"❤️Happy Ending❤️"

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I was thinking about her  when Aanand shouted from video call that she was here.

I adjusted my tie and looked at her.

Yes!!! She's matching.

That's what I wanted. Her red evening gown matching with my red tie and handkerchief.

I smiled at her and damn!!! She was looking more gorgeous than I imagined her to be in this attire.

She's totally shocked right now!! She would've never imagined that something that she was thinking only in her mind yesterday would've been infront of her sight today.

I went towards her.



"So that's what you were doing since morning and you read my eyes right " she asked and I smiled

"To the woman of my life. To my lovely wife. Her wish on commands. And today here taking some vows again. Surbhi I promise to fulfil your every small dream like this only. Happiest birthday love" I shouted and she looked at me with awe.

"Will you pinch me to make me believe that I'm not dreaming all this" She asked and I chuckled

"Surbhi you aren't dreaming" Said Neeti di from the screen

"Everyone's on the videocall" she asked surprised 

"Except both moms and dads " I confirmed and she smiled

"You're looking very much handsome. I mean you always do..but today you're rocking it" She complimented and I chuckled

"And you're looking very very pretty. I mean.. more then I thought to be." I Admitted and she smiled

"Mishti thankyou so much" I thanked her.

"Sir..pleasure is all mine" Mishti replied and gave Surbhi a bouquet of red roses and moved towards her husband.

"Come let's walk down the aisle" I said giving her my hand she smiled holding my hand.

We stood on the alter. Surbhi was looking at those few people present there.

I wanted atleast some people to be a part of this wedding. So our hotel staff was present here with their families and offcourse Mishti's family.

The Bishop was standing there and the best thing is he'll chant everything in English.

"Ready" I asked her and she nodded smiling.

"Child Take your right hand in her right hand" father told and I nodded.

 I took her right hand in my hand.

I chuckled seeing Surbhi. It's been so much time we're together, still today her hand was trembling as it trembled on our wedding.

"Answer in yes and I will do " guided father and we nodded

"Mahir and Surbhi, have you both come here freely" he asked

"Yes " we both replied

"Will you honour each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives" he asked and we smiled

"Yes" we both said

"Will you accept the children lovingly from God" He asked and I looked at Surbhi and she blushed hard.

"I will surely do" I smirked and everyone chuckled

"I will " Surbhi replied and everyone clapped.

"Whoaaa Mahir, Surbhi... we're loving this all" said Neeti di from the video call and we smiled.

"Take the vows"  father told and I nodded

"I Mahir Maheshwari , take Surbhi Birla to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health to love and to cherish till death us do part, according to God's holy ordiance; and thereto I plight thee my troth." I vowed looking at Surbhi

"I Surbhi Birla, take Mahir Maheshwari to be my wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health to love to cherish and to obey till death us do part, according to God's holy ordiance; and thereto I plight thee my troth" she repeated and I smiled.

"You may exchange the rings" Father told and Surbhi looked at me.

"As if I knew all that's going to happen that I had ring with me" she said and I chuckled

"Mishti" I called and she smiled coming with the ring

"But that's only one..and it's platinum man's band means yours..so where's mine" she asked

"Patience baby" I said and forwarded my hand.

"I'm going to pay for this one" she stated and everyone chuckled while I looked at her with 'I knew, you would say this' look!

She smiled widely and slid the ring in my hand which already had our engagement ring.

Now that's my turn and that's what her 20th gift is!!!

I fidgeted my pocket and took out a ring from it.

I bent down on my knees and everyone hooted.

"My goodness.. that's a serotonin dopamine ring right Mahir " asked Priya from screen and I nodded smiling

"My 20th gift" She asked smiling and I nodded

"Everyone has their reason of happiness. I never had but now I've a constant reason to smile. That's you..and the most important thing in this world for me is your smile. I want you to smile forever. So always wear this ring. Because it is always in a happy mood ring. I love you my happiness. A very happy birthday and Happy Marriage offcourse" I confessed and slid the ring in her finger.

 She smiled and a tear fell down from her eyes in happiness.

I wiped the tear and gestured her not to cry. She chuckled and Smiled.

"I loved my 20th gift and I'll always wear this" She told and I smiled

"I here by in front of the God declare you officially as husband and wife. Now you may kiss the bride" said the father and I smiled. Surbhi looked at me and turned like a tomato. I chuckled at this.

I held her lightly by her waist and her hands rested on my shoulder.

"Think there's no one. Now may I kiss my bride" I asked and she nodded shyly and we kissed each other.

"You're husband and wife now" father declared and everyone cheered.

"Thankyou Mahir..It really means a lot." Surbhi said and I smiled kissing her cheek.

"Congratulations once again Mahir and Surbhi" wished everyone from the video call and we smiled

"Mahir..now enjoy and we're waiting for you here" told Aneer jiju and we smiled

I said Mishti a big thankyou because after all she was my right hand today.

"So let's go" I told

"Where now" she asked

"It's just 20 Surbhi. 6 more to go right" I said and she smiled and pecked my lips
I smirked at that.

