15- What I Am

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Venice loomed through a thick sheet of haze. In their gondola, Kylo looked towards the new land in awe. Mist appeared to plume out of the cobblestone, like smoke from a man's pipe. The houses stood in eerie silence as though they had secrets to tell. Faint light coming from the windows indicated life yet as they stepped out of the gondola, it felt to Kylo as though he was the only man left alive. When Vincent reached for his hand, Kylo felt like he belonged to the fog and canals.

"Welcome home," the lord said as he led Kylo to a small black-painted carriage.

Silenced by the murky beauty the city possessed, Kylo could do nothing but look around him and drink everything in. When he glanced at the horse, he saw it was so dark it blended into the night, much like the carriage that was to take them to the lord's castle.

Helping Kylo in, the lord nestled beside him and entwined his fingers with the younger man's. "Venice holds its secrets," Vincent said as the wheels began to roll over the street. "What happens here remains wedged between the cracks and crevices of the old buildings." Touching his free hand to Kylo's cheek, Vincent added, "The things you will see, though dark and haunting as the mist spreading before us, are glorious. Night, my beloved angel, is more beautiful than you'll ever imagine."

"The night brought me to you, my lord," Kylo replied as he leaned his cheek to Vincent's hand. "I will forever be in her debt."

As the carriage continued through the narrow streets, Kylo leaned his head upon Vincent's shoulder and closed his eyes.

Arriving at their location, the horse stopped, let out a tired snort and shook its head from side to side. The driver held the door open for the two men. Kylo rubbed his eyes and let Vincent escort him out. "My humble home," said Vincent as he gestured to a dark stone castle hovering like a phantom amongst a grove of herculean trees.

A gasp escaped Kylo's lips at the grand sight. Honoring the haunting beauty Venice possessed, the castle stood dark and elegant. Statues of cupids and scantily clad figures decorated the lawn. Looking to his right, Kylo saw rose bushes standing as high as the ones in Vincent's German home. The red flowers trickled all the way around the castle and disappeared.

As the driver vanished into the castle with their bags, Vincent uttered as his gaze followed Kylo's to the flowers, "They are magnificent, aren't they? Perhaps when we are rested I will take you into the small maze of roses. You looked glorious among them before." Vincent's eyes shone silver. "I would love to spend some time with you there...no guests, no interruptions, nothing but you and I. Remember the night of my ball and what I said to you?"

Remembering, Kylo smiled. "You said that one day you'd like to see me laying in a bed of petals."

Brushing his thumb against Kylo's lips, Vincent nodded. "Soft skinned and pale among a bed of red."

"You had said what you wanted to do was unholy, but that's not possible, my lord. What it is you want to do to me I want you to do." Pressing his lips to Vincent's fingers in a kiss, Kylo added, "You and I will never be unholy."

Sighing mournfully, Vincent touched his lashes together as painful thoughts invaded his brain. "I am unholy," he admitted in a whisper. "I have killed."

"They deserved to die," Kylo said defending Vincent's actions against the step-family.

Giving Kylo a melancholy smile, Vincent uttered, "My angel, when you learn the truth about me, you will see that I am a man who deserves to be called unholy, wretched, devilish. I –"

"Shhh..." Inching up to brush his lips along Vincent's, Kylo interrupted him. "You saved me. You've shown me that you would do anything for me. You can never be what you say, not in my eyes."

"I must tell you who...what I truly am before you give yourself to me, I –"

Before the lord could speak another word, Kylo pressed his lips to his again and hushed his confession.  

words: 709

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