Kim's POV 2 - Almost Ferpect

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Dedicating this chapter to My_Little_Secret_ aka Saloni for adding Keith in her book 'Wattpad's Hotties'. :) Thank you! Do check out her books. She is awesome!

You all should know that the spelling mistake of writing 'Perfect' as 'Ferpect' in completely intentional. :D This is to tell you guys that this chapter is Kim's pov of the chapter 'An Unknown Fear' in which Keith gets drunk and events that take place after it. The events that were not shown in Keith's pov. DO READ THE ENTIRE CHAPTER. :)

Get ready to go through an emotional roller coaster! <3




"The feeling of being so close to something, but yet in reality you're so far away. Reaching your hand out to grab someone or something, only coming back empty handed. Life is very selfish when it comes to chances, and choices... so when you get the opportunity to take hold of something, not something temporary.. but of something or someone, that has no plans of leaving... DON'T EVER LET GO."

My tired eyes drifted from the ceiling to the clock on the side table, which showed that it was almost three in the morning now; almost three hours of my continuous staring match with the white ceiling. A low curse escaped my lips at how pathetic I was being tonight.

The image of Keith kissing Hannah had been haunting me since the time I came back from the party with Hailey and Brian. Seriously, how could I be so naïve and fall for a player like Keith? All I got in return was hurt and a very terrible pain in my heart. Still, I knew that I couldn't completely blame him for the pain and sadness I was facing. It was my entire fault. He was never the one to make fake promises to me. He was never the one to say that he liked me or any stuff like that. We were friends; friends who just happened to share a kiss on New Year's Eve.

And, there was that pang in my heart again as I was reminded of the wonderful kiss we had shared just a few hours back. It was obvious that I was not good for him. I mean, if I was then why would he go and kiss Hannah right after kissing me? The only answer that came to my mind was given by none other than the guy I was in love with - Keith Warren.

"If I like you, no other girl would matter to me. It'll be just you."

His words rang in my head and a lonely tear escaped from my eyes when a simple yet true realization dawned upon my mind; the realization that Keith Warren didn't like me more than a friend. 'Why would he even like me?' My mind drifted back to the bakery where Adam and I had our first civilized conversation, thanks to our love for cheesecakes. He had told me that he was grateful for Keith to have asked him to hang out with me as I really was 'one of the boys' as Keith had told him.

That's what I was - one of the boys.

A dreadful and very familiar feeling of being lonely crowded my heart. Was this how a heartbreak felt like? It was pathetic.

A little groan escaped my lips in frustration at myself. I was acting like a case of a pathetic girl who was mourning in self grief, and I hated this. This was not me.

My attention from the very interesting ceiling and my messed up thoughts was diverted by noise of steps on the staircase. Instantly, I got up from the bed and tried to hear who was awake at this hour of the night. My curiosity got the best of me and when I couldn't hear any more noises, I opened the door in an instant.

Suddenly, incredibly heavy weight was over me and I fell down on the floor with somebody above me. My eyes widened in shock when I noticed who it was and to confirm any doubt in my head, I asked, "Keith?"

His blue eyes focused on me and widened slightly when he spotted me. Light laughter erupted from his mouth and the smell of alcohol overwhelmed my senses, making me scrunch up my nose in reflex. "You're an angel here?" he asked in his drunken state. His pupils looked diluted and his breath was a completely different story. "It's good that you are here with me... with me. I was thinking I would get bored... bored in heaven," he slurred, making me roll my eyes at him. Why in the world would he think that I was some angel? He buried his head between my shoulder and hair.

The position was awkward, way too awkward for my liking. Hell, it was not at all awkward and this was something I was continuously telling myself in order to stop myself from getting comfortable in his arms. He pushed himself slightly up, looked at me again and asked, "Or is it hell?" he mused and looked around with confusion on his face. Again, he laughed and said, "This is hell, Kim. This place looks like my parents' home." Before, I could understand the logic behind his drunken talks; he buried his head in my hair again.

I shook my head and told him, "Firstly, I'm no angel." He nodded in agreement but then shook his head. A chuckle escaped my lips at his confused state and I continued, "Secondly, none of us is dead and this place doesn't looks like your parents' home. It is your parents' home."

"You mean I'm not dead?" he asked, his voice was muffled as he spoke in my hair.

"Duh," I managed to reply despite of the closeness and our position.

"Wow! God sent me back from the doors of heaven to be with you," he mumbled, making me chuckle and I asked, "Thirdly?"