"You know what more I've loved. These notes that you left. Since when you're preparing for all these" she asked when we were on our way towards hotel

"Emm...since I proposed you" I replied

"What.. really...so you knew that my birthday is going to come in Venice" she asked shocked

"Nah..that's the reason I cancelled our tickets. Because I wanted this wish of yours to be completed as one of the birthday gift" I told and she smiled

"I love you" she admitted

"Love you in heeaaaps" I replied and she chuckled

We came to our suite.

"You've taken your lunch na Mahir" She asked

"Yes baby.I've.. Now I'll freshen up..you get ready" I said smiling handing her a box

"Now what's this. My 21st gift" she asked and I nodded

"Wow...I'll open it" She said excited and opened it.

"So..I guess you don't wanna leave Lido beach visit..so wear this and get ready for Lido" I told and she smiled

"This  dress is very beautiful Mahir. It's just so lovely. You've chosen this gift too." She exclaimed

"Yes..I wanted to find everything perfect for my Perfectly imperfect wife. And I found this master piece. Happiest birthday My Mrs.Perfectly imperfect" I professed and she smiled

"My 21st gift" She whispered and grinned

"Go fast and change" I told and she nodded

In also changed out of my three piece into a t shirt, trousers and coat and she also came out .

"You're looking damn hot and sexy" I exclaimed and she laughed

"When this so damn hot and sexy man chose this piece then why won't it be" she complimented and I blushed.

One minute!! Did I just blushed!!!

"Mr hottie... don't think too much. Yes you blushed" she told and laughed

"Whatever. Come let's go" I said and placing my hand around waist we moved out of the hotel.


Our booked private water taxi was already waiting for us. In about 20-25 minutes we reached Lido.

"Whoaa..that's so much beautiful Mahir. " She exclaimed

"Indeed it is" I told

It was evening and in half an hour it would be black.

"Let's hit the beach." She squeaked

I know how much she loves to sit on the beaches. I smiled as we went on the beach !

"You just sit here for minutes..I'll be right back" I told and she looked at me.

"What..where are you going" She asked

"Just coming " I said and went running on another side.

I wanted to know if preparations are done or not. I came there and asked the man there.

"sono fatti i preparativi" I asked

"si signore" he told and I smiled

"Great." I said

That girl will throw questions on me that where I went so far. So I took ice cream with me and came back.

"Where were you." She asked frowning and I shoved ice cream

"Icecreaaammm." She said and took one from my hand and I chuckled.

"You know one was enough..." She told and I smiled.

"So we can share both the ice creams" I smirked winking and she chuckled.

We both ate our ice creams, of course making moustaches. How can't we..that moment have to be repeated every time.

"Surbhi,ever done paragliding" I asked and she looked at me shocked

"What...No..Are..we" She was going to say when I nodded

"Sky is the limit for you. So let's hit the sky together. You know say me selfish or what...but I want to be there with you when you touch the sky. And adventure is always necessary right!! So let's do it together. Happiest birthday my sweetheart. Your 22nd gift." I told and she grinned widely.

"Let's do it. My 22nd gift is fantastic!!!" She yelled and I smiled

And the adventure began. We were high in the sky!!!

"Maaaaaaahiirrr....we'll faaalll" she shouted

"Sush...just admire everything you're seeing" I said

"Damn!!! I can't see anything my eyes are shuttt" She shouted and I laughed

"Then open your eyes baby. You'll love it" I said and she slowly opened her one eye and then both.

"It's.. It's really beautiful.It's spectacular " she whispered

We did it amazingly. That was so so much fun .

"It was so hell good" she said

"You like this gift" I asked

"I loved it Maaahir" She said hugging me from behind and jumped on me.

"Damnn!!! What are you doiingg" I asked chuckling.

"I was tired so I thought you'll pick me up..but you didn't pick me up so I jumped on your back like a backpack" she said and I laughed on her childish behavior.

"You're ruining my blazer" I stated 

"No, I am not! I love it more then you and I'm careful. See, my boots aren't touching any part of your blazer" she told and I chuckled

"Well, we're on a beach with these clothes...I'm sure it's not just for the beach" She added and I looked at her smiling.

"Right direction wife" I told and tightly held her hand and she kissed my cheek.

"Hmm...so what's next" she asked

"Excited huh" I asked

"Of course I'll be. After all it's my birthday." She said and I smiled

"So let's go then" I told

"But where" She asked

"Somewhere, away from this world" I said and took her to marea le ville del lido resort.

I booked the private beach here. Her next gift is here.

The LED light dinner!!

"Mahir..that's a beautiful beach but there's no one" She said

"Yes baby.It's private beach and your next gift is there" I told pointing at her back and she turned around

"Wow...what's shining there in yellow lights" she asked

"Come, who knows it's your 23rd gift" I winked and she smiled.

"Let's move" she said and We went towards it.

"Wow...Amazing it is Mahir." She said

"An LED light dinner date " I told and she smiled

"From where did you get all these ideas" She asked

"Emm...firstly I thought of a candle light dinner but then I dropped it. Everyone do it. Then lantern light dinner came in my mind..but then.." I said and looked at her

"Then..." She asked and I held her hand making her sit inside the canopy .

