Chapter 8: A Demi-goddess and a Dragon

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After help all the villagers pack up there things into wagons they soon started off with the NATO scouts escourting them. The plan was to get the villagers away to a safe location where the dragon couldn't get them but, not everything in a plan goes smoothly. Some of the carts the villagers were using had their axels broken and they could no longer carry very many items with them and were forced to burn the cart so the items would be stolen. 

Ethan was currently sitting in the passenger seat of the command jeep while Manfred was at the wheel driving Ethan, Rex, and Nichols and the Marine lieutenant sighed as he rubbed his eyes to stay awake. 

"You alright lieutenant?" Rex asked. "You seem tired." 

"It is because I am." Ethan replied. "Trying to move all these villagers to a safer location is a lot of work and is very slow." 

"Well, what did you expect it to go faster?" Rex said. "I don't think that is possible with horse wagons with horses pulling them." 

"Yeah, why can't we radio HQ to send out some more support?" Nichols asked.

"Well, you see that would attract more attention." Ethan answered. "I mean the enemy might let a few of our vehicles slip by but anymore and then they would become suspicious and send an attack force after us and if that were to happen, we call it in and repel them and then we would leave a bad reputation for the people of this world and peace wouldn't be possible."

"Well lieutenant, that was quiet the answer." Nichols said. "I never thought you could think about the effects of the decisions we make."

"I only state facts." Ethan said. "Though call in some air support, I would like for our air boys to keep the sky's clear for us just in case."  

"Right away." Nichols said and radioed command to send them air support to keep the sky above their heads clear. 

"So, what exactly do we do if a dragon attacks us?" Manfred asked as they kept going as a slow pace. 

"*sigh* We do the best we can to keep it off the villagers." Ethan answered. "Besides we have tanks rolling with us, I'm pretty sure they can take it out if one is dumb enough to attack us." 

"Well, I wouldn't exactly call them dumb lieutenant." Manfred said. "It's just survival instinct for them to attack prey." 

"If even one of those damn things try to eat us, I will not hesitate to engulf it in napalm." Ethan said in a threatening manner. "If I know one thing napalm will burn through anything." 

Manfred then leaned a little bit away from the marine lieutenant as he thought he could see a dark aura surrounding him and a look of murderous intent on his face. But then Manfred looked out in front again and had to slam on the breaks and on instinct everyone grabbed onto something to avoid sliding forward. However, Ethan was just barely in time to grab the base of the dash to avoid hitting his head on it.

"Manfred, what the hell was that about!?!" Ethan asked furious. 

"I don't know, the front vehicles just happened to stop without warning!" Manfred answered. Then Ethan picked up a portable radio to contact the M48 Patton tank. 

"Okay seriously, why are you stopping now tank 153?" Ethan asked clearly angered and soon the tank commander replied back.

"Well, you see sir we have a bit of a situation up here." The tank commander said in a odd tone. Ethan then stood from his seat and looked through his binoculars to see what exactly was holding up the column. At first, he didn't really see anything but then a bunch of crows started flying in circles just a little bit away from the front of the column. 

"Crows?" Ethan questioned himself. Just then he saw part of a big metal axe which shocked him a little bit as he stopped looking through the binoculars and then looked through them again and saw a long black hair little girl dressed in dark gothic clothing consisting of a black dress complete with red outlining and red shoes and something else on her head that looked like a hair bow. "Um... there's a little gothic girl up ahead of us."

(You probably know who this is... Its Rory Mercury...)

"VHAT?!" Manfred exclaimed and pulled out his binoculars to see the young girl staring at the convoy. "Oh no..."

"What's the matter afraid of little girls huh German?" Rex asked the nervous German who was now sweating a little. 

"Nien!" Manfred replied frantically. "But if she is wielding a weapon that's twice her height and weight, there's a possibly there is more to her then you think."

"Oh please, what could she do to threaten us?" Rex asked.

Just then the little girl stood up and started walking towards the rather large convoy. 

"(Where did you come from?)" The girl asked. "(Where are you going?)" 

"Um... she looks like trouble." Ethan muttered.

"Vhat did she say?" Manfred asked.

"I don't know, I didn't catch it." Ethan replied. Suddenly the back doors on the half-track behind the jeep sudden opened and out came numbers of children and adults as they ran to meet the mystery girl calling her the 'oracle'. "Oracle?"

"(Where are you from?)" The girl asked.

"(Coda village ma'am.)" One of the children answered. 

"(There was a fire dragon that was closing in on our village, so we evacuated.)" Another villager added. 

"(I see.)" The Oracle said. 

"It looks like they are praying to her." Rex said.

"I guess there's a religious reason for that outfit of hers." Ethan said. As soon as he said that the Oracle then looks to the WW2 Veteran sitting in the jeep. She then approached the lead jeep and stopped just beside it. 

"(Who are these people with you?)" The Oracle asked.

"(They are the ones who helped us evacuate, these are the good guys.)" A young villager replied.

"(And you're sure they aren't forcing you against your will?)" The Oracle asked. 

