🌹🕯Chapter 4 ~ What Is This Feeling?🌹🕯

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An Angel of Music

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy

Dedicated phantomoftheopera98

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Narrator's POV.

The phantom stared deep into Jordan's eyes as he was studying them. The color was a soft brown, almost the color of chocolate. Sweet, delectable, but can be deceiving to the naked eye.

Jordan shook like a leaf, but she stood her ground as she calmly breathed, breaking the silence. "I can assure you I mean you no harm." He said, breaking the silence. 

"Who are you?" Jordan question, unsure if she should trust him...a phantom at least.

The Phantom arched his eyebrow while forming a sly smile. "Who? Who is but the form following the function of what, & WHAT I am is a man in a mask."

"I can see that." Jordan answered.

"Of course you can see. I'm not questioning your power of observation; I'm merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a man in a mask who he is."

Her cheeks flushed a bit as she felt embarrassed by the answer, but luckily it was dark enough to notice it. "Oh right."

"But enough about me. I am merely here to ask if you would company me for a midnight stroll on this Hallows Eve." The phantom said. Jordan thought for a moment, arguing among herself rather if she would accept...or reject.


"Follow me." He said as Jordan allowed the phantom to lead her out of her bedroom, down the empty dark hallway.

"May I ask you something?" Jordan asked as she could hear the phantom gulp in his throat. "You look...familiar. H-Have we met before?" The phantom stopped in his place as he felt his spine shiver. He turned to come face to face with a pair of brown eyes that stared into his own icy blue eyes. "You're Erik. The one that sang with me at the Festival."

A sigh of relief escaped his lips while curling them into a smirk. "Hmm. Clever girl." He said as they continued walking. "How did you know it was me? It could have been anyone."

"Your eyes." Erik turned his face towards Jordan. "I recognize them anywhere. No one have eyes like yours." Erik was stunned from the answer as it made his stomach turn in knots; he couldn't figure out if it was a good thing or a bad thing. "Plus your voice sounded familiar too." Now Erik felt dumbfounded.

Just a little a while of silence & walking they made it to the school's garden. The trees were covered in colorful colors of red, orange, yellow, & brown. Some of the leaves laid scattered on the gravel path. "Please, have a seat." Jordan gracefully sat herself on the bench, but Erik just stood there, watching her every move. Watching the mist escaping her lips, sailing through the cold autumn air.

"So..." Jordan shrugged her shoulders. "What do you want to talk to me about that we had to go sooooooo far away, all alone outside." Erik gulped as tried to compose himself.

"Well my dear. I'm here on your behalf."

"My behalf?" Jordan frowned.

"Yes child. I'm here to discuss about your future. How you can expand your future through singing. Make you...a prima donna." Jordan stared at Erik for a while in disbelief.

"And will you do that?" She said arching her eyebrow.

"Every night around midnight, you will come with me to take singing lesson for 3 hours. Follow my rules & do EXACTLY as I say." Erik paced back & forth, kicking the rocks with his shoes. "My rules are very simple. #1. Your voice as well as your music belongs to me. #2. You do not speak to anyone about this. And #3. Do not fall in love with another man..." Erik froze for a bit as bits of flashbacks taunted his brain, almost shedding a tear, but quickly brushed it off. He turned back his attention to Jordan. "That is all I asked of you."

Jordan thought for a moment, too a deep breath & said. "Fine, I'll by your rules, BUT...here what I have to say. #1. You don't control my life or my social life. #2. I will have Saturday & Sunday off. #3. I don't plan of dating other guys since I just broke up with my boyfriend a last month before I came here. So you don't have to worry about that last rule for a while." Jordan said with her arms crossed.

Erik turned his gaze to the night sky, sinking in the beautiful stars as it had been a while since he looked up at them. "Alright. You have yourself a deal." Jordan smiled as she rose up from her seat & held her hand out toward him. A sudden panic ran through his body as he did not know what to do. With hesitation, he reached his long black leathered gloved hands toward Jordan's small pale, delicate hands. Once they made connect a sudden spark zapped them as they retreated them back. Jordan frowned as she stared at Erik's action.

An awkward silent filled the air. "So...I think I better be on my way. It's getting rather late; thank you for bring me out here on such a beautiful night, & most of all for that dance back in the ballroom. Good night, Erik." Jordan said as she was about to go when suddenly Erik grabs her hand. This was unexpected for both of them. Both of their face flushed pure red as they quickly retreated back their hands.

"S-Sorry...I was wondering if I could...ascot you to your room." Erik nervously asked. "Why am I being so...nervous? I was never this nervous with Christine?" Than yet again it had been so long since he last talked to a woman before. But as he looked at Jordan, he could tell something was familiar about her.

"I think I would like that, thank you." She said as Erik snapped out of deep thought. Erik smiled as he held out his arm, Jordan wrapped her tiny, slim arms around his strong buff arms.

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Jordan's POV.

Erik was kind enough to walk me back to my room as I was still creeped out by the empty dark hallways. Just when we arrived at the doorway of my dorm room something the unexpected happen. When Erik & I were talking about music the heel of my shoes got caught on hole of the wooden floor. "Ghaaa...my heel!!" I cried out, Erik noticed.

"Here let me help." He said as he knelt down, he grabbed my ankle, & tried pulling it out. But it was stuck in good; he pulled & pulled when the heel snapped off & both Erik & I fell.