"Then a beautiful girl came in my mind , with a frown snatching LED lights from my hand...and I don't know what came in my mind and I clicked the switch in my hand and those LED lights lit in her hand which looked as if her face giving a golden glow. I admire that girl a lot...and I'm admiring the same today. Well, you're having golden glow, because you've a golden heart. And I know you wouldn't have loved any candle light dinner in five star hotel. And I'm sure you'll love this Golden LED light dinner with your husband. So a very happiest birthday to my Golden Heart" I confessed and she smiled widely.

"I'm already in love with this Mahir. I love you so so much. I loved my 23rd gift too " she grinned

"So, let's first have dinner ? " I Asked and she nodded

"Yeah. I'll serve it" She said and I nodded

She opened the dishes and looked at me.

"God!!! You've all the varieties " She exclaimed and chuckled

"Yes. Whatever you like from Indian to Italian to Mexican to Chinese to Thai to..." I was saying when she stopped

"Okay okay..I'll taste each one little... but only one plate" She said and I Smiled

"Of course" I told and we did our dinner.

"It was really tasty and I'm damn sure Indian is cooked by Mishti" She said and I nodded

"Surbhi... this is for you" I mumbled and slid a letter to her!

And it's now, I am shy !!!

"Oh my freaakingg goodness!!! My first love letter !!! Love letter. My 24th gift " she exclaimed and took out paper from envelope and frowned

"Maahir...what's this. It's empty" She said and frowned

"Can Mahir Maheshwari do something like this" I smirked

"Yaa..I forgot you, totally self obsessed man" she huffed and I chuckled

"Hold this letter from edges" I said and she did asI told.

I took out a candle from canopy and lit it and carefully held it under the letter.

Slowly words started emerging on that and I looked at Surbhi's face. Totally shocked.

"Damn!!! How you got this idea.." she asked shocked and I chuckled

"You may read and see your 24th gift" I told and she smiled

"Dear Surbhi,
Emm..Always wanted to say you so much but I'm not much at saying you know right. But then I found this way. And someone told me that she wants to live the era of love letters. So here it is. Well,I'll not take it too long...but I want to say you that , Time made me realize that when I came to know about my love towards you, choosing you was my best decision. Know why! You make me believe in myself more than I believe myself. You're just perfect. You know we're soulmates. We're not just lovers. We're friends  and that's the best thing about us. You take care of me like mom and scold me like her only. You tease me like friends and teach me like dad..and then comes wife...You Love me like my wife..trust me like wife,care for me like wife. That's what a lover is. When you say naa, that we are not perfect I , but perfect us, that time I think to tell you that you're perfect I too. And you make us perfect us. I LOVE YOU Surbhi. Enough to fight with you, scold you, love you, pamper you, coo you. Enough to miss you when you're away for just seconds. I Love you, because you realized the love behind my anger; pain behind my smile ; Concern behind my scolding. You know every bit of me. You see the side which I don't even show. You are so important for me Surbhi that I can't express. All I want to say at last is, I'm incomplete without you. You complete me Surbhi. You complete me in such a way that I've got Myself. I've got myself Surbhi. And I don't have any big day to give this letter to you then today. May you live life grand and happy. May you live just happily and smiling. A Very Happiest Birthday to My Reason Of Living. I Love You. I Love You So So Much" She read and blinked her eyes. Tears fell down her eyes.

I wiped the tears away and she hugged me tightly.

"I love you too Mahir..I love you and I think I couldn't get any better gift then this. Thankyou " She cried

"Hey..no crying okay and I think the best gift will be last one!! That's your birthday and girl serve the dessert. I'm sure you'll love it" I told lightening her mood and she smiled nodding.

"I love you my baby." She said kissing my cheek.

"Surbhi...how if I imprint you on me" I asked while she served us the Tiramisu.

"What do you mean" she asked chuckling

"I mean this Surbhi " I said removing my blazer and rose the sleeve of t shirt while turning a little to show my right hand's bicep.

"Mahir.. what's this" she whispered lightly

"I'm incomplete without you Surbhi so I thought why not to imprint you on myself." I Said and she looked angrily at me

"Will that mean you'll hurt yourself. " She snapped

"Hey love. Who said it hurt me. It didn't hurt me at all. I was so so much happy while doing this.See that's your face with the most beautiful smile. " I said showing her the tattoo.

Yes that's her 25th gift. On my bicep is made her face with her beautiful smile.
She touched it lightly.

"It must have pained like hell Mahir" she said as her eyes were showing that she's controlling her tears concerned and I chuckled

"Not at all. I loved doing this" I said and she kissed that area.

"I always want you to be with me. Yeah you're always in my heart.. but you know anyone coming near me should be aware that I'm already taken and I'm already fallen for the most beautiful smile and I want you to know this too , that this smile is my favorite and this should never disappear. Happiest birthday heartbeat" I professed and she smiled.

"This is so so much beautiful, but you're lying . It must have hurt you " She said pouting and I smiled

"Not at all Surbhi...it gave me happiness. Trust me" I told and she smiled feeding me the Tiramisu.

