6. Unintentional Lies

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This chapter is dedicated to my Wattpad friend 'behindthestripes', she has helped me a LOT with some facts about USA and her story 'The Runaway Trio' is an unpredicatble, different, funny story. Check it out!



Wardrobe Malfunction - A wardrobe malfunction is a euphemism for accidental exposure of intimate parts. One thing that a person faces in this case is extreme public humiliation.

I, standing in the centre of the diner, was feeling the same; just thousand times worse. Though, there were two differences between those celebrities who become the victim of wardrobe malfunctioning and me.

One difference being; they get much more limelight and fame after that; newspapers are flooded with articles about them; they are searched much more on the internet and their humiliation actually increases their popularity by manifolds; while in my case, none of the above mentioned things was going to happen. In fact, my reputation just got entirely depleted and there was no way that I was going to appear in tomorrow's newspaper.

The other and most important difference being; in case of wardrobe malfunction, it is their wardrobe that gets malfunctioned; while here, it was the tongue of the girl standing a few feet away from me that had a serious disease of malfunctioning.

Ever so slowly, I removed my palm from my face and looked at my best friend, Adam, who was looking at me with confusion etched on every feature of his face. I quickly avoided his questioning look and my eyes went to the people in the diner, who came to this place in hopes of a nice lunch which just got sprinkled by my embarrassment. Finally, my eyes landed on the culprit, who was frozen in her spot, looking around with her neck intact and her eye sockets moving from left to right and again left. She definitely realized that she just made a huge blunder.

"C0ndoman-do," she muttered mostly to herself in a low voice, looking deep in thought. My eyebrows scrunched up together in confusion while her eyes lit up and she said loudly, "Commando!" She looked too happy, relieved and proud of her latest brilliant idea of converting 'C0ndom-man' to 'Commando'.

With that bright smile on her face, she took steps towards me and stopped a foot away. She took out her hand in front of me to shake and said, loudly to make everyone hear her, "Good afternoon, Commando Keith." Then she looked around the diner discreetly and I followed her gaze in complete confusion. I noticed that people were looking at us with suspicion. She gave me a pointed look towards her hand when I looked back at her and I immediately shook it.

"Good afternoon, Sergeant Kimberly," I said, equally loud, stressing on Kimberly, knowing too well that she hated being called that.

She ignored it and looked at the spectators. "There are people waiting outside who want to actually eat at this place and not eavesdrop on other's conversations," she told them all and they all quickly looked down at their plates, muttering something or the other.

I chuckled when she looked at me and we pulled our hands away at the same time. "How have you been?" I asked, happiness and surprise in my voice could not be hidden.

"I've been great," she answered, grinning. "What about you?"

"Awesome," I replied.

Before she could say anything else, we got distracted by a slight tap on her shoulder and I realized that she was not alone. She was with a blonde; hot blonde to be more precise, who had medium length wavy hair and hazel eyes.

"Um... Kim?" she said.

"Oh! Shoot!" Kim looked at her apologetically and turned towards me. "Keith, this is Laura, my best friend, and Laura, this is Keith." She introduced us.

Laura gave me a small nod and a little smile which I returned.

Sound of intentional throat clearing made me look towards my right at Adam, who was looking at me with raised eyebrows. "Kim, this is Adam, my best friend and Adam, this is Kim."

Adam looked at Kim from head to toe and his lips formed into a thin line; he mumbled, "Hi?"

Kim raised her eyebrows at Adam and snapped at him. "Dude, you could have done it a bit more discreetly." This made me chuckle, but I stopped myself the moment Adam's glare landed on me.

"Keith, let's go." I looked at the person who said this and remembered the blonde and redhead from before still sitting in their spots, looking at us in confusion and at Kim with distaste.

Kim noticed them and said, "This is..." she trailed off, waggling her eyebrows suggestively.

I decided to ignore Kim's question and looked back at the blonde, whose name I could not remember. "Have you had your food?" I asked both the girls.

"Yeah," they replied in unison, happily.

"Great!" I exclaimed excitedly. "We've the table to ourselves now," I said, looking at Kim and Laura.

"Wow! Finally," Kim mumbled in relief.

