Chapter 11

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Previously of the last chapter.......

(Flashback with the Son Family)

ChiChi then sighed in relief and had continued to nurse and feed me slowly. "I promise you baby, you won't regret it because this will help you become beautiful and strong just like your mother." ChiChi smiled while praising herself. Goku and Gohan then looked at each other and then continued to eat their breakfast.

Halfway through my started to feel really tired and sleepy but I was trying to fight it off. But just a minute later and I was out like a light. I could feel and hear everyone talking but I couldn't open my eyes. "NO! NO! WAKE ME UP! WAKE ME UP!!" I screamed and cried but no one could hear me at all. And there I was again; feeling empty and alone in this dark black world.........


Present Time....

Leah's P.O.V.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T TRAIN WITH DADDY AND GOGO?!!!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs when Mommy told me that I couldn't go with them.

Mommy had then picked me up and walked into the living room to see Goku and Gohan stretching. I then looked to see Daddy and I had started to cry out louder making everyone look at me. "Leah, what's wrong?" Gohan had asked in worry and concern. "I WANNA TRAIN TOO!!!" I had started to squirm and scream out loud. Goku then chuckled as he walked over to Chi-Chi and had picked me up while holding me close to him. "Now Leah, you know that I had promised your mother that you wouldn't train until you were 5 years old."

Then there was an awkward silence in the room...........

I had then tilted my head to the side"Umm....daddy, I am five years old." Goku then had opened his eyes in shock and giggled while rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh yeah right, I forgot!" Then out of nowhere, everyone had turned around to see Mommy drop to the floor of the room as she then sighed as her eyes widened. Chi-Chi used her hands to cover her face as she dramatically sobbed. "An here I thought you were gonna be a normal child! A normal little girl!" Goku chuckled as he looked down to see Gohan playing with my tail. "Yup, you sure do have my genes alright." Chi-Chi then looked up at Goku and stood up while glaring at him in concern."Goku you have to take this seriously! She can't train! Well at least not now it's too dangerous." I was sitting in Daddy's arms listening to my mother talking but I couldn't get those words out of my head. "A NORMAL CHILD!, A NORMAL LITTLE GIRL!!" "Oh come on Chi-Chi she just got it let her have her fun." Goku whined. "No! We do not need a gigantic monkey roaming around and destroying the city.  Chi-Chi then pointed down at her son. "Don't you remember what had happened last time with Gohan." Gohan then blushed in embarrassment as he starts to have flashbacks of his old moments when he had looked at the moon.

But before Goku could answer, he had felt a dark/empty-like ki surrounding them all and he had thought that it was an enemy until he had looked down to see that it was me. "Um dad, I think Leah is getting upset again!" Gohan had asked in fear as he was slowly standing in front of Chi-Chi to protect her (There were times when Leah's temper tantrums would get really violent or dangerous!). I then pointed my finger at my mother as my eyes slowly begin to fade out into a dull-emotionless color and then I had looked up at my father with my cold-soulless eyes while holding onto his orange and blue gi. 

"Daddy, Am I Not Normal?" I then stared right into his eyes as the aura in the room had become darker and darker which was starting to freak everyone out. Goku then looked down at her nervously but smiled at her "Of course you are normal my princess!" But Leah then looked right at Chi-Chi then had started to cry without blinking. "Momma said I'm not normal, not a normal little girl!" Chi-Chi then tried to apologize but Goku walked over to her and patted her shoulder which shocked her and Gohan because normally Goku would be either annoyed or upset with comments like that towards Leah. Goku just puffed his cheeks as he picked Leah up and slowly wiped her tears away. I squeaked in shock and looked up at Daddy. "It's alright Leah, you know that your mom didn't mean to say that about you right?" I didn't answer him. All I did was lay my head on his shoulder and stare out at the window. "Welp! I think that it's time to go train and have some fun don't you think kiddo?"Goku said while patting my back as I nodded my head in agreement. "I'll try to make your mommy change her mind about your training and everything." Goku then walked out of the house and whistled out to call for Gohan as well. "Hey Dad, Wait for me!!" Gohan then looked up at his mother sadly, hugged her, kissed her cheek, and quickly ran out of the room leaving a shocked and shaken Chi-Chi completely motionless with fear in her eyes. 

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