Chapter 8

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Previously of the last chapter.......

"W-Wait but-", Goku whined in confusion. But before he could finish; they both entered the portal as it closed tightly and disappears into the sky leaving both Goku and Vegeta confused and lost. Then they both looked down at Leah's sleeping form and the two silver coins with no idea of what just happened.....


Present Time....

Normal P.O.V.

Goku and Vegeta both looked at each other in shock and down at Leah as she was sound asleep. Vegeta just looked dumbfounded as he was trying to figure out what just happened and who those people are. But before Vegeta could say anything; his phone started to ring out loudly as he looked down to see that it was Bulma calling them both.

"VEGETA!!! GOKU!! WHERE ARE YOU TWO AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" "IT'S BEEN TWO HOURS AND EVERYONE IS WORRIED ABOUT LEAH!!!"Bulma yelled through the phone in anger causing Goku and Vegeta to cover their ears in pain. Leah then started to cry out due to her yelling which causes Goku to panic and try to calm her down. Vegeta sighs in anger as he tries to explain the situation. "CALM DOWN BULMA!, We just lost track of time and we did find Leah but-  " Vegeta was about to finish until Bulma interrupted him. "I DON'T CARE FOR YOUR EXCUSES BOYS, JUST GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW OR I'LL TURN YOUR TRAINING ROOM INTO A SPA!!!" She then hanged up the phone in a flash. Vegeta growls in anger then turned around to Goku.  "Kakarot, We need to get back now!!" Goku giggles at his rudeness while holding Leah close. Leah then started to make grabby hands towards the sky as the clouds were moving. Goku then noticed this and raised Leah up in the air. "AW!! You like those clouds, don't you Leah!" Leah then giggles in agreement as Goku keeps raising and throwing her up in the air. "Don't worry Leah, I'll teach you how to fly and then you can fly with Gohan and Me." Leah then tilted her head in confusion as she then remembered her big brother Gohan. 

Meanwhile back at Capsule Corp.....

Everyone was looking around the whole area for Goku, Vegeta and Leah while some people were trying to calm Chi-Chi down. It had been 4 hours since they lasted seen any of them and Chi-Chi was crying her eyes out. "WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!!! WHERE IS GOKU?!!!!" Chi-Chi cried out while hugging her father and having both Gohan and Krillen comforting her. "Don't worry Mom, Dad and Vegeta will find Leah." She then looked up at her son in concern. "Yeah! I mean it's not like they're going to just fall right out of the sky right?" Krillen chuckled nervously as he was trying to make her feel better. 

Then all of a sudden, the ground began to shake as the sky started to turn dark with the wind blowing fast causing the party supplies to blow away. The clouds then started thundering and lighting as a giant spark of light was forming right in front of Capsule Corp causing everyone to shake in fear. Then everyone started to hear a echo in the distance; it had almost sounded like crying. "Go....Goha....GOHAN!" The voiced then screamed out causing the spark of light to open out a portal sending Goku, Vegeta and Leah straight though it while landing in front of everyone in Capsule Corp. 

Everyone then turned around and looked back at Gohan and Krillen causing them to laugh nervously and in fear. Chi-Chi then quickly runs towards them and picks up Leah in joy and relief while crying softly. " Oh Leah sweetheart; I'm glad that your safe and sound!!" Chi-Chi cried as she was kissing her forehead repeatly and squishing the life out of Goku. Goku was trying to calm her down while struggling to breathe.  "C-Chi-Chi, I-I can't b-breathe!!!" Everyone was still confused on how they all had gotten here so fast without Instant Transmission. Bulma then walked towards them both in shock and confusion. " H-How did you guy do that?" Goku and Vegeta both looked at each other in concern.

(Flashback with Goku and Vegeta)

Goku was throwing Leah up into the air repeatly while Vegeta was growing impatient with his childish-ness. "KAKAROT!!! PUT HER DOWN BEFORE YOU DROP HER!!!" Vegeta screamed at Goku causing him to panic and look at him. " Calm down Vegeta, What's the worst that could happened?" Goku then threw Leah into the air one more time and waited for her to come back down but she didn't. Goku and Vegeta then started to panic in fear while trying to look for her. Then out of nowhere, they hear soft giggles as they both looked in shock to see that Leah was flying around in circles in the air trying to chase her tail. Both of their jaws had dropped as they both looked at each other. 

"K-KAKAROT, HOW IN THE WORLD IS SHE DOING THAT?!!" Vegeta pointed at the flying Leah in the sky.

"I-I don't know Vegeta; M-Maybe she takes after me." Goku rubs his head while laughing nervously. 

They both fly up in the air and try to catch her but she was too fast for them. Then all of the clouds then started thundering and lighting as a giant spark of light was forming right in front of Leah causing her to stop and stare into the spark of light. Goku then grabs Leah and holds her close away from the light. As the spark of light started to grow larger and larger; Leah started to whine out loudly and scream random words causing Goku and Vegeta to panic in concern. "Leah, what's wrong princess? " Goku tried to coo her but nothing works. Then the spark of light opened into a giant portal which Leah sees and she then yells out "Go....Goha....GOHAN!" The portal then pulled them all in causing them to scream in a panic as the portal then closed shut....

(Back to the Present)

"And that's how we got here!" Goku smiled as he was holding Leah in his arms. 

Everyone was shocked and surprised as they looked at Vegeta to see if it was true or not. Vegeta then crosses his arms and frowns as normal."Yes, the child seemed to have opened a portal which brought us here!" Gohan then smiled happily as he was jumping up and down. "MY BABY SISTER CAN FLY!!!" Chi-Chi eyes started to twitch as she started to scream out while pulling her hair in shock and disbelief. "AHH! WHY CAN'T I HAVE A NORMAL CHILD PLEASE!!!" Then Mr. and Mrs. Briefs then walked out of Capsule Corp with a group of chefs and waiters bringing out Leah's 1st Spring Birthday Cake with strawberries and a bunny rabbit. Mrs. Briefs smiles as she walks towards everyone. "Now where's our little sayian princess, we have a nice big birthday cake just for her!"

Everyone was too busying watching Chi-Chi running after Goku in anger while he holding onto Leah tightly. "GOKUUUUUUU!!!!!" Goku was trying to run away from her wrath but he didn't want to drop Leah as well.

Mr.Brief then chuckled in amusement as Mrs.Brief just tilted her head in confusion. 

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