"I trust you. But now never do such thing" She warned showing me her finger 

"Didn't you like it" I asked

"I loved it. But I love your biceps more naaa. That's why I said not to ruin them" She said and I chuckled while she took out some cream from tiramisu and applied it on my nose, showing me tongue and ran on the beach

"What the..Surbhi....wait you " I whined and ran behind her, pulling her hand and threw her on my shoulders like a sac.

All I was hearing was her laughter which is my favorite music.

"Hey,Tiramisu is waiting" she said and I laughed

We fed each other the delicious Tiramisu and sat there.

Surbhi rested her head on my shoulder and I intertwined my fingers with her.

"Everything is so good na Mahir." She said and I hummed.

"So My last gift" She asked and I smiled

" But, actually its my first try. I don't know it will be perfect or not... Shall I present it.." I asked and she smiled

"I'll decide that. You just give me my 26th gift" She said forwarding her hand and I held her hand and closed my eyes taking deep breath.

I opened my eyes and started reciting the 26th gift.

It was a poem!!

Yes. I've wrote a poem for her.

I don't know it will be good or not because I've never wrote poems. She's a poetess and I couldn't get any best gift other than reciting my self made poem, dedicated only and only to her. I started reciting the poem.

"Kehte hai dil ek baar toot jaaye...
To judte nahi hai !
Raste ye pyaarr ke phir...
Kahi mudte nahi hai !!
Zindagi me mila dhoka kya...
Zindagi tabah kar jata hai !
Or kya ye dil phir...
Kisi or ko panah nahi de ptaa hai !!
Toot kar sheeshe ki tarah...
Ham bhi bikhar gaye the !
Zindagi ko apnaane se....
Ham bhi mukar gaye the !!
Par har amawas ki raat ke baad...
Ek naya sawera aata hai !
Or is bejaan se dil par se..
Gamo ka pehra hat ta jata hai !!
Haaan,ek vakt tha jab...
Dimag tumhe aam chehre sa jaanta tha !
Par ab dekho na ye dil...
Bas yhi ek chehra dekhna chahta tha !!
Ye Toota kaanch tumhe..
Zakhm bhi kaafi deta tha !
Phir bhi apne haatho se tumne
Is toote dil ko sameta tha !!
Meri duniya me phir dekho...
Khushiyo ki asmat hui hai !
Na jaane kaise par...
Hame tumse sacchi mohobbat hui hai !!
Ek bejaan si zindagi ko...
Naya aakar mila tha !
Bikhri Zindagi ko meri...
Saccha pyaarr mila tha !!
Vishwas ki phir se..
Neev rakhii gayi thi !
Nafrat bhari zindagi mai...
Peerh khatam hui thi !!
Haaan to!
Toote sheeshe ko bhi na...
Phir se joda jaa sakta hai !
Or pyaarr se Phir na..
Band dilo ke darwazo ko khola jaa sakta hai. !!
Is toote kaanch se mere dil ki....
Daraare saari bhari hai !
Or yeh meri ruh bhi..
Ab Tumhari ho gayi hai !!
Or yeh meri ruh bhi.....
Ab Tumhari ho gayi hai !!!!! "

{ English Translation:-
It is said that if heart is broken one time..
It can't be healed!
And the ways of love can..
never ever be fixed !!
Do a betrayal once...
Can over the life !
And this heart then...
couldn't place anyone inside!!
Like a broken glass...
I was also broken !
And live life lovingly..
It didn't ever happen !!
But after every dark night...
A new day comes !
And from this lifeless heart...
The shadows of grief disappears!!
Yes there was a time...
When you were a random face for me !
But look today you're the only face..
That I wanna see !!
This broken glass had...
Given you many pains !
Still you collected those pieces...
By your own bare hands!!
In my life again....
Happiness was showered!
Don't know how but...
I fell in true love !!
A lifeless life ..
got a new curve !
Distorted life of mine...
Got your true love !!
Base of faith and trust...
Was again laid down !
And from this hateful life...
Pain was pushed out !!
Yes,so a broken glass..
Can also be healed !
And by true love..
doors of heart can be revealed !!
Just like broken glass is the heart...
Whose cracks you've filled now !
And this soul of mine..
Have also become yours now !!
And this soul of mine..
Have also become yours now !!!!!}

I recited it to her just looking into her eyes. And I blinked my eyes when I saw a tear had escaped my eye too.

The next I know was she neared me and kissed me.

Firstly I was thinking what happened but then I held her by waist and responded with same love, dedication and passion. We broke away when we were out of breath.

She looked at me and smiled.

"Thankyou is a very small word. I....I'm just blessed to have you. I don't know how lucky I'm. This gift isn't the last one...this will be cherished in my heart forever. Till my last breath. You've expressed yourself in a poem and what more can I wish for. Actually I never wished for this because I never thought you'll write a poem for me. But these last five minutes it seemed as if you've rewinded everything. Thankyouuu so so so much Mahir. Indeed this is the bestest gift I could ever get even from you. All these 25 gifts on one side and this one on one side. I love you so so so much" She whispered and I smiled.

We sat there for some more time and then came back to our suite.

"Hey Surbhi" I suddenly spoke

"Hmm" she replied

"Happiest birthday my love" I said

"Maahir..how many times will you say this" she asked and I smiled

"I was the first one to wish you at 12 and I wanted to be the last one to wish you at 12 " I admitted and she smiled

"Awwee..my baby.I love you soooo much" she whispered

"I love youu tooo Sweetheart " I said and slammed my lips of her.

