Chapter 21

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He stood above me, with a smile on his face. It wasn't an insane grin, it was just a regular smile, as if he was happy about something. He then raised his knife, ready to kill me.

There was nothing I could do. All I could do was just wait for him to stab him. And I never even had the chance to tell Ryou the truth.

"Goodbye, Nate."

I then closed my eyes, waiting for my death...



I opened my eyes.

I wasn't dead.

I heard muffled screaming for outside the cell. My surroundings were no longer blurred, and I watched the scene unfold before me.

There were three security guards, and they were both holding Paich. He was trying to escape, but the security guards were far too strong. One of them had his hand covering Paich's mouth to prevent him from screaming.

I then saw yet another security guard on the scene, and before I could react, he grabbed me and I was far too weak to stop him. He had a sick twisted grin, and while he handcuffed me he said:

"Well, looks like we finally caught your little friend in the act."

He then blindfolded me and covered my mouth with tape. I could still hear the muffled screams coming from Paich as they took him away.

I was more scared than I have ever been before. What are they going to do us?

And...will we make it out alive?

I then felt a stinging pain in my arm, and I realised that the security guard was injecting me with the same drug that Lane used.

I felt myself slowly drifting away. I tried as hard as I could to resist, but it was no use...


Ryou's POV

What the hell was I doing here?

I was currently in Lane's office chained up, right next to Larouge, who looked as if she was in a very bad state. She had bruises all over her body, and she didn't say anything to me. She just stared at the ground, like she was deep in thought.

Brutus was watching me like a hawk. I tried asking him what was going on but he just laughed. I didn't want to admit it but deep down I was really afraid.

I had no idea why I was here, but I could tell I was here for a reason.

The door suddenly opened, and I heard muffled screams. The security guards were holding someone, who was thrashing and screaming.

I watched in horror as I realised that they were holding Paich. He was struggling relentlessly, but they still just chained him up by the wall with ease.

Brutus then left the room with a triumphant smirk on his face, but the others were still watching us. Larouge looked even more panicked than she did before.

There was a very long and awkward silence, no one dared say anything, or even move, but Paich occasionally started twitching.

The door opened, and we all froze as we gazed upon the man who entered the room. That man was Lane, and he looked absolutely deranged. His face twisted into an unnerving smile.

"So, you thought you could outsmart me, huh, Paich?" Lane taunted, looking down at the helpless prisoner. It was the first time that I saw Paich completely paralysed in fear.

"You're not going to answer me?" he smirked. He watched as Paich tried to speak, but no could understand what he was saying.


Lane then kicked him in the face, and he covered his bloody nose, screaming in pain.

"You're pathetic, you know that? You don't even try to pick a fight. How sad. You aren't worth my time after all."

He then continued beating the poor boy to a bloody pulp. His face covered with blood, snot and tears, and somehow he was still breathing.

Lane grabbed his cheeks and started at Paich directly in the eye.

"So, do you have anything to say?"



There was no reply. Paich was still breathing heavily, but other than that he didn't move at all. He looked completely defeated. He had finally given up.

Lane chuckled as he threw Paich back to the ground, his head bumping the wall. He just laid there, as if he really was dead.

"Now..." Lane said as his insane chuckling continued. He walked over to Larouge.

"What am I going to do with you?"

"Get away from me you sick bastard."

"Awww, what's wrong, you're afraid of a little fun?"

"I hope you die in a fire."

Lane's chuckling grew louder, he was clearly enjoying himself.

"There's no need to be rude, don't you remember who's in charge here?"

"Why would I ever take orders from someone like you."

"Because if you don't then I'm going to fucking kill you."

"I would like to see you try."

Lane started cackling even louder, and he was laughing so much that I thought he was going to choke himself from laughter.

"Well, since you won't follow orders, I'll just have to discipline you!"

He then went to his desk and grabbed an object, and after close inspection I found out that it was the lighter.

