20. Making Impossible Happen

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Dedicating this chapter to Fuzzyfudgecake because I really like your username. :D Okay, well, because your comment on the previous chapter really made me very happy & made me feel blessed. :) Thank you. I hope you'll continue supporting this story. :)

Special thanks to miyo10 for the awesome banner on the side. :)


Chapter - 20


I was kidding, right?

How could I like 'like' Kim? Something was really wrong with me. But, what could explain the uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach at seeing her with Adam. Maybe, there was something wrong with the Mexican food I had just eaten. I was never going to come back to this restaurant, I mentally promised myself.

Hell, I was not going to deny it anymore.

Yes, I liked Kim and nothing could change that.

Not even the fact that she was with Adam right now just a few meters away from me. And, why the hell was he still holding her hand? Couldn't he just let her go?

"Keith, what's the matter?" a voice broke my irrational thoughts and I moved my head to my left to look at the person who had spoken these words.

Hannah! Hannah? What was she still doing here?

"What?" I asked her, feeling a bit irritated at my newly developed or rather, newly discovered feelings.

She looked at me in confusion for a minute and said slowly, "Well, you came inside this bakery and I followed you thinking that you want to have something. So, what is it that you want?"

"I don't want any-" I stopped saying my instant reply when her words settled in my head. 'Inside the bakery? When did I come inside?' I asked myself this, again hoping that my mind would answer me this question as well, but it didn't. I guess my mind was done with its work for this decade by telling me that I had developed feelings towards Kim, feelings a lot more than just friendship.

My eyes went around me and that was when I noticed the purple walls surrounding me, the huge shelves that had numerous kinds of cupcakes, brownies, breads, pastries and cakes displayed on it proudly, the nerdy high school boy standing behind the counter wearing a pink apron with 'Kin's' imprinted on it, the pink colored tables and chairs, which were supposed to be looking very cute, but to me, it was like a lightening in front of my eyes and I, anyhow, wanted to protect my eyes from the too much pink and purple around me.

My eyes got a mind of their own and they went towards the person who seemed to be the only one who could calm them - Kim. There she was sitting in one of the tables with Adam, who for your information was still holding her hand. Seriously, couldn't he just leave her?

Or maybe it was because of the fact that he was spending way too much time with his 'Winter Mission' - Precious these days. He was acting just like her - clingy.

Once again, I forgot about the girl who was standing beside me and all I could do was look towards the girl who was sitting just a few feet away from me with my best friend.

Why did I like her?


A more appropriate question was how could I like her?

'There is nothing special about her,' I told myself.

But I got an instant reply from within myself of this absurd question, 'Keep telling yourself that' and a snort accompanying it.

Seriously, who was I trying to fool here?

Everything was special about Kim, everything. And, I couldn't deny it anymore.

I watched as she said something to Adam while shrugging her shoulders and after a second, rolled her eyes. Nodding her head at something that Adam said, she laughed lightly. 'There is nothing funny about Adam's jokes, ever!' I wanted to say out loud. She bent forward a bit towards her table and a strand of her hair fell in front of her eyes. Her chocolate brown eyes... the eyes, which always, somehow, managed to give me comfort and warmth; the eyes, which were now looking directly at me and widened in surprise for a second. Seeing me here was a surprise for her, but it was nothing compared to the shock I  had faced at seeing her here and eventually realizing my feelings.


She saw me?

My own eyes widened as I was effectively distracted from watching Kim's every action by Kim herself. 'Can I run right away? Maybe she didn't see me or maybe I'm currently wearing an Invisibility cloak?'

Seriously, why am I being so weird?

No! Why am I talking to myself?

Why am I asking so many questions? If some game show producer could currently read my mind, I would have been hired as the host of a quiz show.

I was officially going insane.

"Keith?" I felt myself shaking and my head snapped towards Hannah. Why was she still not gone? Why was she still here? Well, why was I here to begin with?

She gave me a very confused look, the look that a contestant would have been given me if I had asked her a question in some bizarre language and the answer of which was beyond her blonde head.

"Yeah?" I asked her, feeling slightly annoyed at myself.

"Well... Adam has been calling you for the last two minutes," she told me, raising her eyebrows and looking at me like I was crazy.

"He has?" I asked, mimicking her raised eyebrow expressions. Why didn't I hear him? 'Because you were too busy talking to yourself,' my mind told me snickering at me.

She gave me a full of makeup wide eyed look and just as she parted her red painted lips to say something, I heard my name being called.

"Keith?" It was my back stabbing friend Adam's voice.

I turned to look at him and saw that he was still seated with Kim on his left side and both of them were looking towards us.

Answering him was not something I wanted to do, and that's why I started moving towards their table with Hannah following me. Just for a second, I glanced towards Kim and saw the expressions of surprise on her face. I stopped when I reached their table and stared at Adam.

"Woah dude, why are you looking so pissed off?" Adam asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion as he looked at me with worry.

Pissed off? It was then that I felt my own nails digging the skin of my palms and just a slight pressure on my lower jaw by my upper jaw. I looked down at my tightly closed fists and released them in an instant. Again, I ignored Adam's question and asked him, "What are you doing here?"