She responded that much passionately and lovingly.

I don't know what happened to me ; sparks rose in my body and I pulled her more closer to me kissing her neck.

Fuck!! What I've done. I told her I'll not do anything till she's comfortable. Damnnn!!!

"You need not to feel anything. Look at me" she said and I looked at her.

"I'm ready Mahir" she said and I looked shocked at her.

"What..for what" I asked

"For everything " She whispered

She smiled looking at me and I looked at her shocked

"Surbhi, you sure. You know there's no hurry"I said and she chuckled

"I said I'm ready.I want it to happen. Now! I want you!!! " She confessed and the next I know was I slammed my lips on her and picking her up, I went to the bed.

The night was filled with a new energy. We became one soul!!! 

Birthday was her but The happiness I was carrying inside me was just like eternity. Pure bliss !!


I was so so so much happyy. First of all the gifts and the last gift was amazing. He wrote a whole poem on me.
He wrote the journey in words. That's so good.

Last night was the most beautiful night of my life! We became one!

 The feeling was so good. It was a so so good experience.

Yeah!! It pained a lil but the pleasure it gave overpowered everything.

I woke up and blinked my eyes. Mahir was not here. He was in bathroom as I heard shower. I was standing up when I realized that I was not in my clothes,I was in his T- shirt that he wore last night. and I was feeling sore.


"Hey you woke up..stop.stop. Eat this " he said handing me a crêpe.

I blushed really very hard now remembering last night!!

"I don't... " I was saying but before I could complete he shoved it into my mouth.

"No denying Surbhi. Eat this and take this medicine" he said and I looked at the medicine.

I read the name and smiled.

Pain reliever. How sweet of him.

"Is it paining much"He asked concerned and I smiled

"Not much, just a little sore. Will be alright after taking medicine " I said and he kissed my forehead

"I love you " He professed

"Love you more" I replied and smiled

"Our flight is after three hours. Till then rest. All your gifts and shopped items have been sent by private jet" He said and I nodded

After three hours we boarded our flight and went to our premium cabin.

"So how was the honeymoon Mrs.Maheshwari" He asked

"Far more good then I could've ever imagined" I replied and he smiled.

The flight took it's stoppage at Canada and flew towards India.

We did our lunch and were about to sit and watch a movie when there was some hustle and bustle in the galley.

"What has happened " I asked

"Wait,I'll see" Mahir replied 

"What happened" I asked the air hostess who came towards us.

"Mam...medical emergency. A lady is in labor pain" She said

"What...call her here right now. I'm a gynecologist" I told and she looked at me.

"Sorry mam. We need to see your Id" She told

"You're asking her id" Mahir groaned gritting his teeth

"Sir..we're sorry but..." she was saying.

"Cut the crap. That's my id. Now bring her damn it" I yelled showing her my id and she looked shocked at me.

"Ye..yes mam" she said.

In minutes she was here.

"Maah..." I was saying but stopped in between seeing his face.

 His face expressions were changed.
His muscles tensed and fists clenched.

He was looking at the direction of the lady.

God!! What I'm thinking... is it right!!

"Ma..mahir Is she.." I was saying but he completed

"Riddhima " he said.

 His eyes still at one place, emotionless.

Before I could say anything I looked at her. Her eyes were shut tightly in pain and she was shouting in ache.

Damn!!! What a dilemma. What should....
No I've to do this. It's matter of life and When I took my pledge I said I'll treat every patient equally no matter who she is.

I looked at Mahir...and he looked once at me and was going out when I grabbed his hand.

"Stay here Mahir" I said and tears fell from my eyes.

"I can't. I can never. I don't want to see her face. Look. It's your duty do it. I'll not stop it. But I'll not be present here for minute" he said very calmly but damn serious.

"Maahir..please.Think about her...she's in labor" I whispered and he shouted now

"Did she ever think of me. Did she? You can be a mother Teresa. I'm not" he shouted and the air hostesses also frightened.

"Maahir...please.Please. For humanity. For this unborn child. You said you'll always be there when I'll need you. I need you Mahir..please stay. You just sit there at side..but please stay" I told or Literally I begged crying and his eyes softened.

I loosened my grip on his hand and a tear fell his eye.

This is being damn difficult for him. God!!

"You'll do it Surbhi. You'll do it" he whispered wiping my tears while his own eyes were betraying him.

I nodded and looked at Riddhima.

"Bring White sheets fast. " I commanded to an air hostess.

"See.. no panic. In villages still birth takes place at homes and normal delivery. We'll do it. " I guided and they nodded

I took out my emergency kit and gave her an oxytocin injection for vigorous contractions in uterus.

"Riddhima ... look at me. Look at me... see push as much you can. You'll do it. Yeah.. push and don't fade... " I said in her ear

"I can't... I'm dying " she cried

"You've to so this. For the little one come on" I said and she was going to fade out.

"No!! " I whisper yelled as she was closing her eyes!!

