30. Coming To Terms

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Dedicating this chapter to MrsBirdie as I really appreciate you for all your awesome comments on every chapter. :) Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Still dedicating to you awesome people.




At the sound of heels clicking on the marble floor, I looked up from my phone, in which I had been very engrossed since the last fifteen minutes or so and spotted the raven haired beauty just a few meters away from me. Looking at her dark red lip stick, I concluded that she had just done her 'touch-up' for probably the third time in the last half an hour. She sat down opposite me, crossing her legs which made her short skirt ride higher. I watched as she looked at me from under her eyelashes and gave me a very seductive smile.

The only thing I could do was smile politely at her, while mentally; I rolled my eyes at her antics. I could have gone inside one of the restrooms in this huge airport and have my way with her. She was hot. But, I was not a cheater. So, I diverted my attention back to the very interesting device in my hand - my phone. I scrolled down my twitter and read the various messages and posts on my official page. Messages from fans always made everything worth it and nothing could stop the smile which was the result of this happiness.

Life was good!

"Keith Warren, you're here already!" A voice reached my ears.

I looked towards the source of the voice and spotted the designer of GGIA - Andy. The look of pure desire he was giving me made me want to flinch. But of course, I couldn't do that and instead, I smiled politely while standing up from the comfortable seat. "Good morning, Andy." He bit his bottom lip as I greeted him.

Thankfully, the raven-haired hot girl decided to interrupt. "And so am I, Andy," she spoke, standing up from her seat and coming near the spot where Andy was standing; the spot that happened to be just a metre away from me.

The excitement and happiness on Andy's face could not be hidden as he saw Brianna, the raven haired girl. For a brief moment, I thought that my presence had been forgotten about as they squealed and hugged the lives out of each other. A sigh in complete relief escaped my lips, but that relief was short-lived when they stopped their sugar-coated greetings and focused back on me.

"This trip is going to be interesting," Brianna said with a suggestive smile on her face as she looked at me from head to toe, while I refrained myself from rolling my eyes.

"Very interesting," Andy added his input with the exact same expressions as were on Brianna's face, but this time, I stopped myself from smacking his head.

"Miami is a very interesting place," I told them, keeping intact my polite smile and trying my best to divert the topic from me to Miami, the place where we all were going in less than an hour. It was just an official trip and I had been successful in telling this to every fiber of my body in the last two days but the two people standing in front of me, definitely didn't think the same.

There was absolutely nothing funny about what I had just said, but Brianna thought otherwise and started giggling. I could do nothing but give her my 'what-the-hell' look, but she seemed too oblivious to it. Could the wait for the flight be any more irritating?

"Of course, it's the most interesting place in the world." A very familiar voice reached my ears and I turned around instantly to look at her standing a few steps behind me. She had a huge smile on her face as she continued in a 'duh' tone, "I was born there."

A smile found its way on my face when I heard her say this and at that moment, our eyes made a little contact. She nodded her head slightly in greeting just like I did. I gave her a once over and noticed that she was wearing jeans and a checked shirt. She still looked hot.

"Kimberly," Andy squealed, stretching the 'ly' for a good ten seconds and thereby, making Kim laugh.

"Andy," she greeted him in the exact same manner with a huge grin on her face and passed by my side to give him a hug. A chuckle escaped my lips as I turned around to see both of them hugging each other dramatically. It was more entertaining and not at all irritating like Andy's hug with Brianna was.

Sound of someone coughing, made them break away from their dramatic hug and they looked at the person responsible, who was standing behind me. This made me turn too and that was when I noticed that Kim had not arrived here alone. Josh was with her. His narrowed eyes were trained on Kim and Andy who were standing behind me.

"Get away from my girl, Andy," he said with humor in his voice.

"With pleasure, Josh. I'm more interested in hugging you anyways." This was Andy's reply which made us laugh including Josh.

He decided not to answer Andy and turned his attention towards me while chuckling slightly. "I really hope that you'll have a great time during the shoot. This is the best team we have and I'm sure that you'll love every minute of these two days in Miami." He smiled politely.

I smiled back and replied, "I hope so too. Miami is very close to my heart. I've some great memories of that place."

He grinned and said, "That's great. Kimberly, too, is very excited to go there." He glanced towards her as he took her name.

"I bet she is," I replied in a heartbeat as I, myself, turned to look at her too.

Her eyes were fixed on me and just for a split second the smile on her face slipped, but she covered it back. She removed her gaze from me and started moving towards Josh. "You should go now. It's almost time."

"I just came here to drop off my beautiful fiancé." He gave her lopsided grin when she reached and stood in front of him.

"Well, thank you." She chuckled. "But, I still can't believe that you chose Barbie for this trip," she said with narrowed eyes.

A grin appeared on his face and he said, "You know, she is good." Kim rolled her eyes and he continued, "Please behave with my team." I stopped myself from chuckling when I sensed that there was slight pleading in his voice.

A huge grin plastered on her face and she replied, "All I can say is, 'pray for them'."

