One shot - Kim's POV (Chapter 19)

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Hi all! Long time...huh!

So this is one shot that EmilyBaxterRobertson has written in Kim's pov. This is of the chapter in which they decide of going to shopping & Adam and Kim surprisingly end up at the bakery to have some cheesecakes - Chapter 19. Hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed reading this. Well done, EmilyBaxtorRobertson. I really appreciate this. (Sorry for taking so long to upload this.)


Kim's P.O.V:

When Hailey, Keith's sister, insisted on going to the mall, I would have desperately started to search for excuses. A twisted ankle? Stomach ache? Head ache? All these excuses could work but I didn't feel like. The scene of Hannah all over Keith was still flashing in my mind frequently. I felt like hitting my head to stop these images but the people sitting in the room with me, watching TV, perhaps would take me for a crazy person.

"But why?" Hailey asked Keith with her eyes wide. The thought of not willing to go to the mall was, somehow, shocking to her.

Keith rolled his eyes as he said, "Do I really have to tell you that?" Hailey narrowed her eyes and stared at her target but then, suddenly, changed her aim.

"You are coming with me to the mall, right Kim?" she asked. I sunk back in the couch, pressing my lips together in a thin line, searching for excuses. I could have easily given any of the excuses I'd mentioned above but seeing Hailey look so expectantly at me, I could just stutter.

"Um...I..." If I said any of these excuses, she would probably catch my lie and I honestly did not feel like lying to her. In this short span of time, she had become as close to me as Sarah, my elder sister.

"You what?" Hailey asked again.

"I" Search for a genuine excuse, Kim, fast! Otherwise you would suffer in the most boring place on earth for hours!

"What?" Hailey pressed upon.

"I-" I again tried but thankfully, Keith cut me off.

"She hates shopping," he announced casually and everyone was stared at him. What? A girl cannot hate shopping? "It's true." Keith quickly defended me from the accusing glare Hailey was sending him. This would be the time where I am supposed to support him.

"He's right," I said when Hailey looked at me, probably to deny whatever Keith said.

Hailey nodded her head slowly and I sighed in relief when Brian, Hailey's fiancé, asked the next question to Keith, "How do you know she hates shopping?" I looked at him curiously. I clearly remember telling him nothing about shopping. But with the confidence he said it; it looked like he knew me inside out. My heart fluttered at that thought.

Stop it, you'll end up hurting yourself.

"Well, I know her," he said, making my heart jump in happiness and butterflies to swirl in my stomach. "She is my friend," he added and my heart sank. No more butterflies were flying around now. I felt like sinking further into the couch. I liked Keith Warren. No matter how many times I deny this, it will be the truth. But the fact scaring me was that now my feelings were becoming stronger by the moment and Keith wasn't exactly helping. I just stared at him while Brian snorted and Hailey was in deep thoughts.

Why did he have to be so nice to me? Why couldn't he behave like a player with me? But he won't. Keith is genuinely a nice person with a heart of gold.

After a minute of strange silence, Hailey came and sat beside me. "Please come with me?" She looked at me, pouting a little and widening her eyes lightly. She was trying the 'puppy-dog-face' on me and unfortunately it was working. I could feel my resolve getting weaker.

"Okay." I sighed, getting up from the couch. "I too have to buy a few things," I said but it came out like a grumble. Shopping was not something I liked too frequently but since I was going anyway; I decided to make the best of this situation. I had to get gifts for the most wonderful people in the world.

Hailey jumped happily while Keith rolled his eyes and looked down to his phone. His brows shot up and a smirk was forming on his face.

"Play along with me," Hailey whispered to me. "Just agree to everything I say." Even if her voice was louder, I don't think Keith would pay attention to her. His phone was currently experiencing his undivided attention.

Hailey waved her hand in front of Keith, causing him to look up from the phone in annoyance. "So?" she asked. I crunched my eyebrows in confusion. She didn't ask any question, but I remembered her command.

"What 'so'?" Keith mimicked her.

"Yes or no?" She kept her hands on her hip and tapped her foot in impatience.

"Huh?" Keith asked. Brian step on my toe lightly and I understood it was my turn to play my part. I rolled my eyes at Keith, getting up from the couch.

"Just answer her, yes or no?" I asked him in irritation. A thought had suddenly stroked me. What if the message was from Hannah? It was a message, I was sure of that, and Keith's smirk looked like he was happy. Maybe they were getting laid tonight or something. Anger rushed through my veins but I calmed myself down. Jealousy was so not my type.

"You are wasting your time, Keith." Brian said, bringing me to the present.

Keith decided to give his answer, which was more of a question,"No?" A smile stretched across my face as I now completely understood Hailey's plan.

"Good!" She chirped. "Go and get ready!" Hailey was smart. No matter how Keith would have answered, he would have to go with us.

Why didn't I think of this?

Maybe because you were too busy thinking about a certain Warren.

The selfish part of me was jumping in happiness and shouting, "More time with Keith!" but the wiser part of me was telling me to keep my distance from him. I would be the one getting hurt in the end. There are so many girls' heads-over-heels for him. It doesn't exactly matter if I am added in that list, not to Keith at least. I cannot afford falling for him.

"For what?" Keith asked.

"You are going to the mall with us," I replied, as if it was obvious.  

