'I Really Like Her'

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Mahir's POV

Today was Aanand and priya's wedding. My both best friends were going to marry each other today.

I was really happy for them.This wedding was going to one of the best weddings.

I was already 6 pm and I decided to get ready.

I was going to be from both bride and groom's side. When barat (groom's wedding procession ) from Aanand's side and then rest from priya's side.

I went to room and changed in my clothes.

My designer knew very well so he chose  perfect formals for me.

After getting ready I went to Aanand.
He was there looking perfect in sherwani(Indian outfit for wedding)

"Hey" I mumbled

"Mahir. It's good that you came. I'm feeling hell nervous." He said.

 His face was telling he was hell nervous.

"You love Priya .Then just think of her and your new journey. Everything will be good" I replied 

These words were not mine.

These were her words. Yeah. Surbhi. She said me once..

If you are nervous or sad about anything. Then just remember the one whom you love.Your sadness..your nervouseness will vanish in seconds.

The girl has questions to my all answers.

"Mahir. Since when you started day dreamimg." Asked Aanand eyeing me

"What..who. I'm not" I said

"You are Mahir Maheshwari.!!! Whom are you thinking about" he smirked

"Shutup and come. It's time for barat." I said and we went downstairs.

We were at his home right now. From his home barat would go to our resorts where reception and all other marriage rituals would take place.

Soon Aanand was on mare. And soon barat was at the gates of resort.

We went inside on stage. It was decorated lavishly. Now I was from bride's side.

"Bye bye Aanand." I said and he made face.

"Don't go buddy" he whined

"My buddy and your future wife is waiting for me." I said and went towards Priya's room when I saw Surbhi's parents.

"Jai Shree Krishna aunty and uncle" I wished touching their feet. 

"Mahir beta. How are you" they asked.

Where is Surbhi. Didn't she come till now.

"I'm good aunty. Where is everyone else.. I mean Bhaiya..bhabhi.. and Surbhi " I asked

"They are on the way. Reaching soon" aunty replied.

"Okay" I said when I heard Priya shouting.

"Somebody call that Mahir Maheshwari here right now." She shouted

"Aunty uncle, see you later " I said and they chuckled

"At your service madam" I bowed entering her room.

 There she was, standing there in her bridal lehenga (Indian outfit). 

 She looked absolutely perfect. Time flies so fast. We were kids. Little Priya in frocks and now this Priya in this wedding attire!

"Want to cry for candies like you did" I smiled handing her the candies. 

"You remembered" she said eating one and I nodded

"I'm hell nervous " she whined and I laughed

"I'm here so much nervous and you are laughing " she frowned 

"Yeah..because before some time your future husband said me the same" I said

"What. Aanand was saying this. Did he have second thoughts for this. I'll not leave that bastard!!" she yelled

What has happened to this girl.

"Priya. Are you mad. Okay come on tell me one thing" I asked and she nodded

"Do you love him" I asked

"What. Of course I love him." She said.

" Yes. So just think of him and your good times. Think about yourself. Think about a future with him. Your nervousness will vanish in seconds" I told and slowly I saw a smile forming on her face.

Surbhi see your effect.

Here as you make people smile.. I am making people smile with your help.

"Mahir. Since when you started day dreaming" asked Priya eyeing me.

What.!! What has happened to Aanand and Priya

"Nothing idiot" I said

"By the way Mahir..from when you started saying so big big things about love" she smirked

Since I have had surbhi. 

"I'm not. Okay.Now come let's go." I said giving her my hand. She smiled and we went towards stage.

Aanand was standing there smiling like a love sick puppy. 

Soon we were on the stage.

I eyed at my surrounding.

Where was Surbhi? Didn't she come till now.

I can't deny. Yeah I was waiting for her.
Soon I saw her coming from entrance.

And as my eyes saw her...

My heart skipped a beat!!

She...she was looking breathtaking.  I couldn't take eyes off her. She looked that beautiful. 

For me now there was no one in this place. It was as if she's only the one present here.

Do  I like someone -  She asked me once

I don't like anyone because I never felt so...  was my reply 

And what she told me was....

When you'll like someone then you'll not find any excuse for this. You'll just like them. You'll just feel to be with them. You'll not see anyone around you. Even in crowd you'll only be able to see the one face.

As always she was right this time also. I had no excuse for not liking her. I want to be with her and see I don't see anyone other than her. I like Surbhi. Yes!!