A very low chuckle escaped my lips when I heard her say this and I realized that the Kim I had known would have said the same thing in this situation. Maybe she hadn't changed that much.

Josh chuckled and let out a huge breath. I watched as he snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to himself. "I'll miss you," he said in a very low voice, looking straight in her eyes.

A smile appeared on her face and she said back, "I'll miss you too."

With that, Josh leaned closer to her and kissed her, probably forgetting that they had an audience. It took me less than a split second to realize that I didn't want to watch them as it was all too personal for them and I turned my back to them. It was not my place to watch them. I was not interested. They could do anything they wished to do. Who the hell was I to intrude? I had came to terms with our entire situation.

Thinking about Veronica, I picked up my bag and made my way to catch my flight.


"Would you like something else, sir?" the air hostess asked me in the politest tone. A slight hint of huskiness and suggestiveness in her tone and on her expressions were a completely different story, though.

"No. Thanks." I smiled back, not getting least bit affected by her. It was not something new to me. I was used to it.

"I would love to have coffee," Kim answered even before she was asked about her preference and stressed on 'love'. I looked towards my left to look at her and a light chuckle escaped my lips when I saw the huge smile on her face as she looked at the air hostess.

"Sure," the air hostess replied back; all the huskiness from before was gone in a second. She gave me a smile and went away.

Again an uncomfortable silence settled between Kim and me. I had imagined that at least the two hours of flight would give me some peace of mind, but the airline authorities had completely different plans and here was Kim sitting right next to me. The only thing common between us was the lack of any type of conversation.

The air hostess came back with her coffee and returned back but not before giving me a very suggestive smile once again. Mentally, I rolled my eyes.

"Um... excuse me!" Kim called her back.

"Yes, ma'am," she said politely, but her tone was not as polite as it was when she was talking to me.

"I wanted hot coffee. Not cold!" Kim raised her eyebrows at her as if she was stupid.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" she replied, not looking even a least bit apologetic. After a few minutes, she came back with hot coffee for Kim, which Kim drank after about a good ten minutes. There was seriously no point in asking for hot coffee when she wanted to drink it when it was lukewarm. But, I didn't say anything to her. I was busy listening to Pitbull whose voice was blasting through my headphones. The volume had been kept low by me, though. There was a part of me which was hoping that Kim would talk to me in this dreadful two hour journey and eventually, the journey would no longer be dreadful. I didn't want to miss her voice in between Pitbull's singing.

I didn't look in her direction even once. Everything about us was so weird right now. We were never like this. What the f**k happened?

"Sandwich," Kim replied to the same air hostess after she asked her what she would like to have.

"Sure," she said with slightly clenched jaw and narrowed eyes. One didn't have to be a genius to understand that the air hostess was actually getting a bit worked up with Kim's continuous demands and calls. Knowing Kim, that's exactly what she had wanted. For Kim, it was a mission accomplished.

I kept listening to the music and acted like I was deaf to their conversation. The truth was that the volume was already low and I could hear every word.

Kim sighed and rested her elbow on the arm rest. She supported her chin on it and gave a sweet smile to the air hostess when she gave her the sandwich. "You'd have been giving sly smiles and winks to me if I had a d**k and was a footballer."

Hearing this, I couldn't stop the laughter that escaped my lips but I thought better of converting it in a sprint of coughs. The air hostess gasped when she heard this and went back to her cabin after giving me one last glance. With that, I continued my laughter.

"You've pathetic acting skills," Kim told me, rolling her eyes and removing my headphones from my ear.

"Hey!" I tried to protest by snapping her hand away from my headphones.

"Hi!" she replied sarcastically and rolled her eyes. "I know you're not listening to songs. Will you just remove the headphones and give some rest to your ears?"

I could have argued on this point but chose not to. Removing my headphones and switching off the music, I told her, "I've awesome acting skills. And acting is something you should never talk about."

"Oh really?" She raised her eyebrows at me and continued, "It was because of me that we got lift from Nashville to Hendersonville. I was so perfect in the role of a pregnant girl."

I scoffed at her. "'Oh, I'm in pain. I'm going to die'," I mocked in a girly voice and clutched my stomach with my hands.

She gasped and replied with wide eyes, "I do not sound like that."

I snorted and replied, "You should definitely listen to yourself right now."

"Ah! Really?" she asked with slightly clenched jaw. "Which month is it?" she asked in a girly voice. Before I could say anything, she continued in a very heavy voice, "Twelfth." Remembering that day made me laugh, but I knew I couldn't do that. She was insulting me. It was question of my pride. "How can you be so naïve, Keith?" she asked tapping her index finger at her chin in an attempt to look thoughtful. Before I could say anything, she again interrupted me, "Maybe it's the 'stripper' effect."

"You were not actually pregnant. It was just your pathetic act which those weird people bought because of me." I smirked, completely ignoring her stripper comment. I had absolutely nothing to say to that.

"Ha! They could have thrown us at the highway because of you. You made her wig fly away."