"Damnn!!Riddhima ..no.. Riddhima look at me...you've to do this. Remember.. you loved challanges...When everyone said you can't raft the river but you did it!! That's the biggest challenge life has given you and I know you'll do it, Come on "  Mahir encouraged coming and I looked at Riddhima .

She stopped before she fed away.

After some time , there we heard crying.

Cry of The child.

"Congratulations it's a baby girl. " I said and everyone clapped.

Riddhima zoned out now and I looked at Mahir.

I wrapped the newborn in white sheets and went towards Mahir and What I wanted to see was in front of my eyes.

He smiled!! He smiled!!!

"Hold her" I said

"I'll hur.." he was saying

"You won't hurt her ! Just hold" I told and he  nodded.

With trembling hands he held her very carefully and gently.

"You did it" He said

"We did it" I corrected

I went and washed my hands, took bath and came out.

I saw Mahir was holding the infant looking at her smiling.

I looked at Riddhima. She was waking up. She opened her eyes and I went to her.

"Hey.. don't stand up... stay as you're. Congratulations. You're a mother of a baby girl " I said and she smiled weakly.

I looked at Mahir whose emotions again changed.

He came handed the infant to her and turned to me.

"We're shifting our cabin right now" He said looking at me and was going away when Riddhima stopped him.

"I..I'm sorry Ma..Mahir..." she whispered crying

"Surbhi I said let's leave " He told again

"Mahir..once listen to me" she was saying when Mahir cut her off

"Why should I. Did you " He snapped without looking at her.

No!! That's the time. A sign of God. He has to take it all out..and what I can see in Riddhima's eyes is only guilt and guilt.

"Surbhi are you coming or should I go" shouted Mahir

"I'll go. You'll not. Listen to me calmly. You sit here. Talk. Express yourself out. Don't say me that you don't want to because you and me both know how badly you want to. How badly you want the answers of all those questions. Ask her.. and I bet. She'll answer all them honestly" I stated looking at her and she guiltily looked down and tears fell her eyes.

Mahir looked at me shocked and gritted his teeth.

"I want nothing. Life was going great and damnn.. this has to happen" he whisper yelled

"Yesterday in that letter you know, you wrote that I know you better then you know yourself. I know what you're feeling right now. You still think about what happened. What was your mistake. Why you suffered. Here's she. Ask her. And now if you'll say no then Just look into my eyes Mahir and once say.. you don't want the answers of these questions" I demanded making him look at me and he instantly looked away.

"I am not so good Surbhi. I can't give someone the key to again play with me" he whispered and I looked at Riddhima.

Honestly... the anger I'm holding inside myself is more then anyone but my ethics are keeping me down realizing her situation and the guilt in her eyes is genuine.

"I've your heart. I owe your heart right. Do you think I'll let anything happen to your heart again.Remember I told you that if you'll ever fall you'll find me..and Mahir...remember.. You've a golden heart. Go..talk...express...express the anger..frustation...tears...Everything. " I said he looked at me.

He looked at Riddhima who was crying silently.

He left my hand moved towards her with heavy steps.

Come on Surbhi. Now you should go. Give them both space to talk alone. Let them be themselves.

Wiping my tears I was going out when a warm hand grabbed my wrist.

"Mahir I'm just outside " I told without looking at him

"You know we're not different. I'm you only and This I is incomplete without you. You don't need to go anywhere. You'll be here only. Stay here.. " he replied and I smiled turning and held his hand more tightly.

"I'm here only" I assured

He nodded and looked at her.
There was an awkward silence.

"How..how you've been" she asked

"Far better then you left" he spat

"Um...em..I..I'm sorry" She was going to say when Mahir cut her off

"Why you did that Riddhima.Didn't you ever thought that How it will affect me...didn't you ever had a thought before doing all this...or wait..how can forget...you did it purposefully. Ever thought how it affected me.. ever thought what this will make me. You know what it made me. A monster. A monster that hated people. Who hated everyone. Who spitted just venom out of his mouth. And you know what...you made me a lifeless creature!!!!!! You... you..why did you do this Riddhima ..." he accused and a tear left his eye.

 I wiped his tears and held his hand more tightly.

" Was I not enough good as at least a friend. Was All that a lie. Was your happiness with me a lie. Was your crying in front of me whenever your were sad was a lie. Were the efforts you made to bring a smile on my face was lie. Was everything lie and only lie. Was I really a damn it not worth of being loyal,being good. Wasn't I worth a good friend? "He demanded and tears fell down my eyes.

This has to be over today. I can't see him like this.

"You were the most amazing friend one could ever wish for. The thing is I wasn't even worth of being alive" she said silently looking to another side and I looked at her shocked.

Mahir too looked at her in shock.

"What..what do you want to say by this" I asked

"Mahir was always the most amazing person. Such a great best friend one could even not think for. He never even shouted on me, he always protected me. He always told everything to me and more important he understood what I even didn't say. He was always there for me." She said and I looked at her in anger

"Still you did all that to him. Ever for once thought what this will do to a person" I snapped

"I know. I'm very bad. No, actually I'm worst. You know love makes a person blind. It blindfolded me too. I thought everything is going perfect in my life. I thought I'm having the best life. Best lover who can do anything for me. But how wrong I was" she said wiping her tears and Mahir looked at her.

