Awaken To Orientation

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(action in dialogue)

Voices from past

1st POV

???: "They're here! They're here! We need-

???: We did it! Y/n we did it!.... Y/n?

I wake up in a panic haze, grabbing my chest as I sit up. My eyes wide open but I can barely see my feet in front of me. Everything is blurry, I can only focus on my rapid breathing and the sweat pouring off my face. My head begins to pound, it feels like it's been hit by something... hard.

I stay in place for a few minutes. Trying to get my composure, and bring my thoughts together.

Y/n: *Who... who was that.. The voices... those noises... Where....Where am I?*

At this point my sight had come back to me. I was able to see myself, and I realized I was in male black school uniform.

After taking a look at my attire I continued to think. Trying to piece together where I was. It was then I heard someone gasping, and in the corner of my eye I saw a young man around my age with short red hair and red eyes, wearing the same clothes as me in the same position I'm in.

Y/n: *Who is that? Does he know why I'm here? No... judging by his reaction he may be in a similar situation... it may be smart to see what he knows, but I should be cautious. Maybe give him a fake alias, yeah I don't want to give my na-*

My thoughts stop suddenly as I focus on a point. As a wave of dread overwhelms me as I begin to shake. My hand gripping my chest as I feel myself begin to panic, this time I'm doing my best to keep it together. But I can't help but whisper a single question as my mind goes blank.

Y/n: ... What... What is my name?

The other guy looked towards me, and for the second we held eye contact... Something unspoken was shared. Before either of us could speak or even confirm anything. Our heads turn to a voice calling out to us.

??: So, you two are up?

Looking over to the voice, I see a young woman laid out on the ground in front of us. Not fully facing us at first. Recognizing that she is wearing some sort of school uniform. I first see her black leggings, my eyes then move past her legs to see her blue skirt and a white uniform and a blue collar. 

Along with this outfit her, I notice a ribbon on the right side of her long purple hair. But the thing that really held my gaze was the sniper rifle she had aiming at something in the distance which froze me to the spot.

She then turns to us, allowing me to see her face. I took note of her purple eyes that was filled with determination that unnerved me given the situation as she says;

??: Welcome... to the Not Dead Yet Battlefront!

The other guy and I share a look of confusion before looking back to the girl as she speaks.

??: I know this is sudden, but could you enlist with us?

This is when I heard the other guy speak for the first time since we arrived here. Speaking for the both of us in trying to understand what she was saying.

??: Since you're here, you must be dead.

I freeze up and focus on what she just said. Not fully comprehending it.

Y/n: *Dead? How... how can I be dead? She must be lying. Or on something. Which whatever it is must be something good to get her this far gone.*

I try to wrap my head around what she's saying. I've been pretty silent on what has been going on and letting the other guy speak. I was thinking about standing up and walking away, but she then turned to me.

??: What about you? You've been sitting there for quite a while now. Wasn't sure if you were going to die again.

Y/n: I... what?

??: Well? What do you say?! Join us and help take them down!

Apparently I had zoned out, as now this girl was on all fours with her face really close to the other guy.

Y/n:... Um... am I interrupting something?

??2: WHA-?! N-

??: We haven't even gotten started! I need you both!

There was an awkward silence that filled the air as the girl looked at the two of you expectantly and I tried to put certain... thoughts out of my mind. I turn to the other guy and give him a confused look to which he sighs and speaks up.

??2: Pretty much theirs another girl down there who they call "angel" who she intends to strike down.

Y/n:.... With the sniper?

??: Well duh! What else would I have?

Y/n: A sign that says "crazy" or cult recruitment? 

As I finish my statement I begin to instantly regret it as she stands up angrily and scream at me.


Y/n:... But I thought I di-

??: IT'S A JOKE!!

Y/n:... Is this how you try to recruit other cult member? Cause if so... not a great pitch.


Before she could finish screaming she is interrupted by a blue hair that ends at his neck along with somewhat messy bangs and blue eyes wearing a beige long-sleeved collared uniform coat with buttons going down vertically on its right, and a breast pocket on its top left along with horizontal pockets on each lower side. The pockets, outer collar and sleeve-tips are rimmed being brown. I also noticed on his left shoulder the a symbol can be seen which peaked my interest, though what he began to say was even more interesting.

