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A/n. Keep the comments coming hunsss🤍😄

"Oh, hey. Does anyone know where the maids are? I demanded Maria to bake me a gummy bear shaped cake and I can't find her...anywhere..."

Blaise trails off his sentence as his eyes land on Jasper and the three bystanders covered in blood.

"Man I get it..." Blaise nervously chuckles.

"Jasper annoys me too. There was this one time he stuffed flaming hot cheetos up my nose when I was asleep so not only did I nearly suffocate, but my nostrils were burning." Blaise rants as he takes cautious steps backwards, keeping his eyes firmly on Tempest, Zephyr and Milos.

"And you thought Maria would be baking you a cake on the rooftop pool?" Tempest tilts her head in question.

Pointless questions as such aren't her thing. Why question Blaise about anything ever? Nobody knows why he does what he does or what goes through his head.

But messing with his petrified mind?

Asking stupid questions to put him even more on edge?

That was her thing.

Blaise's laughter in response is loud and forced and insincere.

"Maria can be a crazy lady. That woman could bake a cake anywhere. Plus, allot of the maids come up here to hide from me." He beams with pride of having discovered their secret hiding place.

"But I...I can see you're occupied so I'll let you get right back to it. I personally wouldn't want to deal with a transitioning Jasper anyhow hahah...jee whizz, that boy is moody enough on a good day.


The moment his back hit the door he fumbled for the handle and sprinted through the exit, completely forgetting about the staircase and tumbling down the first couple of steps.

Milos barks a laugh and Zephyr bites his lip to stop a smile appearing from his little brother's misfortune.

Tempest swiftly moves on from Blaises disturbance and with her newly freed hands, thanks to her older brother, kneels down by Jasper's body and yanks the metal spike from his neck.

Her stomach churns at the sight of the bloody hole left behind reminding her of her sensitivity to blood now that the hallucinations weren't there to prevent it any longer.

She covers it with the palm of her hand so that she doesn't have to stare at it and looks into his lifeless chocolate orbs.

"I didn't mean to.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to.

I'm sorry."

She chants over and over again until both men beside her realise that even though she managed to break free from her hallucinations, the episode is far from over.

Milos' heart squeezes at the sight.

Zephyr on the other hand watches with a morbid curiosity.

Tempest watches as a drop of water lands on Jasper's cheek and furrows her brows.

She wipes it up with her index finger and examines it curiously, looking up at the clear blue sky questioningly.

"You're crying." Milos enlightens her with the truth, having watched the tear fall from her crystal blue eye.

She furiously wipes at her cheeks with the backs of her hands, checking herself to see that it was true, discovering that her eyes were indeed moister than usual.

"Who's hallucinating now? Stop lying." She grumbles in denial, picking up Jasper's head and placing it in her lap.

"Wake up Jasper.

Wake up.


Wake up."

Her incessant whispers continue as though she never even stopped to converse with Milos.

"It's time to wake up.

You're okay.

I'm sorry Jasper, you're okay."

"Mags...it might take a while yet. How about we take him down to his bed?" Milos suggests, crouching down beside them and reaching his hands out towards Jasper's body.

"No." Tempest commands him, her vision glowing with a red hue.


I didn't mean to do that.

I keep messing up.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry Jasper.

I didn't mean to.

Milos backs away unwillingly on command and Tempest shortly follows, scrambling to her feet.

"Um...forget what you just saw. Nothing happened." She commands again.

She watches his pupils go wide as her magic works and he stands blankly like a robot being rebooted.

And she sighs.

But her relief is short lived as a throat clears and she remembers the warlock standing witness to it all.

He has the power to run or fight this if he pleased.

But instead he took the opportunity to face the one thing about her that has irked him the most since her arrival.

"Go ahead princess. Compell me. You'd have to look me in the eyes to do that." The smugness couldn't be hidden from his tone if he tried, and he did.

He takes confident steps towards her so that they're standing opposite one another.

Her eyes staring at his pecs where her face is level to, stubbornly refusing to give in to what he wants.

She racks her mind, searching for a way she can get what she needs and also what she wants out of him in this situation.

And she looks up.

Her heart stutters as his glassy green eyes meet hers.

"Forget what you just saw Zephyr." A rare and sinister smile creeps up her lips.

"And tell me why you left me two years ago."

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