"It wasn't my fault that the kid was farting and damaging my nose." I tried to justify my act that had been done five years back.

Kim looked thoughtful for a moment and scrunched up her nose. "It really was terrible," she whispered, making me chuckle. At that, she looked in my eyes and after about a minute of silence we both started laughing. We laughed till we were out of breath and tears were rolling down from our eyes. Once we calmed down, we looked at each other and smiled slowly. "Why in the world were we arguing?"

I answered while smiling, "Because you insulted me."

She laughed again and said, "There is nothing new in that, Keith."

I had always been a person who had a huge ego but that ego was not much relevant when it came to the people who were close to me. For a fact, I knew that in this world if you can't laugh at yourself then you've no right to make fun of others. I had always been a follower of this theory and applied it whenever I was with the people who mattered to me. Probably that's why I was not at all bothered about Kim's comment and just shrugged while saying, "Whatever, Kim."

She didn't say anything for a minute and eventually, her lips turned up in a faint smile. "We were being so weird," she murmured. I knew she wasn't talking about the little argument we just had. She was talking about the silent treatment we had been giving each other. "It was just so not 'us'." She shrugged her shoulders and pressed her lips in a thin line.

I couldn't agree more. "Must have been difficult for you to shut your motor mouth," I commented, clicking my tongue at the end faking sympathy.

She couldn't suppress the grin that formed on her face while grumbling, "Shut up!" She crossed her arms over her chest and faced the front. The grin was replaced by a mock angry look.

A light chuckle escaped my lips at her antics and before I could stop myself, the words left my mouth, "I missed you."

The angry expressions wiped away from her face instantly and her face snapped in my direction. It was clear that what I had just said had surprised her to some extent. After about a minute of staring at each other with almost blank expressions, she whispered, "I missed you too."

A sudden sense of satisfaction and slight happiness filled my heart when I heard her say these words. It was good to hear this from her.

"Is this the part where you confess your undying love for me?" I smirked, calming the serious air that had formed around us effectively.

She scoffed, "You wish!"

Chuckling, I shook my head in response and silence, again, settled between us. But this time unlike the last time, it was comfortable.

"I'm going to Miami after almost two years," she whispered out of the blue.

I looked towards her and let my curiosity take me over as I asked her everything I had wanted to ask her since I saw her at the party two days back. "When did you leave Miami?"

She looked into my eyes for a second before replying, "Five years back." I raised my eyebrows and she continued, "When I came back from Nashville, I received a letter from a university in England where I had applied for a photography course. They had accepted me. It was so unbelievable. Going there was not easy. Going there meant leaving everything behind - friends, family, college, Miami and... everything. But I just listened to my heart and dropped from my college here to go to England and pursue photography there." There was a smile on her face as she said this and a distant look in her eyes.

"You had wanted to be a professional photographer," I said, remembering our conversation of Christmas Eve before the karaoke.

Her eyes snapped to look at me and she said in a low voice, "You remember?" The curiosity and surprise could be easily detectable in her voice.

"Of course!" I replied in a heartbeat and she smiled hearing my answer.

"England treated me nicely but I wanted to come back. Thankfully, I got a job and I was back to the States," she continued.

"To Miami?" I asked.

She shook her head and answered, "New York. I shifted to New York two years back when I got the job." We were in the same city for a good two years counting the number of months I had travelled around, and never even crossed paths. I didn't say anything and she further added, "When I moved to England, there was no reason for me to visit Miami. I used to go and meet Sarah in San Francisco or she used to come to England. I just came back here before joining my new job in New York." She sighed before saying, "I've missed this place."

I kept listening to her, taking in every word she was saying. I was damn curious to know where she was in all these five years; to know what she was up to and I was definitely all ears when she herself was telling me everything. No matter how neutral she tried to keep her voice, I could sense that there was some longing and sadness in it.

"Do you want to make a deal?" I asked all of a sudden.

She looked at me with lightly furrowed eyebrows and asked, "What deal?"

I gave her my devilishly charming smirk and said, "I bet that the coming two days are going to be the best days of your life."

She laughed and looked at me with happiness dripping from her eyes. "I really won't mind losing this bet," she said with a huge grin on her face.

My smirk changed to an involuntary smile and I told her, "Good. Get ready to lose."



Wattpad Prize 2014 entry. Please VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW & spread a word about this story if you like the story. :)

Again, fun of homosexuals is NOT made in this story as I myself support their rights completely. Fun is just being made of my characters because of the situations they land themselves into.

Aren't they soooo cute? They are getting back to the old Kim & Keith, I think!! Did you like their conversation in the plane? :D
A LOT is going to happen in Miami...Yayyyy! :D

Did you guys like this chapter? Do VOTE, COMMENT & FOLLOW! :) <3

Next chapter will be uploaded maximum by next saturday or sunday (maybe before that if I manage to complete it). Please keep patience. :)

Imp: If any of you is interested in making banners for this story, please PM me. :)

Thank you! <3

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