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The words you are about to read were written through much pain. I have tried to tell the story of what happened when I met the group of lovely people that captured my heart several times, and I have always failed. In fact, I became so frustrated with never being able to find a description of her that I was happy with, I was going to give up my pursuit of the retelling.

But then I continued to see the youngest of the group through videos and in person (perhaps it is important to note here that the group of boys is a quite famous music and social activism group, but I suppose you will see that in the story) always wearing a sad expression and always looking into crowds of people for someone that I don't know he will ever see again. I don't know if any of us will ever see her again. He seems hopeful about it, despite the older boys telling him that she is gone.

To see him so upset, to be hanging onto a hope that is as dim as faraway stars in the night sky, made me believe that I had broken my promise to her. So, I made a promise to him in return: I promised him I would tell the story of when I met them, and do my best to describe her to as many people as I could.

That way, anyone that has heard of her would be able to look for her.

So, I must ask this anyone who reads my words: if you ever meet a girl with a beautiful laugh and has skin and hair that seems to glow like the moon, a girl that stares for hours at the night sky, and talks of eternity, please go tell the youngest of the boys. Tell him his starlight has come back.


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