I took a deep breath in order to gather enough courage and answered with lightly gritted teeth, "You're freaking heavy and you need to move else I'll be paralyzed." Then, I pushed him from above me so that he was lying next to me. Somehow, he found this situation funny as he chuckled. I got up from the floor quickly.

"But, I like being on top." I narrowed my eyes at him which made his grin falter and he added with seriousness in his voice, "But I wouldn't mind you being on top of me."

My cheeks reddened but I tried to show him that I was angry as I turned my eyes into slits and stared hard at him. He just kept on grinning and I realized how badly drunk he was. Shaking my head, I mumbled, "You're so drunk." Confusion rose on his face and just as he was about to deny by shaking his head, I pointed my finger towards him. "Don't bother denying the obvious."

Laughing lightly, he mumbled, "Okay."

He looked so damn cute in his drunken state and the way he was looking at me with his glazed eyes was not helping too, but then the scene of him kissing Hannah flashed in front of my eyes, making me forget about the cute Keith in front of me. It had been a good three hours since I left the party and he came home now. Wasn't it obvious that he had by now accomplished his Winter Mission? A sharp pang of immense hurt stabbed in my heart and in order to stop my mind and heart from wandering those hurtful territories, I shook my head and after taking a deep breath, told him, "You can sleep here tonight; I'll go in your room."

"No!" he exclaimed making me widen my eyes at how loud he was. There was no doubt that if he would be going with this pitch, his entire family would be awake in no time. I shushed him and all he did was chuckle. He was so drunk. "I don't like this bed. How have you managed to sleep on it for a week is beyond my funderstanding. It's not comfortable. We both will sleep in my room," he told me, stretching his hands all over the floor.

'Fundertanding? What in the world is the meaning of this word?' I looked at him, waiting for him to explain the meaning of this word, but he just gave me a huge, drunk smile. 'Oh, dear God! He meant understanding.' A chuckle escaped my lips when I understood wheat he was trying to say and I bent down near his lying form. His smile grew bigger without any reason and I stopped the urge to pinch his cheeks. He was incredibly cute. "Keith?"

"Yeah?" he mumbled, with a huge grin taking over his features. 

"You need to 'funderstand' that you're not on the bed. You're on the floor." I tried to make him understand in the simplest of words. 

"I am?" He shot up in an instant, hitting my forehead. 

"Ouch," I hissed at the impact. Both of us sat on the uncomfortable floor, facing each other, rubbing the spot where we had been hit. I looked at the frown on his face and a smile broke on my lips. Why could I not bring it upon myself to be angry at him was beyond me. "How much did you drink?" I asked him.

Readily, he shook his head several times and said, "I'm not drunk."

I didn't miss the dizzy look he instantly had on his face, which made me snort. "Yeah, right. And the earth is not round."

He raised his hand at this and nodded his head forcefully. "I agree," he said. Chuckling at his antics, I got up from my sitting spot. In order to make him stand from the floor, I offered my hand to him which made him look at me questioningly. "Are you offering me your hand and asking me to marry you?" Without waiting for my answer, he continued, "I'm not ready for that sh*t, Kim."

Laughter erupted from my lips as he was way too funny when he was drunk and this time, he shushed me with eyes wide open in alarm. I stopped laughing and told him, "You need to sleep, Warren. Just get up."

He swatted my hand away. "I'm a man, Kim," he said, pointing towards his chest.

My mouth formed an 'O' and I chirped, "Thank you for the brand new information."

He was so drunk that he laughed at himself, but managed to keep a finger on his lips, silently asking me to keep quiet and listen to him. "I'm a man and I'm ferpectly packable of standing up on my own," he said, looking straight in my eyes with the most serious face known to mankind.

"You meant 'perfectly capable'?" I tilted my head to the side and pressed my lips in a thin line. Everything was so damn funny that for these few moments I completely forgot about the heartbreak I was going through a few minutes back. It was so weird that the sole reason of my pain tonight was making me laugh.

Not realizing his mistake and as if I was the stupid one here, he rolled his eyes and said, "I don't mean it. I said it. I'm ferpectly packable."

Laughter escaped from my lips and I muttered, "I'm going to pack you in my suitcase and take you with me, Mr. ferpectly packable."

A huge grin appeared on his face and he asked me with slightly hopeful eyes, "You will?" I shook my head in amusement and he continued. "You should do what you say, man. Always stick with your words."

"Keith firstly, I'm not a man," I told him with slight humor in my voice.

"That's not a brand new information." He laughed, looking at me from head to toe, making me blush hard, but I tried to cover it up in laughter. "Secondly?" he asked further once our laughter calmed down.

I looked at him smugly and told him, "I'm not a Warren. So, I don't need to stick to my words."