Lane and all the security guards were focused on Larouge. They all stood over her, so I couldn't see exactly was going on.

However, to my surprise, one of the security guards snuck to Lane's desk, grabbed the key, and released me from my chains, and since the others were too distracted they didn't know what was going on. He also passed me the knife, which he hid behind my back, and then he whispered, you know what to do. He then put the key he used to free me back where it was before.

I knew what I had to do. I had to get the fuck out of here before the madman killed me and Paich too.

I heard Lane speak to Larouge, and he said one simple word.


I forced my eyes shut, but I knew what Lane was going to do.

He was setting Larouge on fire. Her screams were so loud that I thought my ears started bleeding. Her screaming in pain and agony, I couldn't take it. It would haunt me for the rest of eternity. It felt like it had been going for eyes. Tears started falling down my face. I don't even know why, but they wouldn't stop. I just couldn't believe what was could people be so heartless? Don't they feel remorse for what they're doing? They don't care about the suffering of others. All they care about is themselves.

I don't know how long it went on for, but after a while, it finally stopped. There was a moment of silence.

Lane had a blank expression on his face, but I could tell that he was incredibly gleeful.

"This, is what happens when you disobey me."

He then gazed at the burned body. After I saw it myself, I almost threw up. Her body was completely charred, her now dead skin was pitch black, and her eyes, they no longer had the fire they once had.

"You may all go to sleep now. Brutus, get rid of the body."

Brutus then held the dead body and removed it from the room, and the other security guards joined him. Now there was only me, Paich and Lane.

Lane then got an axe that was hanging on the wall, and he walked towards Paich. I was absolutely terrified, and at the same time disgusted. Not only did he burn Larouge to death, but now he's going to chop Paich up with a axe? I can't let him do this.

I couldn't save Larouge, but I can save Paich.

I remembered that I was hiding the knife behind me. I could save Paich, and the only way I could do that is if I kill Lane once and for all.

You know what to do.

I smiled, and I didn't even know why. I promised myself I would never kill anyone ever again...but...I had too. I had to take back my promise, for everyone's sake.

"So, Paich, any last words?"

There was no reply.

"Oh well. It's a shame really. You were my favourite out of all of them. But you have fulfilled your purpose, and I don't need you anymore. Goodbye."

Just a second before he lowered his axe, I got up and stabbed him in the back. He cried and squealed in pain, but I didn't care. I stabbed him again and again, his cries getting louder. He deserved the pain he was getting. This was for all the people he has hurt in the past, present and future, I was doing this for them...

Lane fell on the floor, he dropped his axe, and he was still crying in pain. He was still alive...well we couldn't have that now could we?

I grabbed the axe, and I stared at Lane one last time before I started hitting him with the axe. I began crying once more as I continued hitting him but...why? Why was I crying? I was...happy. I was free. For the first time in four years I was truly happy. I was having so much fun killing him. So

Eventually, Lane stayed down. His body was now mutilated, and there was blood all over the floor. I did that...I did that to him. I've saved us all...

Now I have to save Nate, Jaden, and the others. Once we escape, we can spread the word, and then they will be free too...


I knew where that voice was coming from. It was Paich, the blood on his face was now dry.

I don't why, but I hugged him as hard as I could, and I started sobbing louder than ever before. Four years of being trapped in this awful place, and finally, we have a chance of survival.

I then looked at Paich. He just looked so innocent, so fragile. I got the key from Lane's desk, and I set him free.

"Listen to me Paich, I know a way we can get out of here. I need you to go out there, and kill as many security guards as you can, can you do that for me? I'll come back for you, I promise."


I handed him the axe, and then I took the bloody knife from Lane's desk. It won't be long before I free every single patient that has been through so much torment here. But first I had to find Nate and save Jaden from Sector B.

"Ryou, where are you going?" Paich asked me.

Where am I going? I'm going to fulfil my destiny, what I've been striving for for so long.

"I'm going to save my friends."

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