"Ouch!" I groaned in pain, but I felt a good leather hand running up my left thigh. It was getting dangerously close to my private area. I gasped when I opened my eyes to see Erik on top of me & it was his hand who was on my thigh. When Erik opened his eyes his whole face flushed pure red. Erik leaped up to his feet.

"I-I...um...I-I...aaaaaaa..." He stuttered as he quickly helped me from the floor. "G-Good night." He said as he speeded walked into the shadow, disappeared from sight. I could feel my face burning as I quickly ran into my room, locked the door behind me, & sank onto the floor.

"I can't believe that happen." I said out load, but I shook it off, took off my dress & crawled into my bed with my face still burning red.

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Erik's POV.

The next few days were a little...rough. We hit some dead ends with Jordan's singing lessons & the fact that we can't both forget that incident that night. Gosh. I can't get it out of my head, whenever I think of that moment it makes my heart pound hard that it aches, my hands get all sweaty, my knees starts to wobble, & my face feels like it's on fire. But what scares me the most is this type of..."feeling" I have deep down my very own soul. I don't know what this feeling is. Oh lord please help me.

It was a normal Thursday night, giving Jordan her usual singing lessons as I was helping her with her next audience, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame". She was audiences for the role of Esmerelda, the gypsy girl.

"Alright Jordan, from the top again. And this time use more feeling & pity to your voice." I said annoyed as we've singing the same song 10x in a row now. Jordan sighed heavily while rolling her eyes, I could tell she was sitting annoyed too.

"I don't know if You can hear me or if you're even there...I don't know if You would listen to a humble prayer...Yes, I know I'm just an outcast, I shouldn't speak to you...Still I see Your face and wonder were You once an outcast too?"

I kept playing the notes. So far good.

"God help the outcasts, hungry from birth...
Show them the mercy, they don't find on earth...God help my people...We look to You still...God help the outcasts, or nobody will..."

"I ask for nothing...
You I can get by, but I know so many...Less lucky than I...Please help my people, the poor and downtrend...I thought we all were...The children of God...God help the outcasts...Children of God!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

("God Help the Outcast" The Hunchback of Notre Dame movie)

Jordan looked back at me as she finished the last note. "So...how was it? Was it good."

"No. Quite wrong. Again." I saw her face dropped.

"Erik. This is the 11th time that you said those words?!"

"That would not have been necessary had it not been for your abominable caterwauling."

She crossed her arms & arched her brows. "Oh, "abominable caterwauling", is it?"

"Indeed it's a bloody wonder you've made any progress at all with your complete LACK of focus." I growled, but Jordan didn't get threaten by my growl.

"Well, maybe I wouldn't BE unfocused if YOU weren't so damn irritable." She rolled her eyes while giving me the look that I felt threatened by.

"OH HO!!!" I shouted, as I stood up the bench fell over. Again Jordan was not effected by my shouted. "I AM IRRITABLE BECAUSE YOU ARE SQUANDERING YOUR POTENTIAL!!!"

"Oh no you're not! You're irritable because you're a great big curmudgeon!"

"A CURMUDGEON?!" I shouted.


"AU CONTRAIRE, MY LITTLE DANDELION I'M A DAMNABLE RAY OF SUNSHINE!!!" Than Jordan placed her hands on her hips which drove me to the edge.

"Well, you WOULD be if you weren't so hungry all the time!" My brows were mushed together as my face gotten red.

"HUNGRY?! WHAT THE DEVIL ARE YOU-" Suddenly Jordan stuck her finger in my rib & she started running it up & down.

"LOOK! Look my fingers lodge in your kidney! Eat a sandwich, you great big bony curmudgeon!"


"I tell you what I don't understand: you BIG FAT HEAD!!!" I could see the anger in her eyes which frighten me a bit, but I didn't go down without a fight.







"FRIZY HEADED!!!" We kept naming each other, but the flames kept fussing.




"VIXEN!!!" Jordan shouted as we both stare at each other with hatred glares.

"What is this feeling so sudden & new?"

"I felt the moment I laid eyes on you..."

"My pulse is rushing..."

"My head is reeling..."

"My face is flushing..."

"What is this feeling?
Fervid as a flame...
Does it have a name?

Both Erik & Jordan glare at each other with their arms crossed.

Unadulterated loathing..."

"For your mask..."

Jordan points to Erik's mask, but Erik didn't seem to care as he pointed at her back.

"Your attitude..."

"Let's just say---I loath it all!"

Then they began walking in circles, still glaring at each other.

"Every little trait, however small...
Makes my very flesh begin to crawl...
With simple utter loathing...
There's a strange exhilaration...
In such total detestation...
It's so pure! So strong!
Though I do admit it came on fast...
Still I do believe that it can last...
And I will be loathing, loathing you my whole life long!
What is this feeling so sudden & new?
I felt the moment I laid eyes on you...
My pulse is rushing, my head is reeling...
Oh, what is this feeling?
Does it have a name? Yyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss!!!!
Loathing! There's a strange exhilaration...
In such total detestation...
It's so pure, so strong!
Though I do admit it came on fast...
Still I do believe that it can last...
And I will be loathing, for forever loathing, truly, deeply...
Loathing you...
My whole life long!!!!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

("What is this Feeling" Wicked)

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1.) "God Help the Outcast" (The Hunchback of Notre Dame movie)

2.) "What is this Feeling" (Wicked)

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