"What?" Adam asked, looking baffled.

"We-" I said, pointing towards him, Laura, Kim and me and continued, "-have the table to ourselves now." I tried hard to make him understand.

"Jerk," the other two girls said and glared at me. I just smiled in return and they left the table and eventually the restaurant.

Adam stood up in an instant. "Keith, what the hell?" he asked, disbelief coating his every word. I shrugged innocently and he ran after the girls.

"Your friend is weird," Kim commented while taking the seat which Adam and redhead were sitting on earlier. Laura sat beside her and I opposite them. I just gave her a tight lipped smile. They started looking at the menu and Adam came back with a scowl on his face.

I raised my eyebrows questioningly and he glared at me while sitting beside me. "What's wrong with you?" he hissed.

"Me? Nothing," I replied.

He just shook his head in disbelief and let the matter go. 'What did I do to make him mad at me? Nothing, right?'

I looked back at Kim and found her concentrating hard on the menu in her hand with scrunched eyebrows and lips tightly closed, forming a thin line. I still couldn't believe that she was here.

Feeling a sharp nudge at my side, I looked at Adam, who was looking at me with a questioning look. "Who is she?" he asked whispering.

"Kim," I answered whispering. 'I introduced them earlier, didn't I?'

He opened his mouth to say something, but Kim's voice stopped him. "I can literally eat everything listed here on the menu," she said, looking at the menu again.

"Kim," her friend hissed. "You can't eat everything."

Kim snorted and said, "I know Miss Salad and Plain Water." Laura rolled her eyes while a smile tugged at her lips.

Adam looked at me wide eyed in shock and whisper-yelled, "Are you sure, she is a girl? Seriously, who is she?"

I was about to laugh at my best friend's question, but a waiter came to our table and the girls gave their orders. Laura actually ordered just salad and plain water.

"What brought you here?" I asked Kim.

"She," Kim replied, pointing towards her friend, who had a sheepish look on her face.

"My boyfriend, Kyle, works here in Nashville and he couldn't come to Miami for Christmas and New Year's Eve, so I thought of coming here and surprising him," she told us, blushing at her own answer.

"Aww, so adorable," Kim said sarcastically, which earned her a playful smack from Laura. "What about you?" she asked me, keeping her elbows on the table and leaning a little. "It's been so long. Two and a half years." She smiled. I looked into her warm brown eyes and again felt surprised at the turn of events in the last half an hour. "So?" she asked.

"Huh?" I asked back.

"She asked, what-about-you?" Adam told me with clenched jaw.

I looked at him and patted his back. "Loosen up," I whispered and turned my attention towards Kim. "Nothing actually; happy holidays." I grinned, a bit too enthusiastically.

"Are you going anywhere in these holidays?" she asked.



These were Adam and my answer at the same time, which made Laura and Kim look at us in confusion; Adam and me look at each other in an instant, and Adam giving me his 'What-the-hell?' look. I realized what I had just said. 'Why did I just tell her that I don't have any plans when I have plans with my family? I can tell her the truth now. I am just being a fool in saying 'No' when I clearly have plans,' I told myself.

"What?" Kim asked, looking between Adam and me.

"We are going to Hendersonville today," Adam said.

"He is going to Hendersonville today," I said, again, both at the same time. The confused expressions on Laura and Kim's face doubled, so did our head snapping speed and so did the look on Adam's face that shouted, 'What the hell, Keith? What the hell?'

'What is wrong with me?' I thought. 'Calm down, tell her the truth.'

"Yeah, he is going to our hometown today," I lied, smiling and lightly hit Adam's feet from under the table when he was about to say something.

"Oww!" he hissed and I patted his knee in comfort. I was being such a good friend. Note the sarcasm.

"Why aren't you going?" Laura asked.

"I'm going next week," I lied instantly.

"That's so cool. So when Laura would be out with Kyle, I'll hang out with you," she said, grinning. "If, it's okay with you..." she trailed off.

I was about to answer, but Adam tapped my back with complete force which almost made my nose touch the table and answered for me, "Like hell, it won't be okay with him."

