2. Right Turn

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Dedicating this chapter to SincerelyCiCi as your comment was the best one I got...& really motivated me..:) Hope u'll like this chapter..:)




"I am not getting on this motorcyle."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I am not."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I am not."







"Stop being such a spoilsport."

"I am not being a spoilsport. Remember, here you are the girl, so technically, it's you who should sit behind me and let me ride your bike," I said, narrowing my eyes at her as she leaned against her bike with confidence.

She smirked and replied, "You just said 'your bike'. So, technically, it's me who should ride my bike and you should sit behind me."

"I am not some loser who would sit behind a girl as she rides an amazing bike." I crossed my arms over my chest and told her my final decision.

Ha! As if I, Keith Warren would sit behind a girl on a bike as she rides it. No. Not a chance in this lifetime.

"Okay, I get it." She chuckled and got on her bike wearing her helmet. She put the key in the ignition and started the vehicle.

I was too shocked to say anything. I sacrificed my sex filled night with sexy Claire because of this stranger and now she was ditching me. "Wh... what?" was all I could manage to say.

She pulled the helmet out of her head. "I get it that you are not some loser who would sit behind a girl as she rides an amazing bike," she repeated my words and I sighed in relief nodding my head. Her lips formed into the challenging smirk that I had seen too many times just in a day as she said the next words, "But you are some loser who backs off from a deal even before it starts."

"I am not backing off," I argued a bit loudly, emphasizing on 'not' and giving her my best angry-young-man look. This girl was pissing me off to no ends. My head could explode any given moment and it had been hardly thirty minutes since we made the dreadful deal. I still had to spend the whole night with her, this thought alone was going to make me explode like the black hole. How being with her was going to be fun, well, I had no idea about it. Maybe I would be so pissed during the night and when the time to end the deal would come, I would be a delighted, pleased, free man. Maybe, that would be the 'fun' part of the night. Yes, that would be it!

She sighed dramatically and said, "Sorry." Good girl, apologizing always helps. "I didn't know you were such a. . . coward," she continued with pity in her voice, but her eyes held the same spark and mischief as earlier today.

I raised my eyebrows in disbelief, but quickly covered it up with a smirk on my face and told her, "Oh girl, you are so going to regret this." I took the other helmet from her and sat behind her.

She laughed. "Trust me condom-man, neither of us would regret this night."


"What are we doing here?" I hissed when she hid behind the bushes at a street she brought me to.

The bike ride was actually pretty nice, but not cool; nothing is cool about sitting behind a girl on a bike and not even touching her. We drove around the town for some time, talking to the wind, enjoying the thrill and then she parked the bike at the end of a street and ordered me to follow her. I complied, but I had no idea that she would make me follow her behind some wild huge bushes opposite some houses, effectively putting an end to my thrill.

"Sssshhhhh." She looked at me, putting a finger on her lips. She motioned for me to sit beside her. Yes, behind the bushes.

I again complied and glared at the side of her head with clenched jaw, while she looked around like a spy on a mission, completely oblivious to the death glares I was sending her way.

'Don't hit her. Don't hit her. She is a girl. Don't hit her,' I mentally chanted.

"Why the hell are we hiding here?" I whisper yelled.

"Sssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh," she said loudly, widening her eyes. I let out a loud, frustrated sigh which made her glare at me again while making her favorite sound. "Sssshhhhh."

"You know, your 'sssshhhhsssshhhs' are a lot louder than my voice," I whisper yelled at her.

This brought a cheeky grin on her face and her eyes lit up. "I know," she told me, making me raise my eyebrows and she continued, "it's fun making this sound. Try it."

I looked at her in disbelief and told myself the one thing I'd been repeating in my head since the time we left that party. 'Don't hit her, Keith. Don't hit her. She is probably a girl. Don't hit her.'

My chanting did prove helpful for this salesgirl with me, but it was not helpful for me. I was still pissed off and angry, more at myself for saying the sh*t word 'Deal'. Yes, I didn't hit her, but I could definitely punish myself. So, I turned to my left and started banging my head on the tree trunk.

"Geez, would you keep it low? I'm trying to concentrate here," she hissed, completely ignoring my efforts of self pity leading to possible self destruction.