"(Nope!)" The young villager replied.

"(So how is this thing moving without any horses?)" The Oracle asked. 

"(I don't know, but one thing is for sure it is way more comfortable than a carriage.)" the kid commented. 

"(Comfortable huh? ~)" The Oracle said as she licks her lips and then turned to Ethan. "(Well, I want to try it for myself.)"

"(Um...hello.)" Ethan said. The Oracle then gave the marine a seductive smile as she then sat in the lap. "Uh can't sit there..." 

"You're not getting any ideas are you Lieutenant?" Manfred asked. 

"This is not what it looks like!" Ethan cried out. "I'm not enjoying this!"

"Um sir?" Manfred said as she saw the young girl reaching for his M1911A1. 

"Hey don't touch that!" Ethan cried out. "That's my side arm!"

A little while later... 

After the little accident Ethan had no choice but to let the young girl sit in his lap as he couldn't force her off. Although the veteran marine didn't like the position, he was in some of his squad mates couldn't help but grin at him. But he did warn them to not make joke about what he was doing, or he would report them to the higher ups. Because of that it quickly made the others keep their mouths shut. 

"Ugh... this is literally the worst." Ethan groaned.

"Oh, come on lieutenant, it can't be that bad." Manfred said. 

"That's easy for you to say, you don't have a little girl sitting in your lap!" Ethan replied as he whipped sweat off his forehead. "I'm just hoping this evac goes smoothly with no errors." 

"I hear you their sir, it's pretty hot up here." Manfred said. 

"*Sigh* You're not wrong, it's almost as hot as it was on Okinawa." Ethan commented. But as he looked back at the mountains, he then saw something coming out of the sun. At first, he thought it was just a big bird but then he realized that it was a dragon that the roman dudes rode on. But as it came closer a bigger red dragon sudden came out of nowhere and killed the smaller dragon in one bite. "S**t, WE GOT CONTACT FROM THE REAR!!" 


'I was looking forward to see a dragon, but now is not the time!' Manfred thought to himself. Soon the dragon started breathing fire down on the convoy killing some of the villagers. "WE NEED TO GET THAT THINGS ATTENTION!!!"


Soon the sound of machine guns, SMG's, Rifles and even AA guns from the convoy opened up on the giant beast. Not too long after the dragon seemed to turn its attention to the NATO convoy as it then started to shoot flames from its mouth at the vehicles.  Luckly the vehicles took evasive action to avoid the hot fire from the dragon's mouth. 

"God damn that fire is hot!" Ethan cried out.

"Well, it's called a fire dragon for a reason my friend!" Manfred shouted. Just then in the back of the command Jeep the young elf girl suddenly sat up as she saw all the commotion going on around her. She then looked to the guy in the front see of the cab and saw that he was using a weapon of sorts against the fire dragon, but he wasn't hitting it in the right place. The young girl then grabbed the man by his right shoulder and yanked him to look at him and then started yelling in her native language. But as she was yelling at him it looked as if he didn't know what she was trying to say to him.

"Miss what are you trying to say to me?!?!" Ethan exclaimed. The elf girl then got desperate and pointed to her right eye while still talking in her native voice to the man. At first it looked like the man wouldn't get what she was saying until he saw her pointing to her eye. "Wait, I think I know what you're saying!" 

"Everyone aim for the dragon's eyes!" Ethan ordered to everyone.

"Copy that sir!" Rex replied. Soon Everyone was shooting at the dragon's eyes and that soon got it distracted as the two tanks in the convoy took aim at the dragon. 

The British centurion then parked on a nearby hill in order to have a better shot at the big beast and the M48 Patton did the same thing parking near the Centurion. First the British tank fired first although the shot just missed the dragon's mid-section and hit the mountain behind it. The M48 then fired a shot as well but it looked like it was also going to miss, until a certain gothic girl jumped to the roof of the vehicle she was in and threw her halberd at the dragon's head causing it to lose its wing balance causing it to fly right into the path of the 90mm amor piercing shell. The round hit the dragon in its left arm exploding on impact causing the dragon to cry out in pain. 

The arm of the dragon then fell to the ground as the giant beast then retreated to the sky not wanting to fight any longer. Ethan sighed in relief seeing the giant beast fly off now know the threat had been taken care of. 

"*Sigh* Glad that's over." Ethan sighed. "That's something that I didn't want." 

"I don't think the rest of the unit didn't want that either sir." Manfred said. "And a dragon attack no less." 

"I agree." Rex said. 

"Yeah, I've wanted to see a dragon but, that wasn't the right time." Nichols said. Ethan then looked back and saw the aftermath of those who were caught in the fire. But I think we'd better help bury those who didn't make it sir." 

"Well, let's not waste time then." Ethan said as he then saw the elf girl huddled in the blanket in the back. "And find her some spare cloths please."


And what do you know? Two years I haven't touched this story! Ouch!

I got to keep up with all my books, anyways this story is not dead! It just takes me a while to write chapters! 

Life gets in the way of writing, and also work. 

But I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter!

And... Stay tuned for more!

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