"That's great," Kim chirped, completely oblivious to the little hitting game going on between Adam and me. I raised my head and gave her a big forced smile and turned to look at Adam to glare at him.

In the meanwhile, a waiter came up with the ordered food and while the girls were having their meal, I completely avoided Adam's deadly gaze. We made small talk and they told us that they reached Nashville just an hour back and were staying in a hotel. Laura was planning to meet her boyfriend after lunch.

The waiter came up with the bill and handed it to me. "Wooh, we didn't eat that much," I said, looking at the bill.

"Sir, you didn't, but the two girls who were sitting here with you before, did," he answered, giving me a fake smile.

Adam started laughing and I glared at him, but nonetheless paid the entire amount.

Once we went outside the diner, Laura left Kim with us to meet her boyfriend. The three of us looked at each other for a moment, during which I avoided looking at Adam, and an awkward silence settled between us.

Kim broke the silence and said, fidgeting with her fingers, "I should go back to the hotel. See you later?" She looked at me while asking the question, but Adam decided to answer her on my behalf.

"Yeah, by-" he started off happily, but I cut him off.

"No!" I said loudly, making both of them look at me in confusion.

Kim frowned and asked, "You don't want to see me later?"

"No, no, no, no. I didn't mean that," I said instantly, trying to make her understand. "I meant that you shouldn't go to your hotel room right now; come with us to hang out at our apartment," I offered.

The offer made Kim look delighted and happy, while Adam looked at me like I had grown a new pair of head. She agreed and we started moving towards our apartment. I walked with Kim to avoid the many questions that Adam clearly wanted to ask me and I myself had no answers to those questions.

'Why did I lie to her? Why did I postpone my trip for her?' I asked myself.

The only answers I could think of were that I liked spending time with her and I was meeting her after such a long time. I just wanted to spend some time with her and have fun, like we had that night. There was nothing else that I could think of as there was truly no other reason behind all this.

I risked a glance behind me and watched Adam walking a few steps behind us. If looks could kill, people would have been attending my funeral by now. He looked pissed and when he saw me looking at him, he glared at me coldly. I quickly turned back and started moving. Adam was usually never angry, just like me. We were too cool. But now he was pissed because of me. I knew we wouldn't have a fight, but if I were him, I would have been much more pissed at myself.

We reached our apartment and I opened the door to welcome Kim. I looked at her as her eyes swept around our living room which was cozy due to its light brown colored painted walls with some random patterns on it of a darker shade of brown. There was just a huge screen on the wall towards which our dark blue couches and other furniture was pointed at. The walls other than that were empty except for a wall clock. To the right, was our open kitchen which was separated from the living room just by the counters, which saved our expense of buying a dining table. Our apartment was simple, nice and comfortable for us.

"Nice," she commented, looking around.

"Yeah." I grinned and Adam entered the apartment, still glaring at me.

'Hi Adam, my best friend since birth, I just want to say that please let this matter go. Unclench your jaw, open your fists, take deep breaths and hug me; I'm your best friend. Please don't hit me,' I told him telepathically while looking into his eyes. The look in his eyes told me that he didn't hear a word I had just said to him. 'I suck at telepathy,' I told myself.

"This must be yours, Keith." Kim's voice made me look at her and I found her standing near our suitcases, pointing towards one of the suitcases with a wicked glint in her brown eyes and a mischievous smirk on her lips.

I took a step towards her to see what she was pointing to and my eyes landed on the Playboy magazine kept above Adam's suitcase and I sighed in relief. "No, that's not mine. That's Adam's. This is mine," I told her as I patted my suitcase proudly.

A confused expression appeared on Kim's face and she asked me, "Are you going somewhere too? Why is your suitcase packed?"

Such were the times when my brain decided to freeze and stop working!

"Um... I..." I tried to rack my brain for some good explanation and looked at Adam desperately in need of help. 'Hi Adam, my best friend since birth, please remember; a friend in need is a friend indeed,' I again tried to tell him telepathically.

"Yes; tell us Keith, are you going somewhere? Why are your bags packed?" he asked smugly, a smirk on his face as he leaned on the door and crossed his arms over his chest. So much for the 'Friend quotes' and telepathy.