"You... you... uurrrgghh." I stopped myself from saying anything bad to her. 'Don't hit her. Don't hit her. She is a maniac, but probably a girl. Don't hit her'

I took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. "I completely regret my decision of sacrificing my s*x-filled night with s*xy Cl-" I tried to continue.

"Oh! There he is," she cut me off excitedly, as if she had just seen some superstar. Out of curiosity, I followed her gaze and found myself looking at a middle aged man coming out of his car. He was dressed formally, but his face and hair were a completely different story. He looked like he had been dragged out of the Early Age and made to live here.

Hair hair everywhere, not a patch of skin to see!

I don't think any more explanation is required about how he looked.

"Who the heck is he?" I asked, whispering, completely shocked at the creature in front of me.

"He is my History teacher, Mr. Marcus," she told me and we watched as the early man entered, what I assumed was, his house.

"Well, he has taken his subject way too seriously." I chuckled, making her chuckle too. "So, why are we here?" I came back to the topic. "Do you have some secret crush or better a secret relationship with the Early Man?" I joked, with a serious face.

She answered me with a glare to which I replied with a smirk. "Do you think it's fun to watch two people in the... umm... act?" she asked, biting her lip.

I laughed and nodded. "But if one of those two is the early man-" I pointed towards his house and continued, "-then no. I am not at all interested in watching free display of different kinds of hair on a human body."

She laughed out loud and replied, "Thought so." With this she again faced the house.

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Now, will you tell me, why-are-we-here?" I asked, stressing each word I said.

She faced me and bit her lip. Suddenly, her eyes lit up and her lips formed a big, too sweet- in short a fake smile.

I knew, it was trouble.

"What?" I asked slowly with complete caution.

"Um.. do you... ahem... you know..." she tried to say something with the big fake smile while her fingers fidgeted with the rim of her tee shirt.

I raised my eyebrows curiously and again asked, "What?"

She smiled tight lipped and let out a nervous laughter. She scratched the side of her head as she looked anywhere but me. "You know... um... do you... uhmm... have any... sudden..."

"Sudden what?" I asked, frowning when she again stopped.

She took a deep breath and continued, "Umm... any sudden urge..." She pointed towards my friend down south while saying so.

I gasped and stood up immediately. All I could do to express my shock was yell at her, "A sudden urge to have s*x with you? Are you insane? Is that why you brought me here? In the bushes? Seriously? Oh, or are you planning on fulfilling your fantasy of a threesome with me and the early man? I sacrificed my s*x-filled night with s*xy Cl-" I was cut off from my yelling rant when she put her hand on my mouth and looked at me in disbelief. I licked her palm, quickly making her pull her hand away.

"Ew, you are disgusting," she said, as she scrunched her face in disgust and rubbed her hand on my T-shirt.

I backed off from her and yelled a bit, "It's not me who wants a threesome with the early man."

"All I was asking was that, do you have a sudden urge to pee? And you need to keep it down," she hissed, glaring at me.

"I belong to the male species of Human kind. We don't have to keep it down when we pee. All we do is unbutton and open the flyer and... um....wait." I stopped as her words registered in my head. "A sudden urge to pee? What the hell?"

"Yeah, and I was asking you to keep your volume down. So, do you?" she asked curiously, completely ignoring my shocked and confused stance.

"No! Why?" I asked her in utter confusion as that was all I was feeling at the moment.

"Damn! Not even a little bit? You know, a little urge? I can help you with that. I used to babysit and I have experience in making those 'sssssss' sounds that help in making children urinate," she offered looking very hopeful.

While I kept on looking at her with expressions that were probably shouting that I was better off at home sleeping rather than spending the night with her. 'What does she want? What is wrong with her? What does she want to do with..that? And most importantly, why was I with her?' Too many questions going through in my mind.

To add to my horror and misery, she started making those sounds and I quickly covered her mouth with my hand, which she licked. I immediately pulled away and she gave me a triumphant smirk. I decided to ignore her and voiced out my confusion in one sane question, "Why do you want me to pee?"

