Chapter 23

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Paich's POV

I will save him, no matter what it takes, I will save him...

So many dead, bloody bodies on the floor...but there wasn't enough. More people needed to die.

I ran towards a wooden door that had the words "Sacrificial Chamber", written in crude letters.

"This must be the place," said Nikaden.

I opened it, and I found something that made my heart beat. It was him. It was Jaden. He was alive.

But...he was with Ryou. Why? What was he doing with Ryou? And there were other people there...what was he doing them? WHY?

I can't have them near him, they could be dangerous, I had to kill them before they killed him, I had to protect him. They will all die in cold blood today.

I entered the room slowly. I stared at the ground, my anxiety got the better if me. It's been so long since we saw each other, what could I possibly say to him?

I stared at the ground, trying to hide the fact that my cheeks were going red...I believe that sensation was called "blushing".

"Hmmm...bit nervous now are we?" Nikaden taunted.

Ryou was also there, he must be there trying to take Jaden away from me. I will kill him, I will chop his body to tiny little pieces.

...No, that would have to wait. First I have to get rid of the rest of these stupid-heads.

"Who are you?" one of them asked.

"It doesn't matter who it is. He's invaded our sanctuary."

"But Terumi, he's armed!"

"Yes, but we can't let him kill the two sacrifices."

"Sanctuary? Sacrifices? Wow these guys are strange. At least we're normal," said Nikaden.

I suddenly remembered what Ryou told me about the sacrifice for Lane. But why is there two? Is Jaden one of the sacrifices? That's the only logical explanation. Now I had to save Jaden more than ever. If they don't die, then he will. I loved him.

"But Paich...are you sure you love him?" Nikaden asked.

...Yes, I did. I heard about love in stories that I read at the orphanage, but none of them ever went like this. The two main characters always lived happily ever after. Everything was absolutely perfect. But this perfect ending was never just given to them. They had to work for it.

He's always been kind to me, until the day that he changed. It was the people of the outside world that made him this way. They are the true villains in this story. And the villains always lose. Once we both finally escape this place, we can return to my playroom, our perfect fantasy world, where we will live happily ever after, forever.

The end.


"Grab him!"

The next thing I knew, they were all running towards me, ready to kill me. But there was no way they could win. I was outnumbered, but I had an axe in my hand.

They tried stabbing me, but I was too quick for them, and I mutilated them until they stayed down. They tried to resist, but they died in just one hit. Weaklings. It wasn't very fun when they kept trying to stab me. I had to kill them so I could have fun chopping their dead bodies. I was having so much fun playing this game, but the others weren't very good at it.

They screamed in pain as the fell onto the ground, their blood dripping everywhere across the floor. It was a shame they couldn't live longer so I could more fun playing with them.

Eventually I got tired, and then I realised that they were all dead. I stared at the pile of dead bloody bodies and I couldn't help but grin.

I realised that one of them was still alive, I think one of them called "Terumi". He seemed upset, for some reason.

Tears were falling down his face, and he looked terrified. I didn't know what was wrong with him though. I was having lots of fun. I guess they were just tears of joy.

It's such a huge shame, he missed out on all the fun. At least now he gets to play this fun game with me. He continued crying, and he fell to his knees. He stared at me with his sad watery eyes, it was very embarrassing. I didn't think that he would enjoy this game so much.

"Please...don't kill me..." he begged.

I just smiled as he continued sobbing on the ground.

"Don't cry, Terumi. Now you get to play too."

I stood over him, and lifted the axe above his head. I then lowered it with full force, and his scream echoed across the huge room.

So much blood everywhere...I thought as I continued chopping his dead body. Eventually it got boring, and I stopped.

I started at his bloody remains, along with the other Sector B patients who I murdered, it was truly beautiful.

Now Jaden will be safe, there is one more thing I must do first...


Ryou's POV

I couldn't take my eyes off the pile of corpses, and the puddles of blood on the floor. I knew that there was something slightly off about Paich, but I never thought that he was capable over ever doing something like that.

I finally managed to take my eyes of the gruesome display, and I saw Terumi's dead body, and a small boy standing over it.

Jaden looked just as terrified as I was, sweat was dripping down his face.

So many questions were going through my mind. Why did Paich do this? Was he going to save us?

"I did it..." Paich whispered to himself.

"...I...I did it!" he then shouted

I then heard an ear-splitting cackle coming from Paich that gradually grew louder as time went on.

I had no idea whether I was terrified or relieved. We, the five Fallen Angels have finally managed to get this far. Now no one is standing in our way. However, there's the issue of Mikael and Quattro's whereabouts, and the fact that we had no idea that Paich was this dangerous and unpredictable until now.

"There's one more thing I have to do before the two of us escape..." he whispered to himself. What did he mean by two of us?

He then turned his head towards me slowly, and he had a deranged grin on his face. The blood that was splattered all over it only made it more terrifying.

"Time to die, Ryou."

It was as if time slowed down around me, my fear was taking over me. I almost couldn't believe that this was happening. I just wanted this whole thing to be some kind of really bad dream...

