Aqua's pov

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I was walking in Heaven with my brother.I still was sad all the Au's and the multiverse was slowly blowing up. My au blew up when I was 10.But I got over it.All my friends are with me at least.Sometimes I wish I knew who blew up are au.But then I would be sad if it was a friend.Then I saw Paperjam.Me and my brother said hi then continued walking.I saw my Alphas and she was tightening my Toriel's robotic parts she has 2 robotic eyes,2 robotic hands,both of her ears are robotic,and her horns where robotic.Me and my brother kept walking.Then my phone rang I checked who it was it was Sans.I knew my brother would be mad if he saw my name for Sans on my phone.So I didn't awnser I instead texted him saying I was on a walk with my brother.Then he texted me I looked at the text.My brother was distracted making it easier to look at it.It was a picture of him.I saved it on my phone and contiued walking with my brother.Then we got home we went inside."Weird," my brother said "Sans should be home by now."I looked at the time and he was right.I went upstairs to my room when I heard my brother scream.I looked downstairs and he was gone.Weird I thought where did he go.I began to look around the house for him and Sans but couldn't find either I began to walk back upstairs.When I saw something weird.It looked like a devil mixed with an angel.It then knocked me out.
Inks POV
I had heard three different screams from Sans,Aqua,and robotic!Papyras's house and looked out my window to see what was going on.Then I saw Satan come out of there house.I of course took a picture and sent it to The If You See The Devil Send Us A Picture Court.They looked at it hopefully then I heard a window break.I didn't move at all.Then the devil came up to me and knocked me out.Not before I screamed though. Every angel in my area left because of that.

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