He nodded his head in appreciation and mumbled, "You've got a point there." I patted myself on my back and he smiled at me. Eventually, he tried to stand up on his own, but he was way too drunk to do that. So, I went behind him and helped him in standing up by holding his forearms. Suddenly, he looked around the room and stopped when he faced me. He had expressions of complete delight and amazement on his face. "Did you just see that?" he asked way too happily and I frowned in confusion. "I got up from the floor so quickly. I think I've superpowers." he laughed, making me chuckle at him.

Walking in a totally drunkard fashion, he finally managed to reach the bed. A sigh escaped my lips at his situation and I asked him, "Did you drive till here in this condition?" I watched as he removed his jacket before sitting on the bed and threw it on the floor. He raised his eyebrows questioningly and I clarified, "Your 'ferpectly packable' condition."

"No. Wyatt's sister dropped me and Adam here. She was seeing billy like you," he answered.

His answer confused me as firstly I didn't know who Wyatt was and secondly, who the hell was billy who I was seeing? But then it made sense as he was drunk. To confirm I mumbled, "You mean 'being silly' like me."

Ignoring me, he continued, "She was saying that we were too drunk to drive and I kept telling her that I was ferpectly packable of driving. She gave me this strange look and ignored me." I nodded my head as I tried to stop the laughter that was threatening to erupt from my lips and closed my lips in a thin line. I was enjoying this way too much. He added, "Now that I think about her, she is strange and emo." A grin broke on my lips and he concluded while laying down on the bed, "My car is at Infectious' house."

The laughter that I was so badly trying to control went out of hand and I started laughing at the name he had given to Precious. "You mean-you-mean-Pre-Precious?" I managed to ask between my laughs.

He asked after a thoughtful moment, "Isn't that a dog's name?" This just made me laugh harder and he smiled looking at me. "Come here. Sleep with me," he whispered, patting the place next to me.

My laughter died as I looked at the way he was looking at me. It was so unnerving and the things his blue eyes did to me were not good at all. Hell, it brought back each and every memory of tonight back, from the wonderful kiss to the seeing him kiss Hannah. I struggled to keep my mind and heart on one track. The best way to stop myself from getting anymore hurt was to get out of here. "You should sleep, Keith. I'm going in your room," I told him.

Suddenly, he shot up from the bed and looked at me with dead serious eyes. "If you go and sleep in my room, I'll pee on my bedroom's door," he threatened. My eyes widened and I opened my mouth in utter disbelief. He shot me a smug smile and said, "Don't look at me like that. I've done that before."

I laughed at crazy memory and climbed on the bed when I realized that tonight I couldn't win over him. I muttered "How can I forget that?" With a lot of force, he started shaking his legs, which made his shoes fall on the floor with a loud thud.

"Oh God!" A groan escaped my lips and he looked at me with a huge grin on his face as if was very proud of himself.

"I'm a fawesome ootballer."

No matter how much I tried to close him off my heart and mind, he managed to make me grin with that wonderful and happy grin fixed on his face. I patted his head lightly. "Yes, you just proved that you're an awesome footballer. Now, go to sleep."

He shook his head and told me, "I need to talk to you about something." With that he turned his body to look at me. I kept lying straight on my back with my gaze fixed on the ceiling that had been my source of entertainment for the last three hours. Unknowingly, my fingers fiddled together as I rested them on my stomach.

Was he going to talk about the kiss? I wasn't ready to talk about it, even though I wanted to talk about it so badly. I wanted to ask him that why did he kiss me? I wasn't complaining until I saw him kiss Hannah. But, now, I was. It was damn obvious that if he would have been in his senses right now I would have kicked him in the shin or punched him hard for being such a jerk and a stereotypical player with me. Taking advantage of drunk people was against my principles. My eyes closed and a sigh escaped my lips at the pathetic thoughts I was having. "You are drunk, Keith. You need to sleep. We can talk about it in the morning."

"Firstly, I'm not drunk," he slurred.

I opened my eyes to roll them as what he said was completely contrasting how he said it. "And we are in Narnia."

"F*ck," he cursed and looked at me with wide eyes. "All these years, I was searching for Narnia in my closet and it was right across my room?" He looked like a child whose entire childhood had been proved to be a complete lie.

A full booming laughter escaped my lips, but it died when I looked at Keith's eyes, the way he was looking at me with that wonderful, genuine smile on his face. It was the same smile that he had on his face after we had kissed.

'Can I kiss him again?' I wondered, but immediately scolded myself for being so pathetic. I shook my head to clear my head off these thoughts and asked him, "Secondly?"