I tried backing away as quick as I could, but I was handcuffed, so it didn't go so well. He was slowly advancing towards me with the axe in his hand, his insane grin looking more and more menacing as it got closer.

He was mumbling random nonsense that I couldn't decipher, but at that point I was so scared that all I could focus on was this axe wielding maniac getting closer and closer.

I felt something hit my back, it was the stone wall. I was trapped.

This was it, this was the end. I was going to die. Betrayed by someone who I thought was friend...

Paich was no longer grinning maniacally, he was just smiling normally. Why, why was he doing this?

"All this time, I knew you were trying to take him away from me. I can't let you do it."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I screamed at him, suddenly feeling angrier than ever. I didn't care that he could kill me at any moment, if I was going to die here then I might as well find out what's going on through that sick twisted brain of his.

"You know perfectly well what I'm talking about..."

"How the hell am I supposed to know what you're talking about?" I screamed at him again, trying to reason with him.

"It doesn't matter now. I'm afraid that I'm going have to kill you."

He rose his axe higher in the air, the smile not even leaving his face.

Well...I guess this was the end. All I can do now is wait for him to kill me like the killed the others...


Paich immediately turned around, completely forgetting about me. I then realised that Jaden was getting closer.

Paich just stopped dead in his tracks, staring directly at him. I tried slowly escaping behind him while he was distracted.


"Paich, please, you have to stop this! Please, don't kill him!"

"But Jaden, don't you care about me? You like him more than you like me?" he whimpered, sounding completely heartbroken.

I then realised that there was someone standing behind Jaden. He had long black hair done in a ponytail and messy clothes, he had a knife in his hand...


"Jaden, look out!" me and Paich both screamed in unison.

But Jaden didn't hear the warning in time. He fell onto the ground after Jason stabbed him in the back. Blood was dripping out of his mouth.


Those were his last words.

"NOOOO!" Paich screamed louder than I've ever heard him scream before.

He dropped his axe and ran towards Jaden's dead body, tears were pouring down his face.

I had no idea what all of this was about. He mentioned one time that he knew Jaden at the orphanage, but I never knew he cared about him this much...

Jason smirked as he watched Paich sob on the ground, just like Terumi did beforehand.

"Now you know what it feels like to lose someone you care about," Jason grimaced.

To his surprise, Paich lunged at him with full force, ready to strangle him. He aimed for Jason's neck like a savage beast killing it's prey.

"DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE!" Paich screamed over and over again.

However, Jason had the upper hand. Using the knife in his hand, he stabbed Paich's arm, and he screamed in pain, releasing himself from Jason.

Blood was flowing from his arm like a river, his screaming slowly getting quieter, until it was replaced by loud sobbing. He was completely defenseless.

"Well, isn't this such a fun party?"

I quickly turned my head around, and I saw someone I was not expecting to see. It was Brutus. And he wasn't alone. He was surrounded by two other security guards, and they all had guns in their hands.

Brutus walked towards Paich, who was now reduced to a crying, bleeding mess. He saw his axe, and he tried to reach it as fast as he could, but Brutus got there first.

"Ya really think you can get me that easily huh?"

He threw the blood stained axe across the room, and it was far out of our reach.

He grabbed Paich's arm as if he were a toy, and he lifted him up until they were face to face.

"Well, kid, I didn't think you had it in ya."

Paich looked once more at Jaden's dead body, and Jason, who looked rather pleased with himself.

"I never liked ya anyway. You killed my brother, when we visited your orphanage. Ya strangled him like the little bastard ya are..."

I could tell that his anger was intensifying, and that if Paich didn't get out of there soon, there's no hope for him.

Wait, why did I want to help him? He did try to cut me open with an axe about two minutes ago. Even if I did want to help him...there's nothing I can do. Our plan failed at the last minute. Jaden's dead, Paich is going to die, I don't know what happened to Quattro and Mikael...It was over.

"Now, how about a little payback for what ya did?"

Before he could react, he threw Paich onto the ground, and I think I heard some of his bones break, and then I watched him strangle the poor boy to death, and after he was done clutching his throat, he shot him repeatedly for good measure.

I was more terrified than I have ever been in my entire life.

Brutus looked at me, wearing the same arrogant smirk that Lane used to have.

"Oh right, I forgot about ya."

He then ordered one of the security guards to pin me to the ground. There was no possible way of me escaping.

"Grab the other one too."

I didn't see what was happening, but I knew that he meant Jason.

I heard him shouting and screaming, begging to be released.

"Why? Why are you doing this to me? I've always been faithful to God. Please, have mercy?"

"I'm your god now," declared Brutus. "You see, now that Lane's finally out of the picture, I can run the business and keep all the money to myself! We're leaving this dump, and all of us, along with the rest of the patients are going to serve me for the rest of your miserable lives. Take him away."

Jason's screams got more faint, the security guard must have taken him somewhere.

Now there are only three people in the room. Me, Brutus, and the security guard that was pinning me down.

"Give me the red head boy."

The security guard threw me across the floor, and the pain that I felt was absolutely unbearable. Brutus then picked me up, and I could smell his rotten breath.