Adam looked taken aback at my question and answered, "Eating cheesecakes." He lifted his plate up with one hand and there was a cheesecake half way eaten.

My eyes went to Kim, whom I was avoiding to look at and saw that she was looking at me with a confused expression as well, but quickly diverted her eyes the moment our eyes made contact. Her right hand was still held by Adam. Seeing this, my pissed off self was back with complete force. "What are you doing here with Kim?" I asked with my jaw lightly clenched and my eyes focused on Kim's hand that was still in Adam's hand.

It was like my gaze burnt holes in their hands and Kim lightly pulled her hand out of Adam's grip. It was Kim who answered my question, "Adam came to your home to meet you, but you were not there." Her eyes went to Hannah when she said this and continued, "We just thought of hanging out and I remember that you told me that Adam loves cheesecakes too. So here we are."

I watched her as she said all this and all I could mutter was, "Okay. I'd like some cheesecake too." With that, I sat on the chair beside Kim, ignoring the weird looks that Adam and Hannah were throwing my way.

"But, you hate cheesecakes." Adam frowned. Hannah, too, took the seat between Adam and me. Didn't she have to go? Who invited her here?

'Who invited you here?' My mind laughed at how hypocritical I was being and I decided to ignore its voice for the rest of the evening amidst the music that was playing in the bakery. I liked the sound of music a lot more than my mind's voice.

"Can't a guy change his taste?" I asked him back, raising an eyebrow and smirking in the process. Before he could reply, I shifted my attention towards the brown eyed brunette who was eyeing the entire situation with a little confusion on her face. A smile automatically broke on my face as I looked into her warm brown eyes, which were looking back at me.

She parted her lips to say something, but before she could say anything she was stopped by Hannah's voice, "Adam, you'll be coming at Precious's New Year's party. Right?"

"Of course!" Adam grinned instantly.

She smiled a bit at Adam and faced Kim. "What about you, Jim?" she asked with a smirk.

Did she just take a wrong name here or was it completely intentional?

I looked at Kim who looked least bit affected at being called by a guy's name. She rolled her eyes and smirked looking at Hannah. "I'll be there, Banana," she replied, making both Adam and me laugh at her joke. There was smoke coming out of Hannah's ears as she looked at Kim with eyes turned into slits. "Oops, sorry. I forgot your name is not Banana. Bananas are just something that you must like, a lot!" Kim finished with a huge smirk on her face and Adam and I doubled over laughter at the double meaning clearly implied in what she just said.

Hannah stood up instantly, making us stop our laughter and look at her with tightly pressed lips. She looked furious. I mean, c'mon girl; what else did you expect when you started pulling Kim's leg? She could make a guy cry with her comebacks, and it was just a delicate dumb makeup girl on the receiving end.

She clenched her jaw and gave a wicked smirk towards Kim. "I'll make sure that it'll be a night that you'll never forget," she told Kim, trying to look scary but to me, she just looked funny.

It seems that it was not only me who found her funny as Kim too tightly pressed her lips together and nodded her head with the most sincere and serious expressions she could handle at the moment. "I'm really looking forward to it, Bandana," she told her, again taking a completely wrong name and making Hannah much more furious.

This time, Hannah thought better and chose not to reply. She turned to look at me and her mood took a complete one eighty degree turn as she smiled seductively and bent down so that our faces were at the same level. Slowly, she moved towards me and I could feel Kim and Adam's gaze on Hannah's every movement.

'Don't kiss me, Banana,' I wanted to shout. It was strange that I didn't want a kiss from a girl as hot as Hannah and all the reason of all this strangeness was Kim, who was currently gawking at us. Giving to my mental wish, Hannah stopped when she reached near my ear and purred, "I'll be waiting for you tomorrow."

All I could do was nod my head and she went out of the bakery swaying her hips in the process. Sound of whistle made me look back at Adam, who too was looking towards the door from which Hannah made her exit.

"She is hotter than Precious," he stated once he stopped whistling as looked at me. "You, Keith, are going to be one happy man tomorrow." He smirked and took a bite of the cheesecake from his plate.

"Yeah, right." I snorted in reply and took a bite from Kim's cheesecake.

"What do you mean?" Kim asked him and my head snapped towards Adam. My mouth was filled with cheesecake and I had to stop Adam from answering her. He couldn't tell her about our little 'Winter Mission' as Adam called it. Hell, it was no more a mission for me. I liked Kim and I was not planning on sleeping with any other girl at the moment. And letting Kim know what my intentions with Hannah were was a big no. She couldn't know about this.

Furiously, with my mouth full of cheesecake, I shook my head in a 'No', trying to make my best friend understand that this was something that he was not supposed to tell her. I widened my eyes dramatically and shook my head as Kim couldn't see me and all her attention was diverted towards Adam who was looking at me like I was crazy.

