Chapter 44

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Nandini's POV

"Nandini" Mukti asked me softly "What happened?"

I turned to her; trying to figure the best way to tell her that Harshad was upto his stupid antics again but before I could find the right words, she said

"Harshad said something nasty, didn't he? I have told him so many times to keep his distance from you but he just doesn't get it" she looked slightly miffed

I looked at her in surprise "You asked him to stay away from me?"

"Well, yes. I can see that he annoys you. I mean, that's the least he can do for me, right? After all that he has put me through" hurt clearly visible in her eyes

"Mukti" I took her hands in mine "Please tell me you are over him. Please. He wasn't ..isnt worth it"

"Its fine, Nandini" she put up her guard again; just when I thought she was opening up to me.

I sighed and left her hands. I really wish things could go back to normal

"Manik is really pissed, isn't he?" she asked changing the topic. I nodded "He is just concerned for me"

"You are lucky to have found someone who cares" her eyes meeting mine and I really didn't what to make of her expressions

"NANDINI", I heard Manik shout my name. I turned to follow his voice but stopped, speaking to Mukti again "I know things haven't been the same with us, Mukti but you should know that you will always be my closest buddy and I am literally a call away whenever you need me" and left, not wanting to put her in a spot

Manik's POV


Thank god for my obsession with Nandini that I started missing her the moment I went over to resolve "the conflict". I heard her stern voice as soon as I reached one of the rooms and reached just in time to avoid the evitable

I cannot even begin to explain the rage; the frenzy I went through when I saw him rushing towards her and trust me, I had to use all of my energy to stop myself from hitting him. Anyone, with an exception of Nandini, who would have strayed down my path at that time, would have seen a side of me that no one had ever witnessed. Not even Nandini

I walked out to the main door only to notice that Nandini hadn't followed me. I had to get out of here before I said or did something that I would regret later. I waited impatiently for sometime but shouted her name when I couldn't take it anymore

She ran upto me and was shocked to see me still reeling in anger. She took my hand and said "Manik, please calm down. Its over"

"We need to leave, Nandini" I growled and started leading her out

"You guys are going somewhere?" Cabir had just walked to the living room.

"Manik and I are just stepping out to buy a few groceries for the house" Nandini made up an excuse

"No. There is something else" Cabir said looking at me. I guess I wasn't good in masking my feelings

"Cabir, I just need sometime to cool down" I admitted

"Oh. Ok. Can I help?" he persisted.

Nandini shook her head on my behalf but looked at me and whispered "If you leave with me, then you are just going to relive it all over again. Do you want Cabir to go with you?"

I was surprised at that suggestion but it did make a little sense "I need you" I insisted "But Cabir can come along"

" guys do know that I can hear you right? Inspite of all the whispering" he said awkwardly but grinning just the same

I snorted inspite of the anger and walked out with Nandini

"Navya, Ill be right back. Going out with Manik and Nandu to pick up a few things" Cabir shouted as he stepped out

We rode in silence; not an uncomfortable one. I knew they were just giving me some space and I was a grateful. Finally Nandini decided to ask me "Manik, better?" she asked softly, worry clearly visible in her eyes

"Yeah" and looked at Cabir who was driving. Nandini wouldn't let me drive when I was in that mood

"Cabir. What's with this Harshad?" I asked him

If he was shocked or weirded out by question, he didn't show it

"Well, if you ask me honestly, I can only about tolerate him. He tags along everywhere we go; mostly because of Mukti. I don't quite know what's going on there, she doesn't tell us but she seems to want him around. And she has been through enough for us to question her. I just need to keep him at bay and ensure he doesn't harm her" he spoke nonchalantly

I looked over at Nandini who seemed a little taken aback with this. Clearly, she had never asked him about this before

"Wait a minute. Did he do anything?" Cabir asked; his tone sharper this time

I narrated what had happened and his jaw tightened. "He is sly one that much I know but don't let me get to you, Manik. He is not worth wasting your time and don't worry, you and I will always be around Nandini so let him just try but Nandu, you try and stay clear off him. He has clearly got it for you" I was touched by his concern for her and that helped me cool down quite a bit

"So let's go and buy those groceries we came out to buy" I said and Cabir laughed "Thanks to you, we got ourselves into this mess"

"Dude, you could have changed the excuse. You shouldn't have gone along" I snickered

"Riiggghtttt. Blame the innocent now" he said rolling his eyes and I slapped his back and bounced back on my seat thinking. So this Harshad was definitely going to a pain but with Cabir by my side, I knew I could manage. Maybe I could bring Abhi into the team as well. That reminded me

"Hey Cabir. You guys need to meet our set of friends here. They are a cool bunch and am sure you will hit it off"

"The more the merrier" was his response. "Let's hit some pub tonight and ask them to join?"

"Sounds like a plan" I answered and saw Nandini smiling back at me. She obviously loved the plan. Though I did notice a tinge of worry on her face. At first I thought it was because of me but I was more than relaxed now so what was it that was bothering her?

I questioned her with my eyes but she just shook her head, her eyes telling me another story but just because I was comfortable speaking my mind in front of Cabir doesn't mean she was too so I let it be..for now

We – well Nandini shopped only for the essentials according to her but to me, it looked like she was setting up a new house. Cabir and I spent most of our quality time grumbling and whining and by the time we reached back, we were exhausted. It was like we had carried back three full bags of stones

Navya squealed in glee as soon as she saw the bags and started sorting it out immediately with Nandini. Cabir just went and hit the bed. Dhruv and thankfully, Harshad were no where to be seen. I spotted Mukti in the corner; observing Nandini and Navya with a bemused expression and I remembered that I was rude to her earlier.

"You clearly are not interested in this" I walked up to her; nodding my head towards Nandini and Navya

"Just not my scene" she agreed and smiled at me

"Hey. I believe an apology is in order, you know, for earlier today. I was just a little...disturbed" I added

"Its fine" She looked away and didn't look like she was interested to talk about so imagine my surprise when she said "I know that Harshad would have initiated it. He doesn't know when to shut up"

Ok, I knew she would accept my apology but I didn't expect her to put it on Harshad.

"Well, yeah" I agreed but didn't elaborate and there was an uncomfortable silence that loomed in. I wanted to say so many things but I knew it wasn't my place to do so. As if reading my thoughts, she said "I know Nandini must have told you everything. I just wanted you to know that I am not mad or angry at her. I am just in a messed up situation right now and no one can help me out. Not even Nandini"

"Mukti, Harshad blackmailing you or something?" I could sense my anger coming back

"What? No. No. He wouldn't dare" I could almost hear the smirk in her voice "Its..just.." she looked at me, unsure if she could trust me

I put my hand on her shoulder and said "I know we have just met but I can assure you that I'll be worth your trust"

She smiled in relief and said cautiously "I don't think I am over him. When he isn't around, I want him to be there and when he is, I feel like strangling him" she looked over at me again and asked "Does that make sense?"

"Well no" I admitted; shrugging my shoulders and she laughed "But if you can elaborate, then I can try and help you"

She glanced at Nandini and Navya once and beckoned me to follow her in the balcony

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