Again and Again

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I let go as soon as I realised what had happened. He gasped and held the knife, as if trying to pull it out.

'NO!' I screamed, rushing back to him to keep the knife secure. 'I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me but I'm sorry. You can't remove the knife. You'll bleed out.'

I'd watched enough medical dramas to know that you're not supposed to remove the thing holding your blood and guts in. At that moment, the knife was doing just that.

He crashed back into the wall. I went with him, guiding his head from slamming against the concrete.

Beside us, his phone rang.

I felt so foolish. I should have called someone. Preferably, Enini who was a nurse. I leaned over Ukin and took his phone to use when I saw the caller ID.

'Heartbeat', it read. The picture attached to the caller ID had a beautiful woman and a chubby baby.

'He-help m-me,' Ukin grunted out in pain, trying to hold my hand as I pulled away. For a second, no! A minute. For a minute there, I'd forgotten what a horrible person Ukin was. I hissed and got up.

'When you die,' I said. 'She'll be better off.'

I had done this woman a favour. Now, she'd never have to deal with his filth. If only someone had done the same for me.

As the thought occurred to me, I felt Ukin trying to crawl away. Snapping angrily, I kicked his hands out from under him as he impaled himself, further, on the knife.

'Dying will be the noblest thing you'll ever do.'

I slammed his phone on the ground and stepped on it till it cracked and pierced my skin. I didn't care. Just as long as he didn't get to it.

I'd done a good thing for Ukin's wife. But no one had done it for me. Mbo was a cancer that I let loose on another innocent woman.

Maybe that was a mistake I ought to correct.

Charged with new purpose, I took a quick shower, got dressed and was out of my room in less than an hour. By the time I grabbed my keys from the kitchen, Ukin was no longer moving.

Good riddance, I thought, as I selected a defter and slighter knife from the kitchen drawer. One stab would do the trick. One stab and Mbo wouldn't exist anymore.

The ride to his home was easy. I'd gone there too many times. I'd tried to confront him before, but my liver failed each time.

Not that day. That day, I was on a mission and nothing could get in my way.

The gateman let me into the compound but that was expected. Mbo lived in an apartment block with his new wife. He wasn't home, but she was. The knife stayed in my bag as she let me in.

'I've been expecting you,' she said as she placed two drinks on the table between us. Ever since I'd arrived, she'd kept a contemplative but unsurprised demeanour about her. If she was going to cut right to the chase, I was obliged to follow.

'I hope you know what you married,' I replied. 'I'd hate for you to suffer like I did.'

'I'm not suffering. I know who I married. If it was something that he wanted to share with you, I'm sure he would have married you, instead.'

I smiled. Her ignorance was endearing but she had to know. Men like Mbo preyed on women thinking they'd be the exception. The next woman in their life was made to feel special and distinct. The woman who had their focus, always thought she was different. But that was never true. It certainly wasn't true for Mbo.

'You got married four months after he broke up with me. He must have been cheating on me with you. Is that the kind of person you want to build a life with?' I asked.

'He told me all about you.'

'Excuse me?' I asked.

'I didn't go into this relationship blindly. I know my husband. I've always known who he was from the moment we met. If he wasn't honest with you about his truth, that's not my fault.'

My blood boiled at her words. She knew about me and she still married him. She was just as wicked as Mbo. I took out my knife as she gasped before me. She rushed and held my hands, but I refused to let go. I shoved her away and struggled to my feet. Before she could get up, I stabbed her. She cried and struggled, but I stabbed her again. And again. And again. She had destroyed my life.

It was only fair that I return the favour. 

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