"I'm not saying all this to gain any sympathy from you Mahir. I know I was not worth even talking but you have a great heart and you got someone who have a more great heart then you. Karma is a bitch Mahir. I ripped what I sow. I loved a wrong person. For that one person I did so bad to everyone. I..I did so bad to you. I hurt you so badly.I'm a bitch I know. I'm not worth even being alive" she said and broke down.

Mahir's tensed eyes softened a little.

"Did he do....." he asked

"He left me just two months after I did all this to you. And you know it has to happen with me. I did wrong with you. God did the same with me. I broke you apart and God broke me apart and I don't regret it. It has to be happened with me..after all who can live in peace by hurting a soul like you. " she said wiping her tears.

"Damn him. I knew that son of bastard" Mahir cursed under his breath

"You know, I don't regret that he betrayed me. I don't regret that he broke me apart. What I regret from these many years is I betraying you. I hurting you. I breaking you apart. I making you a person who you never were. I regret everything I did to you. It's been four years and I'm dying everyday thinking myself a bloody bitch to do this" she sobbed

"It's been four years, seven months Riddhima . You know how much, every time I remembered you whenever there was something related to you. And that's too from these days but before that I became such a person that I never was. I treated every person like a shit. I didn't even trust anyone. I...I died Riddhima. But then she came. She healed the pain you gave me. Today also I wouldn't have talked to you. I wasn't even ready to stay here on your delivery, but She stopped me. I don't know what I would've done if she wouldn't have came in my life. Riddhima I died these years thinking I'm not even worth friendship. I'm a toy to use and throw." Mahir cried and I turned myself wiping my tears.

"I'm sorry. I know saying a sorry is very easy from my mouth but The pain I've caused to you is not worthy of forgiving but I've lived all these years in so much guilt of doing all these. Every day I looked at our photos and tears rolled down my eyes thinking how I can be so cruel and stone hearted. I hate myself. I hated myself seeing in the mirror. I'm so so sorry Mahir. I want to tell you one more thing. I know you'll not believe me but I swear on my new born , the days I spent with you, the time I spent with you, the smile that you bought on face was genuine. I never thought this that time. I thought I pretended it , but now when I look back, I see that yeah my friendship with you was based on greed but this all was not fake. I swear this all was not fake" she sobbed and wiped her tears.

I was looking at Mahir. His facial expressions were slowly changing.

"Mahir, you were always the bestest friend that anyone could ever get. It's just I was not worth it. Please forgive me Mahir, please forgive me. At least I'll die in peace" she lamented badly and joining her hands.

"Shut Up Riddhima. What are you saying. You know you're still as dumb as you were. Think about this small life in front of you and stop spilling such words from your mouth. Nothing will happen to you and you'll live a long life for her." Snapped Mahir and I looked at him.

Today he spoke different. He spoke with heart. Before this whenever this topic came his words were always heavy but today he spoke from the core of his heart. 

"I'm sorry Mahir..I'm really sorry. I'm under so much guilt that I can't even look at you. Today also I didn't know you are in this flight. I was fading away when your voice came in my ears. The same Mahir who told me to ride bullet for the first time...who told me to raft a river...who told me that Riddhima is born to accept challenges. You know, I always used to read about you on google and newspapers. I was so so happy for the heights you achieved but when I used to see your face, I knew that's the pain I've given to you . I knew you were like this due to me. I slapped my self sometimes so hard for doing this. It was too late for me too realize your worth..Even sometimes I tried to kill myself.." She was going to say when Mahir shouted

"Are youu madd" he shouted and baby started crying.

"Shit..." I said picking up the baby and cooing her.

"I'm... I'm sorry" he whispered and I smiled at him.

He looked at me and stood up.

"What happened" I asked and he wiped my tears looking back at Riddhima.

"Are you mad Riddhima. You tried to kill yourself." He glared and she looked down wiping her tears.

"You're guilty that your face say. Yes,you did wrong, yes you hurt me badly, but you've regretted it right" Mahir said and she nodded crying

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Mahir" She sobbed

"Why didn't you even try to meet me then" Mahir asked

"With what face I would've met you. I didn't have guts to meet you. I was so ashamed of myself! I still am " she cried and Mahir hugged her tightly.

They both cried silently and I wiped my own tears away.

Tears of sadness seeing Mahir cry and tears of happiness too that finally he has overcome his past.

Maybe that was the only solution. A person has to face something to forget it forever.

Either new memories have to be created to forget bad memories or  A person has to face his past to forget the past. Mahir today faced his past...and I was more happy because today finally he has wiped each and everything bad related to his past from his heart.

"Please don't hate me" She sobbed

"I never hated you Riddhima . I was just angry on you and hurt by you..But you know I have an angel who always told me that when a person realizes his mistake by himself he's forgiven by God too" Mahir said looking at me and I really didn't know why my tears were not stopping.

"She's a gem. I read about her too. Surbhi, I'm your culprit too. Please forgive me. The pain which I saw in his eyes was visible in your eyes too. That's true love. That's you both. You know when I saw your wedding pics, I was so happy because I knew He has got someone who've made him the Mahir he was. I'm sorry Surbhi.. please forgive me" She sobbed and I looked at both of them.

