Chapter 18

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Jaden's POV

I heard the door open in front of me. I didn't look to see who had entered. I didn't want anyone to see how much I was suffering.

"Hello," the person said rather calmly, I could tell that he was male, and his voice was deeper than Jason or Terumi.

I stared up and I realised that it was one of the security guards. Oh great...what do these scumbags want with me now? Although this one looked strangely familiar somehow, and he seemed friendlier than the other ones.

I started back down quickly as I just couldn't bare looking at anyone. I just wanted him to have his way with me and get out.

"I'm not here to hurt you," he said, taking me by surprise.

"...All of them say that," I muttered. I haven't said a word in days so it felt weird to actually say something. I didn't trust him, I knew he was just another brain dead moron.

"Look, I mean it, I'm really not here to hurt you, I'm trying to help you."


"Why would I lie, you're working with him. That's why you're here isn't it?" I challenged.

Then he did something I didn't think he would do. He actually laughed at my statement.

" where your wrong."

What is this bastard talking about? At this point I was just in too much pain to care, my arm was still hurting from where Jason and some other guy from this place were cutting my arm.

I then finally decided to take a good look at him. I stared at him, and I was getting rather annoyed at him. He was like this irritating fly that kept bugging you and wouldn't go away no matter what you did.

"I know you're confused right now but I'll try and explain it to you properly."

He looked outside the door to make sure no one was listening, and then shut it as slowly and as quietly as he could.

"The truth is that we are starting a revolution. We are planning to finally kill Lane, so that we can be free," he told me.

"But, when did it start? Who started it?" I asked.

"Well it started ever since Ryou came along, but it was never fully planned until Paich came."

Paich...Ryou...I haven't heard those names in a while...

So they are alive after all...

I was incredibly shocked when I heard those names. I thought they both died...I almost forgot about them but I finally remembered. The good times that we shared, and...

The day I messed up.

Those two people were the only people I ever truly cared about. I was devastated when my parents died, people bullied me just because of how I looked. I remembered how scared I was when that gang attacked me...I was never the same afterwards. It messed me up. changed my appearance, my personality, my everything. Looking back I finally realised that I wasn't any better then they were.

I never meant to kill those two boys, they were about 14 years old. I was drunk after a party and...I just snapped.

Maybe I deserve to be here. I'm just a scumbag, I shouldn't even be alive right now.

Ryou was my best friend, we did everything together, I couldn't ask for a greater person to be friends with. But then I discarded him, right after his adopted father died. The only reason he's even here right now is because he tried to get revenge on the gang that attacked me. He doesn't deserve this suffering.

As for Paich, he said that he loved me, but I just had to punch him in the face like the bitch I was. Paich was a really great friend. I first met him when I entered a room that said "Keep Out". We became friends the second we saw each other.

Apparently he was "insane and dangerous", but I just didn't see it. He was just an innocent small boy. But somehow I feel like I was the one who made him into what he is today.

The way he strangled that security guard, I just couldn't believe he did that. Was it me who made him this way? I just feel like I have to help him, and Ryou. I want to make everything better, but I just don't know how.

"So, why are you here to see me then?" I asked.

"Well, I know that it's a bit hard to explain, but it seems that Paich wants you to be alive."

"What are you talking about?"

"You see, a while ago, we found a security tape that was hidden from Lane, it contained footage of Paich killing the cook, in a rather gruesome way. He's the one know..."

I started to shudder at the thought. He was the one who violated me, and moment that will haunt me for the rest of my days.

"In that tape, he muttered 'Jaden', namely you. The fact that he killed the cook right after he assaulted you makes me think that he is trying to protect you in his own way."

I almost couldn't believe what I was hearing. He's actually managed to murder people here? And he's doing it for me?

"Since we need him alive, we have decided that we are going to help him protect you. However only me and Larouge know about it since we were the only ones to see the tape."

"So, what was the point of you coming down here and telling me all of this?"

"I felt like I needed to let you know a bit about what's going on. Also, is it true that you're the next sacrifice?"

"Yeah," I replied, while staring at the ground like a coward. "But I don't care, at this point I'd rather just die."

What I said was entirely true, I've reached the point where I don't care whether I live or die. I'm just a worthless fucker who never learns from his mistakes.

His face then became a lot more serious, he kneeled down and looked me so that our faces were close together.

"Please don't say that, you are not going to get sacrificed. We are going to kill Lane and then we're going to get out of here, one way or another. Paich is doing everything he can to protect you, please don't let it go to waste."

At this point I just wasn't sure what to say. I really wanted to apologise to Paich and Ryou, I just want to finally learn from my mistakes, and I'll do anything I can to accomplish that.

"Ok," was all I could muster. Caleb then smiled, and I actually almost smiled as well, I needed some sort of positivity.

"Good. The name is Caleb by the way."

He then left, shutting the door behind him, while his words were echoing through my head.

Paich is doing everything he can to protect you...don't let it go to waste...

I promise I won't. I will save Paich and Ryou. Somehow.

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