Mahir maheshwari can you like someone

Yes I can. I am liking her.

I can't deny. I liked her since I saw her first time.

See Mahir. You are liking someone. You too have a heart.

I smiled at myself. This feeling was really special for me. She's really special for me.

Surbhi came near Priya and wished them. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

"Surbhi I want you to meet someone" said Priya

" Hello Mr.Maheshwari" wished Surbhi. 

Mr.Maheshwari. Again. She know I don't like her calling me this!!!

"Surbhi how many times have I told you not to call me Mr.Maheshwari. It looks old" I frowned and saw Surbhi shutting her eyes tightly. 

 Aanand and Priya were seeing us wide eyed.

What happened!!

Oh shit!! shit!! shit!!!

What have I done. I told Surbhi that not to tell Aanand and Priya about we being friends and here I've told myself about this.

"Mahir Maheshwari will you tell what's going on" asked Aanand

"Nothing...we..we..are...I and surbhi know each other from some days and we're friends" I said

"What" shouted Priya. Everyone started looking at us.

"Sush. Priya what are you doing" Surbhi whisper yelled
"Mahir. You didn't tell us. In these years you've not had any friends and when you have one you didn't tell us..and Surbhi even you didn't tell us." Priya frowned

"It's not at all her fault.  I asked her not to tell you because I knew you'll react like this how you reacted just now seeking everyone's attention" I pointed out

"Oops.It's okay .But Mahir you have a female friend other than me. OMG. Is this our Mahir , Aanand. Who don't even speak with girls properly.." she grinned

"See. That's why I didn't want to tell you both" I huffed

"Surbhi. How is he speaking nicely to you" asked Aanand laughing.

"I...I'll just come afterwards. You guys talk and... and carry on" Surbhi stammered and rushed down the stage...

"Surb...Guys what you did" I sighed looking at both of them.

"Ehmm... ehhmm.. So you know Surbhi" Priya smirked

"We'll talk later.It's your wedding" I glared

"Right now. There's time in exchanging garlands" said Aanand

"Fine...listen." I gritted

The next ten minutes went telling them everything from start.

"So. You are talking to her so much" nudged Priya and I nodded

"You know what Mahir. If it wouldn't have been marriage na...I would have screamed loud out of joy that finally Mahir have someone in life" said Priya

"Idiot. What are you saying" I said

"Hmm...You like her. Right" she asked.

How come she know!!

"No..naah.. there's nothing like this. She's just my good friend" I said and before Priya could say anything some of her cousins came to her. She got busy with them.

Thankgod. Where's Surbhi.  What she must be thinking right now. Oh God.

"Hmm..she's just your good friend right Mahir" Aanand asked.

Now he started .

"Do I have to repeat it" I glared

"Ohh..Then who stares their friends constantly since they enter the venue " he asked raising his eyebrow.

Shit. Did he see it.

"What. Who..no..I wasn't " I said

"Did I take your name" he smirked

"You know. You should be in detective agency" I said gritting my teeth

"So you don't deny this right that you like her. " he announced

"Ok fine. Yeah I was seeing her..and Yes I like her. But it's just a liking which will vanish in sometime " I said.

"Bet me Mahir.This time it won't. And I pray that it soon changes into what I think" he smiled tapping my shoulder

What did he mean by this.!!

"Go. I know you want to see her" said Aanand

"Bro. Don't tell Priya about this right now..okay. She will get super excited right now" I told and he chuckled

"Yeah. Okay. Now go , search for her" he smirked and I smiled. 

I went down the stage and saw Surbhi standing at a corner talking to a woman.

"Mrs Mehta you can call the doctor I've told you about. They'll tell you the further procedures " she was talking with someone related to her work.

"Yeah okay" said the lady.

"Surbhi are you free for a minute " I asked

"Okay Dr.Surbhi. thankyou. See you later" the woman said and Surbhi nodded.

After she went away I turned towards her

"I'm sorry for that. I told them...." I tried to say

"It's okay Mahir. I undersatand" she said smiling. 

Don't smile this much Surbhi.  My heart thumps loudly due to this. 

"Hey... what a coincidence.  You and me same color. Wow" I said

"Emm..Yeah. I saw it" she replied. 

"Surbhi.... ...I was..saying.. tha...that.. you look.." I tried to say.