I looked back at Kim, who was waiting for my reply. 'Tell her the truth, Keith. Tell her,' the wiser part of me told me.

"I was being a good friend and packed my stuff to support Adam as he hates packing," I blurted. 'What?' my wiser part shouted at me.

"What?" Adam shouted. He sounded too much like my wiser part.

"It's okay, Adam. We know you hate packing, but it's done now," I said, enthusiastically and he looked at me deadpanned.

"You two are weird," Kim commented. "Whatever, I need to use the washroom," she mumbled, looking at me.

"You can use the one in my bedroom," I told her and pointed towards my bedroom.

"Thanks," she said.

The moment she disappeared, Adam ran towards me and I ran around the living room to save my life.

"What the hell were you thinking?" he yelled. I turned to look at him and motioned him to keep quiet. He yelled even louder, "Why should I be quiet? What's wrong with you?" He jumped on me and the next moment, I was lying on the floor with Adam above me. He strangled me and yelled, "What the hell is happening to you?" He looked furious.

"It's not my fault. It's my tongue; it has developed a mind of its own. It's malfunctioning," I tried to say under his grip.

"Who the hell is she and why are you ditching your family and me for her?" he asked with narrowed eyes and clenched jaw.

"I'm not ditching anyone," I told him as I removed his hands from my neck. "And she is Kim. How many times do you want me to introduce her?"

"You-" he stopped when we heard a loud gasp from the direction of my room. Our heads snapped towards the voice and we saw Kim looking at us in shock. I looked back at Adam and realized our position didn't look like a decent one.

"It's not what it looks like," I told her, removing my grip from Adam's hands.

"Yeah," Adam agreed with me for the first time during the day.

Her mouth formed an 'o' and she said, seriously, "It looked like a fight to me, but if it's not what it looks like, then you both must be making love."

My eyes widened at what she said and my head snapped towards my friend as we both hastily stood up from our position. We must have looked funny because Kim started laughing at us.

"It wasn't funny," Adam snapped at her rudely. If he had snapped at any other girl, she would have felt offended or cried or argued, but he snapped at Kim, who laughed even harder. A slow smile crept on my lips as I watched her and Adam looked like he was about to cry due to frustration. He ran a hand through his hair and released a mouthful of air.

For some time we sat on the couches and talked about some random things; by 'we' I meant Kim and me as Adam was just glaring at me and burning holes in my head.

"Why are you not going to visit your family for Christmas while Adam is going?" she asked when I told her about our 'new' holiday plan.

'I was going, but my tongue caught a serious disease of malfunctioning and I need to show it to a tongue doctor,' should have been my answer, considering the various changes in my plans during the last hour.

Before I could answer, Adam answered on my behalf, "His friends and family abandoned him." My head snapped at the speed of light towards him and he smirked at me victoriously.

'He is just messing with you for changing the plans. They haven't abandoned you,' I told myself calmly.

"What? Why?" Kim asked in a state of shock.

Adam released a huge breath and looked at me with eyes full of pity. I mentally heard applauses for his acting skills. "He cancelled his plans of visiting his family with a friend because of a girl," he told her, stressing on 'girl' and looking at her pointedly.

"Why would you do that?" Kim asked me incredulously.

I gulped loudly, trying to find an answer and looked between Kim and my 'friend', who again thought of answering on my behalf, "Because he is a douche, butt-faced arrogant jerk, selfish b**tard, a**hole." I glared at Adam while he smirked at me again.

I looked at Kim, who was looking at me dumbfounded and I mumbled, "Yeah." I just wanted to dig a hole and dive into it. "I'm going to make amends when I visit them next week," I told Kim, my made up hundredth lie within two hours.

Kim nodded and Adam said with a wicked smirk, "That's better my friend; you surely owe a hell lot of explanation."

'Damn! What have I done? What has my stupid tongue done?' I again tried telepathy, but in no vain. I really did suck at it.


A/N -  

Please VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW & spread a word about this story if you like the story. :)

So, how was it? I have been the most nervous about this chapter till now :\ Though, I loved Adam and Keith in this one :D Leave your feedbacks, I really need them...

Thanks! <3

3rd January 2016 - Edited! :)

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