He answered with the same smile on his face, "Technically, it is morning right now. Talk."

I shook my head and turned so that we were now facing each other completely, with a very little gap between us. "Morning as in when the sun rises and shines." I tried to make him understand.

His mouth formed an 'O' in understanding. And, all we did for the next few moments was stare at each other. The only thing that I had to do was lean just slightly and his lips would be on mine again, just like they were a few hours back. Didn't I want that to happen again? Hell, I so badly wanted it. It was so pathetic of me to want to kiss him even after I saw him kissing Hannah right after our moment. But, I couldn't help and be a little selfish as I knew that it was my last night here; last night here with Keith. My conflicting emotions were not strong enough to make me lose my self respect and I dropped the very tempting idea of kissing Keith as I told him, "Go to sleep, Keith."

He smiled and brought up his hand to remove the ever irritating strand of my hair from my cheek. He tugged the hair strand behind my ear and caressed my cheek with the back of his hand. The response his touch had on me was surreal and my eyes closed on their own accord to savor his touch. "You're so beautiful," he whispered, making me open my eyes instantly and he continued, "I'm happy that I didn't meet you when we were babies."

"What?" I expressed my confusion at his statement. Where did that come from?

Nodding his head, he said, "Yeah. You would've won the award of the 'Most Beautiful Baby Girl'." Laughter once again escaped my mouth at how hilarious he was.

All of a sudden, he snaked his strong arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I gasped in surprise and hissed lightly, "Keith."

"Present please," he joked and laughed at his own joke. I tried to pull away, but his grip was tight enough. In spite of my efforts, he rested his chin above my head, making me snuggle closer to him. He whispered, "Just relax, Kim." I let his words settle in my head and obeyed. I buried my head in his warm chest and inhaled his manly smell with content. I felt him caressing my hair with his fingers and I breathed ruggedly at the immense closeness.

Why was it that despite of seeing him with Hannah, I still wanted him so badly? Why was it that my mind and heart were not at all on the same level for the first time in my life? I hated this, but yet I loved every bit of this moment.

His grip around me tightened, making my heart beat way too loudly. To calm myself, I took a deep breath and told him, "You need to sleep, Keith. You're drunk." I felt him nod his head and I mumbled, half heartedly, "Good night, Keith."

"Good night, Kim," he mumbled back.

All the while, I felt his warm hands running through my hair, making them free from any tangles. His warm, strong hands didn't even for once loosened their hold from my waist and all I could do was wonder, was it even possible that whatever I had seen in party was nothing but a lie or a mere misunderstanding? Here he was, spending his night with me in his arms, was it possible for him to cheat on me? The way he smiled at me, talked to me, the look in his eyes, all these things couldn't lie to me. Was it possible that he loved me back?


I scolded myself for asking way too much. I could settle with him liking me. Like was enough for me.

A light feather touch on the top of my head broke my train of thoughts and he whispered ever so slowly, "I like you, so much."

My eyes widened and my heart did a huge flip at what I heard. My body froze at his confession, but I willed myself to not show him my surprise. My eyes fluttered close as he again kissed the top of my head so tenderly that it broke my heart and a tear managed to escape my eyes.

I wanted to lift my head, look in his eyes and tell him that like was such a small word for the feelings I had for him, but him liking me made me happy and content. I wanted to kiss him again and stay with him in his arms, but I knew that couldn't do any of it. Here, my first love was telling me that he liked me, and no matter how badly I wanted, I couldn't confess my feelings for him.

What was the use? I couldn't let my emotions take over everything that future had in store for us... separately. I was desperately waiting to go to London and pursue my passion - photography. Keith had his eyes set on football, here in America. Was our bond even that much strong that any of us could leave our dreams for the other? It would have been foolish and even if this decision might have looked perfect at this particular moment, but in future when we would have realized what we had lost on our professional aspects, we would have regretted everything; we would have regretted 'us'.

Maybe this was all God's plan. Maybe this was meant to be the last moment of Keith with me. Maybe this was what was supposed to happen. All I could do was savor these last few moments I had with him.

All I did for the next few hours was stay in his arms while he slept, breathed in his musk smell, listening his steady breaths, hearing his calm heart beats and let the silent tears fall. I realized that this was what people meant by being so damn close yet too far.

This was all I had for just these few hours and I made sure that I had his every breath, heartbeat, every smile, every smirk engraved in my memories.

Staying in his arms like this was almost perfect. The word 'almost' could have been removed if we didn't have to see the morning sun and go our separate ways.