"I was angry on you because I love Mahir and can't see him so vulnerable but today I've no grudges against you...who am I to forgive you Riddhima when he has already forgiven you. And please don't cry now. Not good for your health right now " I told smiling and she looked at Mahir.

"Did you. Really forgive me" she asked and Mahir smiled looking at me.

"My wife never lies" he whispered and my heart fluttered.

"I know I've no rights but can I get my best friend back. I want my best friend back ! " she asked Mahir and he nodded smiling.

Mahir hugged her and wiped his own tears.

"You're married I guess" I asked seeing the nuptial chain on her neck and she nodded.

"Yeah. His name is Abhi. He's a really good guy. Accepted me knowing my past. You know I told him every thing. He always said me to meet you and clear all this but I never had guts" She sighed

"So she's his baby" Mahir asked and she nodded

"Yes, happily his!! I'm married since last two years Mahir." She said and Mahir pouted

"And you didn't even call me at your wedding" He frowned and we all chuckled.

Mahir looked at me and smiled.

"Riddhi you know she's my life. She made me a person back. You know she's the reason I'm smiling today. " he said standing up from there and came to me.

"Thankyou is a small word but yeah thankyou Surbhi you've given me my best friend back and I'm really sorry" told Riddhima and I smiled

"Take rest. As I said crying is not good for newborn and mother..and tell me why you're alone here that too when you were eight months pregnant " I asked

"Actually I was with Abhi's grandmother in Canada and I wanted to surprise Abhi on his birth day that's tomorrow so I thought to go back to India without telling him " She said

"How can you be so careless to travel in this situation Riddhima" scolded Mahir

"No actually my dates were 23 days later . I don't know how" she told

"It happens . Now don't stress and rest" I told and she nodded.

I handed baby to Riddhima and exchanging the contacts, I and Mahir shifted to another cabin when Mahir hugged me tightly!

"What happened Mahir" I asked.

 He didn't say anything but didn't break the hug too.

"Mahir... what happened , you okay" I asked

"When I have you... how I can't be okay. Thankyouu Surbhi. Wait. Thankyou is a very small word. Even if I say thankyou till my last breath its less. You forced me to talk to her. You read what my heart wanted and what my mind denied. You accepted everything what was happening. You trusted me when I wasn't trusting myself, you believed in me whole heartedly. You wiped my tears away. You even wiped my unshed tears. You held me when there was no one to hold me.
 You made me smile when I forget that smile also exist. You hugged me when I needed comfort.

 You're this special one in my life.. and I'm so blessed that you've been my friend, to good friend, to best friend, to my love, to my wife, to my everything. You're that one, only one who've been loving me regardless of my anger, frustration, stupidity. For you it was always me.

You have always been so selfless that You forgot yourself for me. What matters for me in this whole world is you Surbhi. That's my real treasure. That's my real wealth.That's my forever person.
Life has shown me the worst of it , but the best of it is you. You're the girl who made be believe in my old self again. You've not only made me a better person but have also bought the old one that was lost somewhere.

 I'm so lucky that I was healed by a pure soul like you and see today you made me face my past and today my heart feels so so much light that I cant even tell you. Today right now when I'm looking at my past, I'm not remembering anything bad.. I'm remembering just those moments in which I smiled, in which we smiled... in which you entered my life.
My life has never been so good. I owe it to you. The reason of my happiness, I'm still falling for you deeper and deeper. I love you and I don't know how you did all this good to me when I had my own imperfections, My flaws, my silliness. Thankyou! It's you due to whom I can today without any doubt say that I love myself !!I'm in love with my life !!  " He spoke all in one breath and I looked at him.

The words which I wanted to hear from day 1 from him were finally out of his mouth !!

He loves himself !! He's in love with his life !!

"How can you do all this for me ! " He asked  and I looked at him giving my brightest smile.

"I've a very small reason for this" I told

"What" he asked

"Because I'm in love with all your imperfections, your silliness,your flaws, your frowns, your smallest smile and I'm In Love With Every Ounce Of You" I replied and he gave me his million dollar smile.

"That reason is biggest I guess" he said and slammed his lips on mine. I kissed him more passionately pouring my whole love into it.

  Yes!! That is what I prayed.
That is what I wanted to happen.

That is The Mahir which I saw in his own eyes. That's the Mahir of whose hint I got the first day when he spoke with me in the hospital !!

That's the Mahir whom I wanted to fall in love with himself even before me ! I don't think, I can be even more happy for him!!

Thankyou God. Thankyou so very much.

I wanted exactly this to happen. I wanted him to love himself. He's loving himself. That's my biggest victory.

 All what I wanted these days was his happiness. My life resides in him and today once again I fell for him so much.

 Once again I fell for Mahir and I'm sure,

 I'll fall in love with him everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

We both happened in each other's life and this happening is the best happening anyone could see in their life.

Life was just going Mahir......then love came...Because ......




Hey guys... Hope you all are doing great..

So this was it!


I really hope you loved Everything in Surbhi's bday and even the ending!

I hope you all loved the book❤

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