Part One And The Last

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Andrew sat behind his dull grey computer and boring grey walls, preparing himself for another  grey day at the office. Reaching for his cup of coffee, he sat back in his chair, sighing. He opened up his task manager on his computer.

His eyes lit up.  An outstanding idea came to his mind. The best idea he had had in years. A revelation! This could change the world forever...

Slowly an idea began to form in his head. What if, he thought, plush dinosaurs were made life-sized? Andrew grabbed his plush dinosaur that always sat behind his computer staring at him work -- it was a present from his long-deceased aunt that was supposedly for 'helping him work' -- and planned out his brilliant scheme.

He opened up a tab, went onto Contracts and typed. He spent many sleepless nights just typing away on his Contracts page, slowly developing bad posture and very noticeable eyebags. Unlike Tali, his eyebags did not mean the world to him, nor would it matter, for he never noticed.

Days later, when Andrew had predicted his work would end, he sauntered over to his office yet again, dragging himself across the floor. His eyes were half-closed, his hands were shaking, and his tiredness showed. He slumped onto the chair. The same chair that had given him that outstanding scheme, yet now it did not provide the same comfort that pushed him to his work.

'It's over,' he whispered, staring straight ahead. His head pounded. He looked up. 'Dino. He-- he's gone. It's over...' he said to no one.

Andrew felt like he was going to fall, but he got up, slowly, first placing his hands on the chair's sides, then heaving himself out of it. Everything seemed heavier. Heavier, and darker. 

He dragged himself across the building, to the kitchen.

He approached the fridge. 'Can I open you?' he asked his freezer as always, as his freezer was liable to go mad if no one asked for his permission.

'You have my permission,' said his freezer and Andrew took out his favourite: chocolate ice cream.

His dinosaur covered his desktop wallpaper and when he saw it he murmured, 'Thanks for nothing, Dino. You failed me. You failed my plan to revolutionise the world.'

But he knew that wasn't true. No, the fault lay with him. The death of his best friend, that was all his fault. And with him went all hopes and dreams of revolutionising the world.

Andrew sighed as a notification popped up on his screen. Get to work now, it read, or you're fired. Where've you been for the last three weeks??  He set to work, his head drooping.

Someone appeared in the door.

'Go away, Terry, I'll deal with you later,' Andrew said, shooing him away. He didn't look up from his computer.

'No -- listen to me. The other business accountant team have declared war on us. There is no time to be all sad about your lost dinosaur now, Andy. They've got guns and pistols and everything.' explained Terry, stepping into the doorway.

'So?' ventured Andrew, staring intensely into his computer.

Sounds of gunshots came through the window.

Terry ran, leaving Andrew sitting opposite his computer, his back to the window. Andrew couldn't really care at this point.

Shards of glass scattered on the floor. 

They were in.

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