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It was idealistic alright.

The sky seemed as though it was permanently clear, making room for the sun to beam down.

The oceans surrounding the island were a crystal clear shade of turquoise you had trouble tearing your eyes from.

The architecture was all whites and creams, very similar to Greece to cope with the hot weather.

And every street was paved with vibrant, blooming flowers.

If Tempest had a dream destination, this would probably be it.

During the six hour plane journey the image she conjured of a supernatural ran island was the complete opposite of this.

She thought the weather would be cold and the skies grey. The buildings would be tall and complex, warding away unwanted attention. Any plantation would be bland and overgrown.

What she wasn't expecting was something from a travel catalogue so pleasantly suprised she was.

"I tolddd youuu you'd love ittt." Jasper sings in a taunting 'I told you so' tone.

She schools her sparkling eyes and reminds herself of her objective.

Jasper shakes his head in disapproval of her stoic expression, becoming fed up of her 'don't give a fuck' attitude.

"Oh come on, don't you feel the change? Surely it can force a smile out of you?" He persists.

"What change? The weather?" Tempest's forehead tightens in confusion.

"You know...how I told you about the Island and how we minimised the magic outside of it?" His tone is questioning as though it's obvious and he's waiting for her to catch on.

"Um...right. Yeh. Feels no different to me."

Jasper's freckled nose dramatically scrunches.

"That's bull shit. No matter what the hell you are you should be able to sense the magic."

She doesn't entertain him with a response, starting back up at him with a stoic expression.

"There's something royally wrong with you Tempest."

"Thanks pal."

"Hi there. I'm Amelia, the owner. I'll give you a quick run down then I'll be outta your hair."

Tempest turns to look at Jasper, no words needing to be spoken.

Not even the slightest alteration to her deadly resting face was necessary.

Jasper knew a welcoming house tour was the last thing on Tempest's agenda.

If she had to endure any more conversation before calling it a night she'd dissociate right where she stood.

"Uh-actually...she gets a little agitated when she's sleepy. Is it okay if you show her straight to the bedroom and I'll catch her up to speed in the morning?"

Jasper interferes.

Good choice, Tempest thinks, breaking her stony stare from his much to his relief.

"No problem at all your highness." The kind flustered girl hurries to assure them.

"Please. Just Jasper is fine Amelia." He corrects her.

Tempest doesn't bat an eye at the revelation and takes it upon herself to march upstairs, Crew resting on her suitcase as she carries it.

"Cute cat." The host compliments, clearly still attempting to make polite conversation.

Jasper holds his breath and hopes for all their sakes that Tempest isn't in a murdering mood.

"I hope you don't mind pets in your home. Sorry I completely forgot to mention him on the phone." Jasper takes reign of the conversation again to prevent any unnecessarily tense response from the frightening black and white haired girl.

Jasper had made sure to shove one of his beloved black beanies over her head before they so much as touched a grain of Erridan soil. He even pulled a pair of oversized sunglasses over her eyes to hide her heterochromia.

Although it pained her, she understood the reason behind it and did nothing to fight him.

"No no, it's fine your-Jasper." The shy girl corrects herself, twirling a dark braid around her ring covered fingers.

"So long as he doesn't make a complete mess of the place." She reluctantly adds almost in audibly, afraid of being anything less than accommodating to someone of Jasper's status.

They reach the top of the stairs and Tempest slams the bedroom door closed in Amelia's face before she can make to follow her into the cozy room.

"I'm so sorry about her. She's just jet lagged and...anti social on a good day. But she really appreciates your kindness deep down. She's just a little...troubled." Jasper's tone insinutes that he's letting Amelia in on some big secret.

"The door's made of wood not steel." Tempest drones.

Their kind host's face pinches with alarm whilst Jasper rolls his eyes.

"Don't worry. Words don't faze her. I don't think anything does." He leads Amelia back downstairs by her shoulders in her own house.

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