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Tempest wasn't always bluntly honest about her past.

In fact, she'd never encountered anyone that made her want to open up.

Adriana was a good help and all but their whole relationship was free of expectations.

Adriana thought the girl was mute for the longest time, and she probably could've been diagnosed with mutism, along side a bunch of other labels.

If it weren't for her power she would have remained mute.

Her vocabulary certainly wasn't very expansive anyhow.

So maybe her power gave her more blessings than the ability to serve her own justice. It encouraged her to speak.

And speaking is what got her into her first and last heartbreak.

After that she stopped for a while until her anger was bursting at the seams and her power was itching to be used against both innocent and deserving targets.

It all started with him.


Every night after the first they'd met, he'd find her sat at the same grave. Alone and in the black of the night.

Did she have no fears? He'd wonder.

But not for long.

He soon learnt that her actual fears were way more warranted than being alone at a graveyard in the dark.

And all because he asked the questions nobody else dared ask.

"Are you okay?" Was the second thing he said to her that first night after a strech of silence.

And that was the start of her blunt honesty.

"No." She'd responded.

In her ten years of freedom people judged her, cursed her out and shouted the question that made her stomach sink...'what is wrong with you?!'

To someone who knew no morals, no etiquette of any sort, it was alienating. Dehumanising. And discouraging.

There was something very wrong with her. That was the first thing freedom taught her.

She was looked at like a circus animal. A source of entertainment at times and a car crash that you just can't look away from at others.

Not like the victim she was.

Or the child that never got to play or learn.

Or the one person who needs the most help in the world.

And they most definitely did not stop to ask her if she was okay or wonder what she had been through.

And he did.

Each night after the first he asked. And she told.

Until on the seventh night, he left.

Along with her trust and her hope in the world.

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