Chapter 48

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Nandini's POV

It was such a happy sight. All my friends surrounding me, having fun. This was the life that I always wanted. I looked over at Manik and he was laughing at something Cabir had said and I totally got lost in his laughter. I always knew Manik was good looking but he was looking extra ordinarily handsome today. He had the perfect jawline, a smile that reached his eyes. He hadn't shaved so had grown a stubble and I blushed remembering how it felt against me earlier.

He turned to me then and caught me staring "Like what you see?" he smirked

I could feel my cheeks turning red but I had learnt to maneuver Manik's teasing "Yes. Lovvveeeee it" I gave it right back

He was definitely amused as he raised his eyebrows leaning towards me "I love this confident Nandu" he whispered and I could feel his breath on me, making me weak in my knees. I really wondered when would I get over these little sensations that took over when Manik was near me.

Guessing the effects he was having on me, Manik, instead of moving back, brought his chair closer and put his hand over my waist, drawing circles against my skin. I glanced at him and he had his usual tease smirk. Well, Mr. Malhotra, two could play this game. I put my hand on his thighs and started tracing my fingers in an upwards and downwards motion, slowly yet steadily. His reaction was just as I expected. He instantly drew in a sharp breath and I laughed softly

"Well played, partner' he growled

"Guys, the music here is brilliant" Aaliya said "Lets go shake a leg" and everyone murmured a yes

I got up on my feet expecting Manik to do the same but he just stayed glued to his seat.

"Manik? Get up" I told him

"Nandini, I don't dance. Not in a public place at least"

"What? But I love to dance. You have to dance with me comeon" I insisted

"Baby, Ill put up a private performance for you when we get home. But not here. I don't want to embarrass me or you" he begged

"Manik, its not like anyone is going to look at us. There are so many people dancing. And you just have to sway to the beats, not put up an award winning act" I rolled my eyes at him. Such a child he could be sometime "Pleaaassssseeeeeeee Manik, for me"

"Really Nandini? Off all the things you can ask from me, you want a silly dance?"

"See, I am such a non fussy girlfriend. All I want is a dance. Pleaseeeee" I pleaded once again, giving him my puppy eyes

"God Nandini" he groaned "Sometimes I really think you take advantage of the effect you have on me" who could say no to those eyes

"And you are someone to speak" I said, referring to his earlier teasing. He chuckled as he got up from the seat

The dance floor was packed, thanks to the amazing music and Manik and I had to squeeze in to find some space. As we took to the music, I noticed that Manik was dancing really well, infact better than most of the guys who were failing miserably. Sigh! There wasn't one thing that this guy wasn't perfect at

We lost the others in the crowd but were content just being with each other. He immediately put his arms around me, drawing me closer and I snaked up my arms around his waist. I could never get used to this feeling. Suddenly I felt a strong push "Ouch" I shouted to look behind at the guy who did that

"Sorry baby doll. Didn't mean to" the guy said but I could feel his eyes checking me out. I felt repulsed and got myself closer to Manik

"Watch it, dude" I heard Manik snarl at him

"Relax. I was just checking how hot your girlfriend is. You are one lucky guy. I could do with a chick like that. Right guys?" that guy told some people who were behind him. They stopped dancing and were now facing us. They were clearly drunk and reeked of alcohol.

Manik held me by my waist and pushed me behind him "Keep your distance" his voice threatening

"Manik, whats up?" I saw Arayaman coming and standing next to us. Where did he emerge from?

"Really. Are you going to fight us?" one of them sneered. I could see Manik rolling up his fists and I was happy that I couldn't see his expressions. I really didn't want to a fight to erupt and was wondering if I should leave and gather the rest. But by then, sensing some trouble, the others caught up with us

Looking at the number of people now, the guy and his friends backed off, leaving the dance floor

Manik turned to Aryaman and said "Sometimes it helps that you can't stop watching us" Aryaman looked embarrassed but I was confused. What did that even mean? Before I could say anything, the manager walked up to us, checking if everything was alright and while the boys were managing that, I excused myself to the use the restroom and Aaliya followed

"Wow. What drama" she said

"Yeah. Such idiots those guys were. Thank god for Manik" I was honestly grateful for him, again!

"Nandini, I meant to tell you. I have been observing Manik today and I am still amazed at the change. He is laughing, teasing, joking and pulling people's legs, hell he was even dancing! It's like a different person altogether" she laughed and sobered up to say "You should have seen him earlier. He was always drawn into his own shell. He never spoke unless he was spoken to, never came out with us so you have no idea how happy we are to see him like this. All thanks to you" she said taking my hands in hers

"Aaliya. I have a feeling that this Manik is the real Manik and I had nothing to do with it. But yeah, I am glad he is happy and you should know that he makes me equally happy" I smiled back at her and then something struck me

"Errr...wait a minute. You have been observing Manik? Now isn't that a blatant lie. You couldn't get your eyes off Dhruv for even a minute" I accused her

She blushed almost immediately "He is one of the sweetest guys I have come across" she said softly

"Of course he is" I didn't leave a moment to tease her

"You know. I was planning to pursue my further studies in Delhi and he has promised to help out"

"Aaah. Future planning and all"

"Whatever. I am going out now. Join me soon?" I nodded happy for them but suddenly stiffened as Mukti walked in

"Hi" I mumbled, ready to leave

"Nandini, can we speak?" she asked. Surprised, I turned to look at her "Sure"

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