"I don't have a dog," she answered, as if it was the most obvious answer in the world to my question. All I could do was look at this insane brunette in front of me with confusion, shock, horror, helplessness and amusement etched all over my face. She rolled her eyes in response and continued, "I want you to pee at Mr. Marcus' front door. Then we'll ring his bell and break the glass of his bedroom window. He'll come downstairs and run after us. He'll open the door and slip on your... umm... body waste."

The time she took in explaining her plan, I used that to look at her with my mouth hanging open and the only word I could say at the end was, "Why?"

She groaned and narrowed her eyes at me. "You don't get to ask any questions. You have to do whatever I ask you to do."

I argued, "But I can't urinate when I don't feel like."

Just this sentence from my mouth was enough for her to make those 'ssssss' sounds again. When it did not work, she found a water bottle near early man's parking lot and asked me to drink it. I refused. I had no idea what was in that bottle, so I did not want to drink it, but there is always a huge difference between what we want and what happens. Yes, you got it right, I had to drink it.

She squealed happily when I told her that yes, finally I had an urge to do it. I followed her as she went towards his house quietly. All of a sudden, I too felt a bit excited about doing something so weird and sneaky. We checked the neighborhood area and I quietly climbed the porch stairs while she stood near his car.

"I am doing it now," I whispered, looking back at her.

"Geez, you don't need to narrate everything to me step by step. I would have figured it out by the noise of the waterfall." She rolled her eyes making me laugh. "Shhhh," she said, holding her laughter and gave me the thumbs up sign.

That got our little plan to start. I did it on his front door and quickly adjusted my clothes. I used the little left water in the bottle to clean my hands. Once I was done, she picked up a medium sized stone and winked at me. That was my cue to press the doorbell and run towards her. We watched as the lights of a room flickered and after about ten seconds, she threw the stone towards that room.

A perfect aim was what she got as the stone hit the glass window. We heard the sound of shattering glass which was our cue to run and hide behind his car so that we could see our main plan in action. We heard muffled noise of early man's yelling as we ran & hid.

Then it all happened in slow motion. He opened the door and came out only in boxers. Only boxers? 'You are so going to regret this early man.' I thought. His body had the same story to tell as his face. Period. He stepped out and fell face flat on the floor or I should say - my body waste.

We burst out in laughter. We were so loud that the early man heard us and slowly moved his urine-coated-hairy-face to look in our direction with extreme anger. This only increased our laughter as he looked extremely funny. I held her hand and started running towards the end of the street where her bike was parked. We heard Mr. Marcus yelling incoherent, colorful words at us which only made us laugh harder. We reached the bike and I snatched the key from her hand, while she was still busy clutching her stomach and started the bike. We drove off from there, laughing like maniacs and I loved it.

"What the hell was that creature?" I asked in between my laughs.

"Early Man!" she said loudly.

"What was the revenge for? He flunked you in history or something, huh?" I asked, chuckling to myself, feeling genuinely curious.

Suddenly, she stopped laughing and removed her hands that were earlier on either side of me. An uncomfortable silence settled between us and I cursed myself for being the reason of this. I hated silences. Silent moments were so not for me.

Just when I was about to end the silence by changing the topic, she replied in a monotonous voice, "He tried to r*pe my best friend and when school authorities found out, she was blamed for trying to seduce a highly reputed teacher. She was dropped from school."

As her words reached my ears, I felt too shocked and tongue-tied to say anything. How could someone be such a f*cked up pedophile and so inhuman? Maybe if she had told me earlier, we could have done more damage. What would I do if something like that would happen to my sister, Hailey? I would undoubtedly kill the b**tard.

"Right." Her voice broke the train of my thoughts.


"Take the right turn from the next crossing, c**dom-man," she said, chuckling and again, I could not help the slight smile that made its way to my face.

"As you say, Madame," I said in a fake, heavy accent and took the turn - the Right Turn.



Wattpad Prize 2014 entry. Please VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW & spread a word about this story if you like the story. :)

So, did you guys like this chap? I really hope so. :)

I love sooo many moments in this chapter...like-
1. when she keeps on saying "Ssshshhhhh" even when he sighs
2. when he rants about the threesome & all..
3. when he tries to tell how men pee...(lol)
4. when she says 'i don't have a dog.'
Oh..& the prank....which 1 is your favorite? :)

Thanx :)

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