He ignored my dramatics and answered Kim, "Oh nothing! We just have this 'Winter Mission' according to which at New Year's Eve, I've to bang Precious and Keith has to bang Hannah." He shrugged his shoulders as if this was not a big deal and took another bite of his cheesecake. I, on the other hand, slapped my palm on my forehead and mentally, just killed Adam by giving him an overdose of the very same cheesecakes that was currently stuffed in his mouth, uncountable amount of cheesecakes.

"Oh!" was all Kim could utter and she sounded a bit disappointed.

"What 'oh'?" Adam mimicked her when he swallowed the huge bite. "Aren't you happy that after almost a week, we're going to get some action?"

Kim made a disgusted face and said, "You are gross."

Adam just laughed at her and before he could go into some further details, I stood up from my chair and held Kim's hand. She looked at me with a questioning look and I asked her, "Don't want to go home?"

"Don't worry, dude. I'll take her," Adam answered before Kim could say anything. Couldn't he just keep shut and let Kim do the talking?

"No," I told him and held on Kim's hand tighter. "You don't need to worry. She's going with me."

He frowned at me and said, "Well, I'm going on the same way. We're neighbors. Remember? I don't mind dropping her at your home?" By now, he too was standing.

A smirk made its way on my face as I sensed that the conversation was going my way and I was so going to win this. "Exactly my point! We're neighbors and Kim is staying at my home. So, isn't it obvious that she'll be going with me?" I titled my head to the side and before he could say anything, I turned towards Kim and gave her my best smile. "Shall we?"

She was looking dumb founded at me, and managed to nod slightly when I asked her the question. My smile just got bigger, if that was even possible. Kim stood up and we started moving towards the exit of the bakery, leaving a very confused Adam behind us.

"See you tomorrow, Eve!" I said over my shoulder and a laugh escaped my lips when I heard him groan.

Once, we reached near my car, which had been brought to my parents' home thanks to the car service, Kim stopped and kept her hands on her hips. "What just happened inside?"

"What?" I asked innocently and unlocked my car. I opened the passenger door for Kim, ignoring the look she was giving me.

She grunted a bit and said, "You're arguing with Adam. Over me?" Her voice was laced with disbelief and somewhere, I could relate to that expression. Adam and I arguing over a girl was something that had never happened. It was impossible. Well, me liking someone was impossible too. But here, I could feel that I was making the impossible happen. Here I was, having this crush on the girl standing in front of me, looking at me with those warm brown eyes and her perfect lips parted slightly in disbelief. I could kiss her right now!

'Kiss her.'

"What are you thinking?" her voice brought me back from my wandering thoughts.

"Your lips," was what I said in an instant and I watched as Kim's eyes widened at my response. Did I just tell her the truth?

"Wh-what?" she asked. She was red as a tomato, and I really liked that color on her cheeks.

Shutting the door of the passenger seat, I took a step towards her and she took one back. I took a step towards her and again, she took one backwards. This happened until her back was touching my car. Her eyes were wide, but the distance between us was not. I brought my left hand and used it to block her right side. I watched as she gulped her own spit and parted her lips to say something. Just then, I brought my right hand up and moved a bit more towards her, leaving very little distance between us. I kept my right hand on her cheek and my gaze travelled from her eyes to her lips. Ever so slowly, I ran my thumb on her soft bottom lip, and she closed her eyes in response.

I smiled at the reaction I got from her and took a step back, bringing some distance between us. Instantly, I felt cold. I missed the feeling of her body against mine.

She opened her eyes and looked at me with shock written on every feature of her face. I held up my thumb and showed it to her. "There was cheesecake on your lips," I said in a very low voice.

She turned redder and ducked her head to look at the ground. "Oh!"

A proud smile found its way on my face when I realized that I had just made Kim blush. "Go out with me tomorrow?" I asked her and her head snapped up in reflex.

"What?" she asked. Her face, her voice were the definition of surprise.

"Yeah," I muttered, scratching the back of my head. "The party is at night, we'll have the entire day to waste. We can hang out," I told her a simpler and easier version of asking her on a date. Never in my nightmares or my dreams had I thought that I would ask a girl for a date and never could I even think of calling that special date as 'hanging out'.

'Coward!' My mind snorted at me.

"Oh!" She was saying this expression a lot today. "Um... okay. Yeah, we can go and... um... hang out tomorrow. Sure," she muttered as she nodded her head, looking anywhere but me.

I beamed at her and said, "Great!"

The entire night, I couldn't wipe off the smile from my face. I must have looked like a creepy smiling ghost. I was going on a date with Kim tomorrow and she had no clue that it would be a date.

Well, neither was I planning on telling her that.



Wattpad Prize 2014 entry. Please VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW & spread a word about this story if you like the story. :)

Ooohhh!! Keith is jealous and nervous! They are going on a date...yayyy!!! But, Kim doesn't knows that it's a date. Isn't it...um...funny? LOL... :D 

I've postponed the party scene a bit as I decided to put some Kim & Keith moments. Hope you guys liked this chapter. :)

Tell me, whether you liked this chapter or not??

Thanks to each one of you for your support <3

I have posted a SHORT STORY 'ENGRAVED IN MY HEART". Please do check it out & give me your feedback. :)

19th February 2016 - Edited! :)

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