Chapter 13

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Manik's POV

It was pouring since the last few days and our exams were on in full swing. We finally had managed to sail (well, not exactly smooth sail) through most of papers but made it a point to study for the next in OUR special place. Yep, I had finally accepted it. It was our place now!

Nandini was seeming a little disconnected for the past few days but I presumed it was the pressure and the tension that had caught on and she would be resume to be her happy self as soon as they got done

Finally, it was time for the last paper and as luck would have it, we both had the simplest subjects lined up. And the paper was five days away! Honestly speaking, there was absolutely no need to study in our passageway now. We could have very well managed to brush up on the subjects even in the canteen. But we were so used to the place and I guess, each other that we ended up there once again

I knew I somewhere had to move beyond this conversation around studies and just get to know her better. I had tried striking up something in the last few days but hadn't quite succeeded. She was mostly quiet because of the stupid papers I am assuming. 

But today was a different day, I could probably try today since she wouldn't be as stressed. After all, she herself had admitted that she could get through this subject even in her sleep. Go for the kill, Manik! I stood up, took a deep breath and walked up to her

Suddenly, the passageway lit up with a bright flash of lightning and thunder rattled the windowpanes. The rain had gotten worse. Great, first this stupid education system and now the rain gods were against me! But I knew we had to get out of here

"Nandini, I think we should head home. The weather is only going to get worse" I said and she nodded.

Nandini's POV

We rushed down and the college was almost empty.

'How are you going to go home?" he asked me.

"Ill take a cab" I said 

"Don't be silly. Its too risky. Ill drop you in my car"

"No, I'll call Abhi" and dialled his no. But the number was unreachable. Manik waited for sometime and then said, "Come"

"But.." I started. That's the last thing I wanted. I really needed to maintain some distance till I figured why everything that Soha had told me still bothered me

"Please, Nandini. I doubt you will get any public transport in this rain. Just come with me"

Another bolt of thunderous lightning and that was enough to shut me and any argument that was cropping in my head. 

I quietly sat in the car, once again pondering over the monologue that Soha had delivered that day. It had been affecting me since then and I really couldn't get my head around it. Though I kept myself preoccupied with studies, not that I had much of a choice on that, but it was nagging me, always lingering somewhere at the back of my head

I looked over at Manik who was firmly wading his car through the pool of water that was gathered around. He belonged to someone else? My heart still refused to accept.

But maybe, a thought cropped up, it was all in her head. I mean, if Manik was so concerned about her and if he did like her, he would hang out with her and not me, right? I should just talk to him about it, clear it all out but we aren't close enough for him to give me any kind of a justification. I mean what were we? Study buddies!

"I don't know where you stay. You will need to help me with the directions" he interrupted my chain of thoughts and I spent the rest of the journey helping him with the roads.

The rains were at its extreme peak by the time we reached my place. It was impossible to spot anything on the road.

"So I'll see you tomorrow? Hopefully the weather would have calmed down" he said as he stopped the car.

"Where do you stay, Manik" I answered him with a question

'A distance away. Should take about 45 minutes to reach but don't worry, Ill message when I do" he guessed the cause of my worry

"You cant possibly drive for that long in this weather. Just come home"

"No no! Don't be silly. Ill manage just fine. We are used to such obnoxious rains"

"Manik, please don't argue with me on this one. I am not letting you go. Come home with me. You can leave once the rain subsides" I could also be stubborn when I needed to be.

"I don't care if he is yours, Soha. Right now, he is my friend and I am extremely concerned for him" I thought to myself

"Okay. Don't get all wild on me. Let's go" He smiled as he parked the car in my building garage and followed me to the apartment

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