I jerked a bit when I my eyes fell on the wall clock and I noticed that it was time for me to get up. How could time pass by quickly even though I didn't sleep even for a split second the entire night? Feeling upset with the way things had turned out to be, I shut my eyes tightly. When I thought I had calmed myself slightly, I opened my eyes and looked towards Keith's sleeping face.

A little smile made its way on my face when I looked at the blissful smile on his face. But my own smile didn't reach my eyes. It was such a bittersweet moment. I willed myself to get up and very carefully, removed his hand from my waist.

I dragged my feet towards the bathroom and like a corpse, I performed my morning routines. After about half an hour, when I was done with all my last minute packing, my eyes landed on Keith's jacket that was still lying on the floor. A little chuckle escaped my lips as I remembered his drunken state and I picked it up. Without giving much thought to anything, I did what my heart asked me to do. I kept his jacket in my bag, I had to.

Tying my hair in a messy bun, I rubbed my hand over my face and stared at Keith who was peacefully sleeping with the smile still intact on his lips.

Would he feel sad or slightly upset when he would wake up and find that I was gone? Would he miss me? I hoped yes.

There were so many things I wanted to say to him. But I knew that I couldn't face him. I didn't have the power to. I was the strong tomboy, not some emotional, crying girl. Moreover, I couldn't do it for both of us. There was no need for him to know that I loved him. I didn't want to hold him back from achieving everything he had wanted to achieve since such a long time.

I did the only thing I could think of, and tore off a page from a notepad kept on the table. Biting my lips, I wrote every damn thing I wanted to say to him; each and everything except my feelings. He didn't need to know that all. He would move on, that was obvious.

'But would you?' a little voice in my head asked, making me weak again.

Not bothering to pay heed to that voice, I folded the letter and kept it inside the box I had prepared for him; the box that had our first picture and the blue monkey in it. I placed the box on the table beside the bed. As I stared at him again, I couldn't bring it upon myself to move my feet from the spot. I fetched my phone from my jeans pocket and thought of trying my luck. Maybe it would work for a moment and I'd succeed in clicking last picture of Keith. Luckily, I succeeded and quickly clicked a picture of his smiling face as a memory of the last time I saw him.

A curse escaped my lips, when I felt the tears form in my eyes again. Couldn't my tear glands just stop? Please? Roughly with the back of my hands, I removed the tears that had managed to escape my eyes. Going with my heart's wish, I leaned and kissed Keith's cheek very lightly. "I love you," I whispered in a trembling voice, knowing that he couldn't hear me at all.

Taking one last glance at him, I picked up my bags and stepped out of the room.

With heavy steps, I managed to reach the living room and was quite surprised to see everybody awake. The Warrens and Brian looked at me with little smiles on their faces. "You guys are awake?" I asked in a state of surprise.

"Of course." Brian smiled, making me smile too.

My heart filled with both immense happiness and sadness at the love I was receiving from this family. This was when I realized that not only I was leaving my first love here, but a family as well; the family who had treated me like a part of them.

A grin stretched on lips, and I bent down to take out the gifts I had brought for all of them from the mall. I picked up the album covered in a gift wrap and went to Keith's mom. "Mrs. Warren, I'm thank-" Before I could complete my sentence and thereby thank her for the wonderful one week of my life, she embraced me in a hug. The tears that I had managed to stop so bravely, fell down on my cheeks as I hugged her back. Hailey didn't try to hide her tears and I was sure that I was going to miss her terribly.

Why did life have to be so confusing and sad?

I settled in the taxi, I had booked and drove off. With a smile on my face and tears in my eyes, I managed to bid adieu to the Warren family. Crying was so not for me, but that is the only thing I had been doing since this year started a few hours back.

It was so weird that the sole reason of my tears, the immense happiness, my smiles, my laughter and bittersweet moments was just one person - Keith.


Just the mere thought of him, and I let my tears flow non-stop. This time I didn't worry about coming off as a weak person or a love sick teenager. All I cared about was letting my emotions free. I didn't want to feel heavy and crying was the only alternative left for me.

I was going to miss him so damn much.



Wattpad Prize 2014 entry. Please VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW & spread a word about this story if you like the story. :)

I cried sooo much while writing this chapter!

Did you guys like it??? VOTES & COMMENTS & FOLLOWS please :)

Didn't I always tell you guys that so much is going on her head? Well, yeah!

One more chapter to go in Kim's pov. A chapter that would take you all by complete surprise. A part of that chapter was covered in Keith's pov and you'll get to know everything that exactly happened 'that' night. Hahahaha! STAY TUNED! :D

People, please check out my new story 'Love Is...' 4 chapters have already been uploaded & I need your support for that story. Check it out, please. :)

Thanks! <3

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