"What?" he asked, so much in shock that he stood up from the green bean bag he was comfortably sitting upon. I smiled as I knew he was trapped. Hailey was too determined to let him loose. Of course, we had a little argument, Keith against the three of us. Now, it wasn't like we were losing but Keith's Dad's approval and persisting ability was just so helpful.

Finally when Keith agreed, after his Dad playing the trump card: Warrens never back down from their word; Keith basically had no option other than accompanying us. I was smiling like an idiot, the mere thought of spending an entire day with Keith sounded like heaven.

Stop it Kim. Just stop.

I took deep breaths, realizing that this definitely wasn't healthy for me. So I decided about distancing myself from Keith. I did not talk to him directly and openly like earlier. I had to stay as far as possible. I managed to do quite well for first few hours but then Hailey caught up with some of her old friends and the happy couple left Keith and me together. I still tried not talking to him but I needed his help, his approval for the gifts I was buying, so not talking to him was kind of impossible. My restrain upon myself was getting weaker when Keith started random talks, jokes on everyone around us and I totally lost it.

I couldn't distance myself from Keith any longer. It sucked like hell, but who could? Keith was perfect and different.

And I think I might be falling in love with him.


'Flight confirmed.' It read on the Internet site. My flight from Hendersonville to Miami was confirmed for day after tomorrow.

After two days, I'd be leaving Hailey, Brian, Keith's Dad, Keith's Mom and most importantly... Keith. I didn't know if I'd be able to see him again ever after.

My heart clenched at this thought.

Keith Warren

What had this guy done to me? I was not supposed to be held back on a player.

I sighed, closing off the site and moved downstairs. Keith had stepped out earlier; Keith's Dad was in his clinic while Hailey and Brian still hadn't returned.

"Kim dear, you need something?" Keith's Mom, Rose, asked from the kitchen.

"No Rose, I'm fine." I smiled.

"Alright honey. You could watch something on the TV. I'll be there in just a bit." She smiled back, before moving inside the kitchen.

Rose was more of a mom then I'd ever had. In the past week, I had probably received more maternal love and compassion than I had in my entire life. Only I wish if my mom, if I should even call her that, would behave like this. I sighed. Thinking about impossible things was of no good.

"Kim, honey, will you get the door?" Rose called out from the kitchen. The bell had rung?

"Sure Rose." I said as I went to open the door.

His green eyes narrowed as he crossed his hands across his chest the moment he saw me on the other side of the door.

"Hey Eve!" I greeted cheerfully.

"Tell Keith I'm here." He looked sideways, his chin held high as he spoke to me. I couldn't help but chuckle. "What's so funny?" He frowned.

"Nothing. Keith isn't inside," I answered, biting down my lower lip.

He narrowed his eyes more, if that was even possible, probably debating if he should believe me or not.

"I'm telling the truth. He stepped out a while ago but you can come in if you want." I offered. I had been living in this house for just a week but I was acting as if I f*cking owned it. Adam was still looking at me, decided upon the answer when he sighed loudly.

"Keith man, this is for you," He muttered as he stepped inside. I shrugged my shoulder, ignoring what he had said, as I closed the door.

"So what brings you here, Eve?" I asked, sitting on the couch beside him.

"Why do you call me Eve?!" He snapped. 

"Because I think it's funny?" I retorted. "Not my problem you don't appreciate my excellently out-of-this-world sense of humor." I switched on the TV. Comedy Central was on, but I wasn't feeling like it. So I changed the channel.

"Call me Adam. I don't like being called anything else, especially a woman who lived eons of years ago," he said after a while.

"Wasn't Adam a man who lived eons of years ago?" I asked in confusion.

"Ugh!" Adam flustered. "That's not the point!" He snapped.

"Whoa there grumpy boy!"

"Sorry." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look Kim, this is probably the last time I'm saying this."

"The first too." I interrupted.

He ignored my little useless input and continued, "but Keith wants us to get along. So I'm trying here for his sake, alright?" My heart fluttered on hearing this.

"Why does Keith want both of us to get along?" I found myself asking.

"Because he likes you." Adam said. I felt like jumping in the air upon hearing this. Keith likes me? He like likes me?! Keith Warren likes me, Kim Jones?

"What?" I said, merely as a whisper. I was still taking in the shock. It was my brain speaking.

"Yeah, he said you are one of the guys. He really likes hanging out with you." My heart sank. One of the guys? So he doesn't actually like me. He just likes spending time with me. I was nothing but one of the guys. Damn!

"So, for Keith's sake, can we try getting along?" He brought me back from my disturbing thoughts. I bit my lower lip, giving it a thought. Adam wasn't that bad a guy too. Yeah, a bit over-reacting but that's acceptable. Even though I had humiliated him beyond limits, he hadn't actually done any harm to me. Nevertheless, he was Keith's best friend. I had to get along with him for Keith's sake.

I remembered something Keith had mentioned about Adam.

"Don't you like cheesecakes?"



So, that's how Adam and Kim decided to call it a truce! :D Feel free to write any one shots of this story if you may like and dedicate it to me. I'll definitely read it. :)

Thank you everyone who wished for the birthday wishes. They made me smile. :)

I'm back to writing 'Love Is...' If you haven't already read it, do it now. Really, right NOW! Join Ashton and Liana in their crazy journey of finding Love. :)

Thank you for all the support always! :)

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