Chapter 19

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Manik's POV

I had to tell her, I thought to myself, as I let the hot water wash away my fear. She deserves and needs to know if she has to continue being in my life. 

But doesn't she deserve a happy ending? After what she has been through, what if she doesn't want to be with me? Then you have to be strong, Manik. I firmed up my mind and walked out

There she was standing like an – no – MY angel – ready to hear me justify my sudden outburst

As soon as I mentioned that he isn't my real dad. I could feel her hands stop brushing my hair momentarily. It was obvious. The truth is always so harsh

But she continued soon and said softly "Explain what you mean by that, Manik"

"I...He...My mother was married to someone else before my dad. That jerk left her for a better opportunity or a woman, I don't know the real reason. But my mother was already pregnant..with me. I really don't know the circumstances but apparently my dad took her and me in"

I turned away from her

"But Manik, that's good. Why are you so upset over it?"

"Because he isn't my dad, Nandini" I asserted "He took us in because he took pity on a poor pregnant women" my tone was getting harsher as I relived the pain all over again

"He probably didn't want us; probably didn't want me and now here I am – a huge burden in his life"

She was quiet and I turned to look at her again but couldn't make out her expressions. Was she already rethinking our relationship?

"Nandini.." I began

"Manik, let it go. Whatever is there in your heart. Don't keep anything in. I am not going anywhere" she smiled reassuringly as she took my hands in hers

I tentatively smiled at her and let go off my fears –how I didn't have the courage to confront him and ask him in what circumstances I was taken in; how I felt guilty that I had ruined someone's life; how I didn't have his but some random jerk's blood running through my veins; how he wanted me to take over the business but I felt I didn't deserve to

"I am technically an orphan right?" I ended

"Manik" she said sharply "Don't call yourself that"

Nandini's POV

How fragile he had become as he re-experienced his life and his pain all over again. I wanted to interrupt and tell him so many things – how lucky he was; how he was misunderstanding the situation but I knew he had some built-up pain over so many years that he first had to talk about it – let it out of his system. So I let him speak

But I felt the need to intervene when he called himself an orphan. It was such a harsh word to use. He looked up at me, clearly shocked at the tone of my voice but I had to stop him somewhere.

I softened my tone again "Manik, I don't think I or anyone can ever understand the pain you are going through" I said "But right now, all what you said is based on assumptions. You should go and talk to your dad about it"

"Nandini, you don't understand. I wasn't meant to know. I overheard some of my relatives talking about it. It was an accident and I am sure he won't appreciate the sudden confrontation" he said

"Even if was unintentional, you did still find out. And to find and make your peace with it, you should go and talk to him"

When he didn't look convinced, I continued

"Manik, first things first, you are not at fault here so stop feeling guilty about it. You were not responsible for what happened to your mother, what that idiot did to her. Secondly, from what you have told me, I really don't think your dad took you in as a favour to you or your mom. Why else would he offer his business to you? And they could have put you up for adoption, sent you to a boarding school – there are so many ways to keep a distance from someone you don't want in your life. Look at me. Look what my dad did to me. My dad left his only child and just flew off to Singapore. And I am his real daughter, so to say"

He was slowly nodding his head, letting it all sink in

"My chachi wasn't related to me by blood. But today – she is my mother, my life, my world. That's the reason I shifted to Mumbai. I couldn't stay in the same house after she left. Too many memories haunted me. Similarly, you have your dad who made you who you are today. Don't let a theory ruin your relationship. You are lucky to have your parents around you. Don't let it all go to waste"

Finally,I saw a slow smile crop up. He seemed to have understood my point

"You are right, Nandini. Is it really as simple as you make it sound? How could I not see it?"

"Because before this, you hadn't met a sensible person like me" I teased him. He laughed at that and I saw MY Manik coming back to me again

"You know you can thank me with an expensive gift," I continued with the light mood cause I didn't want him to get back to being depressed again "I love diamonds or you can buy me the new i-pad or.."

"Nandini, I Love you" he suddenly confessed and I looked at him in shock. It was too sudden

"I have fallen for you, Nandini" he went on to say "You may think its too soon but I havent been so sure about anything in my life. Since the day I have met you, I have only looked forward to seeing you, hearing your voice; watching you smile every single day and I think – actually I know I want to spend the rest of my life doing just that. You bring me the peace I needed in my life, the happiness I have been craving for, the contentment that I desperately wanted. You complete me, Nandini. My heart wants to beat only for you, always"

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