??3: Hey, Yurippe! How goes the recruitment of the newbies there? We'll get them no matter what it takes to join our cause! And then-

The new individual stops speaking as he sees who he referred to as "Yurippe" looking down and face palming as me and the other guy looked in disbelief. Though I certainly had a smug look, believing my idea of the situation is correct.

??3: What?

Both of us begin to rise as we share a nod and begin to walk away.

??2: Well... we should get going.

I simply nod but Yurippe speaks up as I begin to rise.

Yurippe: Ugh! Wait! It isn't difficult. Just follow my lead!

After she says that my entire body tightens as I grit my teeth. For a second I see the silhouette of someone standing where she is. I could tell they were short and holding up two objects. It looked like they had some sort of spiked hat and were holding something round close to their chest as they pointed something at me. Then they speak and I hear this childlike voice.

??: Come on Y/n! Just follow my lead!

They then vanish as I blink hard and see her again, now looking at me with a raised eyebrow. Still waiting for my reply, I stand up with my fists clenched and for some reason I can feel rage coursing through my veins. I look toward the other person who shares the same skeptical look as I did and takes a moment to read me. We both looked at each other and shared a nod.

Yurippe looks at us and smiles. Beginning to speak with compassion and joy.

??: Great! Now here is the mission! As we know it, the- huh?

At this point the other guy and I were walking side by side towards this"Angel/enemy ". As we walked down the stairs toward her I looked around the area. Taking in my surroundings in case Yurippe tries to take a shot on either of us. As I did, the other guy spoke, gaining a bit of my attention.

??2: So, what do you think?

Y/n: Of us being dead allegedly? Or this girl supposedly being in a cult that is targeting an innocent girl.

??2: Both. I can tell you for a fact I'm not buying this. It doesn't make any sense.

Y/n: Agreed, but we do need to get a better idea of what's going on. I have no memory of waking up just now.

In the corner of my eye I see him flinch and look back at me. Confirming what I thought earlier about us, and he seemed to be both relieved and concerned about it as well.

??2: You too? I heard you when you woke up. But I didn't want to assume anything. But it seems that we are suffering from the same circumstances.... Maybe we should form our own group to figure out what's happened and maybe even escape.

Y/n: Hmph? Well you know what they say. The best cult is your own cult.

I give him a wink and a smirk which causes him to chuckle. Getting him to take a deep breath and looking forward.

??2: Okay, well let's talk to her and go from there. Maybe she's suffering like us and we can help each other.

Y/n: We'll we'd be starting off better than miss the sniper behind us.

 speaks out to the girl ahead of us. Which is when I stop looking at my surroundings and look toward the girl we are walking towards. I immediately stop walking as I freeze up and catch my breath. I see a very beautiful white-skinned girl with waist-length white hair that is half tied by a hair clip with bangs covering her eyebrows, piercing gold eyes with hints of auburn her eyes which sent shivers down my spine.

I couldn't help myself and as we reached her I spoke up and said;

Y/n: Cute.

I see both of them glancing at me. My new ally looked at me curiously and almost mocking me with a brow raised. While she looks at me with a slight head tilt as she looked me in my eyes. I could feel my face beginning to heat up but I held her gaze.

Her eyes spoke volume to me, it seemed so lifeless yet something was hidden underneath. I felt a strong pull towards her and my stomach felt uneasy. I wasn't sure why I was feeling this way but I did my best to push it down.

Y/n: Guys focus we have something more urgent to discuss. 

??2: But weren't you the-

Y/n: Dude. I get it she is cute, it's not the time to ogle her. We got sniper girl to deal with.

He looks at me bewildered for a moment before rolling his eyes and shrugs, going back to the original conversation. I felt my cheeks begin to heat up but I shrug it off and I do my best to avoid their gazes for a minute.

??2: (Cough) Anyways. Good evening. So, uh, they're aiming a gun at you. They said you were an angel or something.

I glance and see him point his thumb at Yuripee and that blue haired dude. It made me chuckle as seeing her panic. I then look back at the silver haired girl as she tilts her head and spoke in a sweet voice that made my heart flutter. As she spoke she returned her head to the original position.

??4: I'm not an angel.

Y/n: Oh you forgot to mention that they are trying to recruit us to their cult.

