Until We Meet Again

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Raise your hand if any one of you guys are still crying from the ending 😢😢

Really, no one can ever replace this one big family. I'm serious, and if I'm serious about one thing I never let it go.

So, I decided to make a story about this guys.

Also, to honour this gang I have a challenge for you lovely readers.

I challenge you all to make a story for this great team.

I will be waiting for your stories :)

Anyway, hope you enjoy~

Have you ever thought of leaving your best of friends to continue on your journey?

Have you ever felt the sadness and determination to continue pursuing your dream?

Have you ever felt that where ever you go as long as they are with you, you could do everything without a care of the future?

You want to be a master

You want to be an inventor

You want to be a performer

You want to be the strongest of the whole region

Different dreams, but the same determination to achieve it.

As they go on their separate paths

They will never forget the connection they have with each other.

Ash's POV

How many months has been it been since I last saw them? I guess 3 or 4 months...

I'm currently at Alola attending school to learn more about Z moves. But, I just can't get the feeling out of my head.

I miss them...

I miss them so much that I just want to buy a ticket and head back to Kalos, to them. But, we all have our dreams to fullfill and those dreams of ours are what keeps us going no matter how lonely and painful it gets.

I look up at the night open sky wondering what they are doing right now. Whether she is performing, whether he is inventing, whether she is training..

I wonder what they are up to?

I extend my hand as far as I can, trying to reach their hands and hold it as tight as I could. No matter how long has it been, I will never forget it..

I will never forget the promise we promised to meet each other again, but until then..

I will go on and achieve my dream as a Pokémon master.

I look back down and made my way towards my house clenching the shirt trying to hold my tears as I think about them.

"I will become a Pokémon master"

Serena's POV

"Can I get an autograph?" I turn around and saw a girl with blonde hair, her eyes showed joy and awe as she look at me.

She reminded me of one girl I used to travel with actually, but no one can replace my bond with her or with them..

I grab a pen from my pocket and signed her notebook that she was holding. She squealed in delight and ran back to her friends, I look at them. They were two boys and two girls, it brought a smile to my face as I recalled my group.

"It's been that long since we went on our separate paths?" I said it myself, I look back around and continued to watch the performance.

But I couldn't concentrate on watching, I was too busy thinking of them. It was night time and the stars were twinkling brightly as ever, it reminded me of the time when we all stargazed.

Those nights we look at the stars together. Those nights we wished for our dreams to come true. Those nights that we all wanted for last forever..

A small smile curved on my lips as I think about those nights. We all wanted for fullfill our dreams and we would always have eachothers back as we cheer for each other.

Those memories we shared and the memories we would always keep deep within our hearts. I will always recall if I'm feeling down.

I glance at four stars that twinkled brighter than the rest. In my eyes they showed different colours. One was blue, one was red, one was green, and the other one was yellow.

How ironic to see them like that, I wonder what they are up to right now.

I smile and look back down to watch the performace and whispered to myself.

"I will be the best perfomer and I won't give up till' the end!"

Clemont's POV

I still can't believe we have all left to achieve our separate dreams. It's been more than 3 months, yet I still think it was just yesterday that you all left.

The feeling is still here and it's still strong to bare. We all wanted our own dreams to come true. We all wanted to meet again after we achieve our dreams.

But how long will it be until then? Will it take a decade? Or more?

As much as I want you guys to achieve it, I can't help it but want you guys back here. So we can be one team again, a team that would smile for the other. A team that inspire each other.

A team that would save the day..

As I continue making a new machine, I can't think of anything else but them.

Are you performing on stage right now?

Are you battling a trainer or eating right now?

You two are somewhere else, achieving your dreams while I'm here doing the same.

I wonder if you guys are thinking about us right now, it's nightime here.

A certain someone is already asleep in her bedroom, and I'm here still awake looking up at the stars.

The trials we all had to face, the way we all stood up for each other. The times we taught each other things. The courage we gave each other to fight.

Our entire journey was quite fun...

And fast..

I try to reach for your hands, but I know I won't reach. But, I know our hearts can.

I look back at my machine and smiled.

I have gotten alot better since then, but I won't stop improving.

"I will become an inventor that makes people and Pokémon happy"

Bonnie's POV

I can't sleep without thinking about them, I want them to come back so bad. But, I know they won't come back for a long time.

I look out of the window and stared at the sky. Is it also nightime there? I know what you are probably doing.

You guys are probably training trying to be the best just like my big brother. I can't wait until you guys come back, but until then I will train hard to be you guys.

I will be the best and beat every single trainer here and beat you and my brother.

I will beat you at performing and become a top performer just like you.

I won't give up just like you guys!

I remember you being a shy person, but the way you changed into a confident courageous person...I want to be more like you. A kind young lady when I grow up!

I remember you eating and becoming one with your Pokémon when you battle. The way you showed your emotions when you battle, I want to be like that when I become a trainer. A strong battler.

I remember how much of a coward you were before we met them, but when we left our home to go with them made you confident and strong. I wanted to be like that too. Someone who would try anything just to save the other.

Just you wait! I will be a great trainer already by the time we all reunite!

I go back to my bed and lie down, but before dozing off I said..

"I will be the best trainer just like you guys"

Third person's POV

The four looks up at the same night sky they once shared. Thinking about their names and many more.

No matter how much they want each other to come back and reunite back as one happy family. They all have their dreams to achieve first.

Until then...

The four that shared deep connections

Will always stay determined..

And go on their own way..

Different dreams

Different routes

Different ambitions

But their love for each other will stay the same. No matter how long they will have to wait for them.

They will stay strong for the sake of each other.

As they continue they own separate paths..

They can't help but think for a minute

Of how they miss each other and what they are doing right now.

Whether she is performing

Whether he is battling

Whether he is inventing

Whether she is taking care of her Pokémon

The four will someday meet up again

And by then their dreams have been achieved.

The four will once again be complete

But until then..

They will be on their own paths

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