replied.

Soon he went away. I also went inside and had my dinner.

I was a bit amazed to see everyone's reaction when Mahir came. I thought that everyone will have a problem of Mahir dropping me to home...Dad and Bhai have always been protective for me. But as he said in the message dad was happy that he dropped his daughter safe and sound.

He's a completely different man. A family man.

How politely he talked to everyone.
I don't know how and when.. his every small action was touching my heart.

What was I thinking....he's my friend.. yeah he's just my friend who is very good. That's it.

Soon my phone buzzed.
I was about to look at the phone.

"Surbhi.  Keep your phone aside and eat properly first.  I don't know how you've become a doctor." Mom scolded

"Even I think so" I said laughing soon joined by mom.

After dinner I went to my room.

I saw my phone. The messages he sent me that time at hospital. I wanted to ask him how does he knew that what I was thinking.

Shall I message him. 

No no... Surbhi. What will he think. 
But he's your friend.. You can..

No no.. You should not. It will feel awkward. 

 I was fighting with my subconscious mind when my phone buzzed.

Can it be more amazing. Thinking about something and something happens.
Message from him.

"You didn't reply to any of my messages Ms.Surbhi. Very bad" It read

Oh yeah. It should me actually me to send him message

"Yeah because you didn't tell me the reason that how did you read what was going in my mind" I messaged him.

"You were standing there like an open book so I read that book" he replied

"Mahir. I'm sorry.. That time I said you about.. Wedding.. You know.. I saw your face.. I'm really sorry.. I didn't mean to make you feel bad" finally I messaged  this. 

Since so much time I was feeling bad!!

"Surbhi.. It's okay. I didn't mind it. It... Happens.. It's ok"  he said

"By the way miss Surbhi.. Don't you think you're missing something " his another message came.

" What " I asked

" Think think.. Ms intelligent " he messaged  again.

What was I missing.

"I really don't know"  I replied back

"my car has got a bag...and a diary " he said

Freaking hell.  My bag.. In his car.

" You opened my bag without my permission " I typed with angry emojis.

"Oh hello. I didn't. If that was so I would've told , I got this this thing. Diary just fell from your bag so I picked it up and kept it inside your bag again" he said.

Yeah.  He's a gentlemen. I know he'll not touch my things without my permission.

"I'm sorry I just forget " I replied

" Was thinking to read the poem you were writing " he said with smirking emojis

"No.. No.. Mahir. You'll not do anything like this " I replied

" I am opening it" he said

"Mahir I'll not talk to you ever if you did that " I said

"What...will you really stop talking to me. Don't Surbhi.  I was just kidding. I'll not open it.  I promise. Just don't let me loose my newly made friend due to this"  he said

What happened to him.  I was just saying it randomly.

"Mahir what happened. I was just randomly saying it.  I didn't mean it" I said

"hmm" he replied

"Mahir.. I promise.. You'll have this friend of yours forever. It's just trust her a little " I said

" Trusted her much more than a little " he replied

" You know I'm friend with you just since two days but it seems as if years" he said

"yeah" I replied

" Why you become so hyper and tensed when it comes to friends and all Mahir" I asked

"Nothing..... You'll get your bag tomorrow morning at hospital itself " he said

He's again ignoring it. What is it that's making him so uncomfortable. There's really something.

"hmm.. Okay.. Thank you " I replied

" Surbhi....Thank you " he messaged

" For what " I asked

"For giving me a so good friend"  he said

I smiled reading it!!

"Thank you to you too for the same " I replied

" Okay Gn.  " he wished

" Yeah good night" I replied

"I'm having a one" he said


"huh" I asked

"I mean.. I'm having a one... Due to di and baby at home " he said

" Okay.." I replied 

I kept my phone away. It feels good to talk to him.

He's right. It seems like we know each other since long. But It's just, there's something about which Mahir is always sad.
I want that thing to get vanished from his life.

I don't know why but I really want to see him making new friends... trusting people.. Trusting kindness.. And most importantly trusting himself. 

 I hope soon I'll find the reason behind it and become the reason to solve this mystery.


Hey guys... Hope you all are doing great..

So how's book going on till now... Hope you are loving it...

Let's see what's next!

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Update soon!!

Till then...

Big hugs ❤

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