He looks back at me and snaps his fingers and nods. Waving an arm around and using the other to pinch his nose.

??2: Ah yes. The cult. How could I forget.

She then turns to me and I look back at her as she tilts her head again for a second. I chuckle and speak up.

Y/n: Yeah yeah. Probably has something to do with the angel thing.

She takes a moment to process what's been said before responding. I keep checking at Yuripee to see if she is going to take a shot. 

Y/n: *So far, still panicking. Nice*.

??4: Well... I'm the student body president.

I watch as my friend takes a deep sign and face palms himself. He speaks up and looks down with his hand on his face as he speaks.

??2: That chick tricked me, dammit!

I raise and eyebrow and smirk as you respond.

Y/n: You saying you were actually buying all their crap dude?!

??2: Tch no! Damn it, we are being idiots-

Y/n: We? Who is this we? I'm good man.

He rolled his eyes and began to turn away from me as he spoke to both her and I.

??2:. We have no recollection of who we are. I'd recommend we go to the hospital. Come on, before that purple hair girl pulls the trigger.

I contemplate for a moment and shrug thinking it may be the best course of action. I take a step after him and about to beckon for the girl to follow when she speaks up, stopping us both in our tracks.

??4: There aren't any hospitals

Y/n: !!!

??2: Huh? Why not?

We both turned to her and listened intently as she spoke. I began to feel my gut turning and not the way it had been previously. I began to feel more on edge and guarded since I first arrived and woke up.

??4: Because no one gets sick.

??2: Why not?

??4: Because everybody is dead.

As she spoke those words, I felt a sense of dread that made me freeze. The sound of falling rubble shook my ear drums as I heard the voices again.

?? :  I'm sorry. Please... I'm sorry.

I'm snapped out of it when I feel him tug my arm and I focus on the given situation. With my friend screaming accusations at the girl.

??2: Oh so you're in on it too!? Trying to trick us both?! So what were you the one that gave us amnesia?! Why!?

She responds in a calmly matter, almost matter of factly. Despite the next few words she spoke made difficult for me to keep calm.

??4: Amnesia is common here. People who got an a accident before coming here often hurt their head.

I watched as he stepped forward, pretty much outraged at what we were hearing. 

??2: Then prove it! Prove it that we can't die if we are already dea-

??4: Hand Sonic.

In front of my eyes I see a blade appear from her arm as she steps forward, cutting him off. He jumps a step back towards me as she suddenly strides towards us and reels her arm back. 

Before I realize what is happening, my body moves on it's own at a speed that matches hers.

Y/n: Shit!

I grab him and pull him behind me as I take an arm out and her blade pierces it as I stop it from going through my chest. It was then I realized what she was about to do. 

Y/n: Just because you're cute, doesn't mean  you mean you skewer my new friend here.

??2: Really?! Now!?

Y/n: Just stating facts man.

??4: Cute?

She tilts her head at me as I take a deep breathe and try to ignore the pain of the blade being through my arm and pressure of her pushing it forward.

Y/n: Yup, and what would make you even cuter (grunt)...if you would stop trying to pierce my heart. Because you already have (wink).

She looks at me with more confusion as she ignores my comment and continues to speak.

??4: He wishes me to prove my claim. I am only complying to what you desire.

Y/n: Well... I desire to live. So...maybe not?

??4: Hmmm, then I will prove it to you as well.

Before I could react the blade vanished from my arm. Making me freeze up, she then kicks me away. I instinctively grabbed my arm to stop the blood.

??4: Hand Sonic.

I look up and see her blade coming to me. Before I can try and block it she slams the blade into my chest and I feel it piercing it instantly. Thoughts flood my mind in panic and shock as I try to comprehend what had happened.

She pulls the blade out my chest and puts her arm back to her side and begins walking past me. I take a quick glance as I feel my body weaken and I lose consciousness. I look at him with a bit of sorrow as I fall forward, able to mouth the word.

Y/n: Run.

Before my body hits the ground I black out and feel a familiar sense of peace. And hear the now too familiar sounds of a blade piercing a mans chest.

Y/n: *Heh...idiot*

Au: And that's where we will end this first chapter. I hope you have enjoyed the introduction to the story and have a great day/night.

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