"I hate to say this, but I can't have ya forming any escape plans where you're going, so I have no choice but to kill ya. It's been nice knowing, but not really."

"Brutus, please, think about what your doing," I pleaded, trying to convince him not to do what he's doing, but I knew it wouldn't work. "You don't have to do this. Lane's gone now, you really don't have to do this..."

I then heard someone screaming from the outside of the Sacrificial Chamber.

The door opened once again, and I saw a certain man shoot down the security guard. The man who shot him was...

"Caleb..." Brutus growled darkly. Once again, I was thrown on the ground like a toy.

"Brutus, you have to stop this. I won't let you hurt these children anymore."

"Please, what do ya think you can do about it?"

I hate to say it, but Brutus was right. He had a gun and Caleb just had a knife.

I then remembered the axe that Brutus threw on the ground. Maybe if I had that axe, then I would have a chance.

Caleb wasn't scared at all. He just smirked.

"You see, Brutus, there was one thing you didn't count. When Lane died, I quickly snuck into Lane's office and called the cops. They'll be here any minute."

As soon as I heard him say that, I started celebrating in my head.

Yes...we're finally going to escape this horrible place...

Brutus did not take this piece of news well at all. He grabbed the gun and pointed it towards Caleb.

"I don't care what you do to me. Go ahead and kill me."

Brutus tried pulling the trigger, but then he realised that he ran out of bullets after he shot Paich.

"No, this can't be happening!" he panicked.

He desperately tried pulling the trigger, but he had to face the cold hard reality.

"Brutus, listen to me."

"WHAT? WHAT THE FUCK DO YA HAVE TO SAY THEN?" he screamed as loud as he could. But Caleb wasn't scared at all, but he did look sad.

"Listen to me Brutus, being here has changed you for the worse, what do you think our mother would say if she knew what we were doing here."

His words seemed to affect Brutus, he looked slightly less angry than usual.
"Please Brutus, let's just go home..." Caleb pleaded, starting to cry.

"I...want to go home! I know that we're broke and whatever but...we can be a family again..."

He began sobbing and he lowered the gun that he was pointing at Brutus, who didn't even shed a single tear.

" my brother again..."

There was nothing but silence for what seemed like a few seconds, other than Caleb's sobbing.

The silence was interrupted the sound of condescending laughter, which was coming from Brutus. It made me sick to my stomach that he finds the suffering of his brother funny.

Caleb looked even more heartbroken than he did before, if that were possible.

"Like I give a fuck about what happens to ya!" he said in between between laughs.

He eventually stopped laughing, but he still let out a few chuckles.

Caleb was absolutely devastated. Even more devastated than when Larouge was tortured. It's as if Brutus ripped his heart out of his ribcage and smashed it into a million pieces.

He advanced towards him with the gun, and for the first time Brutus was afraid. He was now going to suffer the consequences.

"Caleb, what are ya doing?" Brutus asked slowly, even though he knew exactly what his brother was going to do.

Caleb was ready to pull the trigger.

"Brother...I'm so sorry..."

He then shot Brutus right in the heart, and he then fell to the ground.

Brutus clutched it, trying to withstand the pain, but there was nothing he could do. His fate was sealed.

He was finally dead.

We did it. We won.

Now there's nothing that can get in our way.

Caleb walked over to the dead body of his brother. He kneeled down and continued sobbing. Before I could do anything, he put the gun in his mouth, and pulled the trigger.

I screamed in horror, running over there to try and help him, but I was still injured after Brutus threw me on to the ground.

I cried. I remembered everything. My childhood, when I was sent to Angel Falls...It all came back to me.

I started to vomit unwillingly, I just couldn't deal with it anymore.

My body started shaking, and I felt so weak and defenseless. I felt like I was going to die.

I remembered all of the innocent people who died in this mental asylum from hell. Jaden, Paich, Caleb, all of the patients... was all over now.

For the first time in four years...I smiled.

I was happy.

After that, I just laid there on the ground, tears of joy running down my face, and then everything went to black...





It's been five years.

Five years ever since I was imprisoned at Angel Falls mental asylum.

It's been so long...


Many things had happened ever since I escaped, and my life changed drastically, whether for better or for worse...

When I woke up after I fainted on that day, I was in a hospital bed. I saw Nate's face watching over me, looking very worried. He was still alive...


The police have been investigating the whole situation for five years, yet they still didn't find any leads.

Me and Nate have been living together, in the house that Carlisle and Scarlet used to live in.

We weren't lovers...but he was the only person who truly understood my pain. Sometimes, one of us would just break down crying, or have a panic attack, and we both knew exactly why.

Most of the other patients were either killed by Brutus, or they were alive but extremely malnourished. I don't know if they're still alive.

As for Mikael and Quattro...I don't know what happened to them. It was as if they disappeared without a trace.

Sometimes I remembered how lucky I was to be alive. Broken, yet still standing.

Me and Nate needed money, so we got a job at the orphanage, after Raul died of a heart attack. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough. I had fun working with the kids. I wanted them to be happy, it was my top priority.

However, there was something very strange about the orphanage.

There was a room that none of the kids were allowed in. It was very messy, and it was filled with toys...


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