 I couldn't even complete my sentence. I closed my eyes and calmed down after which I looked directly in her eyes.

"Surbhi.. you look breathtakingly beautiful  today" I finally complimented.

She looked down shyly. Her cheeks looked red in shyness.

Don't do this Surbhi. You look more cute doing this. 

"Emmm..thankyou" she said slowly

"Umm...no compliments for me" I asked

"Ooops..sorry. you.. you look  great" she replied                                                               

"Great...I thought you'll say handsome" I smirked

"Yeahh...I mean that only" she said and I smiled at her shyness.

"Surbhi it's time for garland exchange. Come let's go" I told and she nodded

Soon Priya and Aanand exchanged their garlands.

The precious time for taking their was  1:30 Am.

"Surbhi. Come let's have a mocktail" I asked

"No..no..I'm good" she replied

"Comeon Surbhi. Don't deny for this " I said frowning

"Okay. Fine. Don't make this grumpy face" she laughed

"Okay so....Surbhi... I guess we are really very good friends now" I said

"Ohh..and how do you know that" she asked smiling

"Because... I imagine your face and the way you would be saying anything when you message " I said

Yes!! I honestly feel this.

"Then.. I'm sure. We've become really very good friends " she replied and gave me her brightest smile.

Who says there are just seven wonders in this world. Someone just come and see her smile. You'll count it on the top of them.

Soon it was time for Aanand and Priya to take their vows.

They took their vows and Surbhi was looking at them so happily.

"These weddings are so great na" said Surbhi

"Hmm" I hummed!

Honestly..never! That was my thinking!!

"You too must have thought about how you want your wedding to be" I asked her

"Yeah..A sort of" she said.

"Wow..tell me" I asked. Firstly I thought she might not tell me..but she spoke

"First of all. Of course a groom is needed!! I mean someone whom I trust..I like..I adore..and if it's an arranged marriage..someone I would like to spened the rest of my life with! Someone whom I'll love a bit more day by day!! And if love marriage then of course someone whom I love!!
 And secondly I want to feel like the princess  on my wedding day. I want a place like some palace. Some old beautiful spot or a view just like a palace. Wedding is off course one time event! I mean mostly!! So I want to make every dream of mine come true! Each function, each ritual should be so memorable that..I can never forget a bit of it ever!! " she replied

"I hope it come true " I said looking at her.

"I too hope" she told looking at me.

Soon the wedding was over.

Priya bid goodbyes to everyone. And I didn't see her at that time. I know she's very emotional !!And I.. didn't show my emotions to Any One !!!

It was morning 5am. Mom and dad went at night itself.

Even Surbhi's parents went at night.
Surbhi was with divya di.

She told her parents that she'll drop Surbhi at home in morning. 

After some time I came home and thinking about Surbhi I drifted in sleep.
Can I be more happy.

You don't deserve happiness.

You don't deserve anyone. You don't deserve friends.. you don't deserve love..There's just one thing good in you.. your money and looks...nothing else.

You are useless and wait...I'm happy that I'm not your friend anymore. Because you are good for nothing more than being used Mahir.

Get the hell out of my life and never show your face again

These words started ringing in my ears.

No..this is not good.

I opened my eyes. It was a nightmare...

No Mahir. It was reality.

It has happened with you and every word of this was correct.

You don't deserve anyone Mahir. You are of no use...You are......

How can you like someone Mahir. NO.. you can't. 

You can't open the doors of your heart.

I can't like anyone... I can never....

I thought this and saw my phone.

I have to go away from here for few days.

I can't talk to her..I can't see her..


I don't deserve to like her.

"Hey Mahir. You woke up or not " it was her message. I took a deep breath and looked at the message.

"Surbhi. I'm going Out of India today only. So don't try on this number. I'll not be available for days" I replied and switched off the phone.

I got ready as soon as possible and went downstairs!

"Mom I've important meetings..so I'll be in London for 15 days and I'm going today itself " I announced and went outside.

I've to go away from all this. I've to go away from her.

I can't face this all once more.

 She was right. I don't deserve friends.

 I don't deserve Surbhi!!


Hey guys... Hope you all are doing great..

So how's book going on till now... Hope you are loving it...

But what was this!

Just now, Mahir realised that he feels something for Surbhi and now he left! 🥺

Let's see what's next!

Do vote, like, share & reviews are always welcomed!

Update soon!!

Till then...

Big hugs ❤

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