Chapter 25

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Manik's POV

All the stalking on Facebook and Twitter had paid off. From there, I had figured her favourite song and had practiced it all night long till I thought it was close to the original. I knew she was loving every minute of what I had to offer her and her expressions while I was singing said it all

But what I had not predicted was the pacing of my heartbeat when I saw her standing there. As she stood there in the darkness, the stars lighting up a part of her face, she looked nothing less than an angel and I just wanted to wrap her up in my arms and never let go. I had planned to play some more songs for her but I couldn't stay away from her anymore

As we danced into the night, I kissed her forehead and moved my hands across her back, exploring her body. She shivered under my touch as her breathing got uneven. She closed her eyes, lifted her chin up anticipating a kiss and I couldn't disappoint her. As my lips took hers, they remembered each other and soon took over from us. What had started as a quick peck soon turned into a passionate one as we kissed against the most perfect setting and I prayed that each kiss of ours would be as magical as this.

We broke the kiss as I traced my lips down her neck; taking in her scent, tasting her and I could feel her breathing getting heavier. I planted small little kisses in and around her neck as I found myself going lower and lower.  Suddenly, I realized what I was doing and a small voice in my head asked me to stop. Reluctantly and with great difficulty, I looked back into her eyes and we longingly looked at each other still wanting more. But before we could react to our desires, my phone rang, ruining the moment yet again. I contemplated not taking it but I recognized the ring tone. It was my mom and I remembered that I hadn't told her that I was going to be late. I mentally slapped myself

"Yeah mom, sorry. Ill be late...."I started

"Manik, not today. I need you to come home right now" she sounded extremely serious

"What happened? Is everything alright? Is dad okay?" I asked anxious

"Yes but there is some other concern and its better if we talk about it, so come home. Dad wants to talk to you" and hung up

Nandini's POV

I was still blushing over what had happened. We had lost control and I wondered what would have happened if the phone hadn't beeped. Just as I was getting over the rush, I saw him worried as he spoke over the phone

"Manik, is everything alright?" I asked

"I am not so sure. Listen, sorry to break this up but my parents need me home. I don't know why. But we will have to leave" he looked a little lost

"Of course, lets go" and we immediately left from there. He was quiet throughout the journey and I could see that he was tensed.

I put my hand over his hand as he clutched the gear "Manik, don't worry"

"Nandini, what if they have figured that I know" he said "I am not ready for this"

"Just be honest. That will help and listen to what they have to say"

He tentatively smiled at me and concentrated back on the road. He dropped me off and after a quick tight hug and an assurance that he will call me the minute he could, he left

I got home with a whole lot of mixed feelings. While a part of me was happy with everything that he had done – the place, my fav song, his melodious voice, the kiss – I was also extremely worried for him.

Just then Abhi rang up

"Hey Nandini, have you reached home or are you still out?"

"Just got home, Abhi"

"Great. Then Aaliya and I are coming over and bringing a surprise. We are about ten minutes away" he said enthusiastically and hung up

Surprise?! What could it be? Honestly, I didn't want any surprises right now. Manik was the only thing on my mind

In about ten minutes, the doorbell rang and I opened to find Aaliya and Abhi waiting outside with a huge triumphant grin on their faces

"Hey guys. Come in" I said but Aaliya spoke up before that

"Nandini, we have a surprise for you" And she moved to reveal the one person I didn't want to see right now - Soha

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