Chapter One

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RODRICK HEFFLEY LAUGHED AT HIS LITTLE BROTHER, who clearly did not have the confidence to ask the new girl to skate with him. Greg glanced over Rowley's shoulder, smirking when his eyes landed on a girl that he knew Rodrick would kill him for suggesting.

"Fine, if you're making me ask Holly to skate, you have to ask Jo."

The older brother's face froze, his hickory orbs glancing at the girl Greg had mentioned. "Jo is completely different than your precious little new girl, bro. That's not gonna happen."

Meanwhile, Josephine Moreno was approaching her brothers, Frankie and Vinny. "Hey, bitches."

"Language!" Frankie jokingly scolded.

"I'm sixteen!" She fired back with a small laugh, "Which one of you is buying the pizza? I vote Vinny, since he always wants to brag about being the oldest."

Vincent Moreno rolled his eyes as his siblings raised their hands to vote for him, "We don't have to pay for shit. Did you two goblins forget that we own this place?"

"Pepperoni with extra parmesan." Jo jokingly reminded him as she slipped on her skates. "Oh, and can you get me a Coke? I didn't have time to stop and get me something to drink on the way here. I had to shower."

"You work in a gas station, why didn't you just get something to drink from there?" Frankie questioned as they entered the rink.

"Because I'm not trying to get fired, you cum stain." She called over her shoulder before skillfully skating away.

Jo skated gracefully through the crowd, a few people cheering when she would successfully complete a move. "Rowley!" She greeted with a smile, "Hey! Oh, hey Greg."


"Hey, Jo!" Rowley happily exclaimed, "When did you get off of work?"

The teen checked her gold watch, which belonged to her father, "About thirty minutes ago. I had to go home and shower before coming here to meet up with Frankie and Vinny."

"Cool. Nice talking to you, Josephine, but we've gotta go." Greg responded, pulling Rowley away from the teen girl and towards the center of the rink. She furrowed her brows, confused, as her gaze turned back to the two seventh graders. Greg was now scooting on the floor towards a blonde girl that looked around his age, and Rowley was trailing behind him on his skates as if he were covering him.

Just as she began to skate to the exit, the lights turned blue and a slow song was playing. "Ew," she groaned, approaching her brother, "couples skating. Why do we still do this?"

Jo snagged two slices of pizza from the box and placed them onto her plate, sitting down to remove her skates. "I don't get why couples have to do couple shit in public. Save it for your own time, yaknow?"

"I know," Vinny began, "but how would you know? You've never even had a boyfriend."

The girl smirked, "No, but I've had flings."


Jo chuckled, about to speak once more, when she was interrupted.

A familiar voice rang through the speakers. "Stop! Enough of that total lameness," Bill Walter spoke, "Who's ready to rock?!"

Jo's eyes landed on Frankie, Rodrick Heffley, and Bill at the turn table. She rolled her chocolate colored irises before rushing up there to yell at her brother.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" She growled, shoving her brother into Rodrick, who just widened his eyes at her presence.

Frankie furrowed his brows, raising his hands up in surrender as the rink became flooded with 'hardcore' skaters. Rowley and Greg were in the middle of it, and that only annoyed her more. The teen knew from first hand experience that his sister was not someone you'd want to piss off. "It was Rodrick's idea."

"What the fuck do you mean it was Rodrick's idea? You're nineteen and our family owns this place, you numbskull. You could've said, what's that word again? Oh, yeah, NO!"

Susan Heffley was on the opposite side of the turntable, turning off the music and grabbing the microphone. "Greg Heffley! This is your mother!" Rodrick and Bill were about to explode with laughter, while Jo glared at the three idiots between her and Greg's mom. Rodrick noticed and gulped, having seen the shorter girl when she was angry only once before. "Everything is going to be okay. Stay where you are, and your father is going to come rescue you. I repeat, everything is going to be okay."

The teen girl watch in second-hand embarrassment as Frank Heffley walked into the rink and picked his son up bridal-style.

"Okay, great, alright. Everyone, go back to skating!"

Jo chased after her brother and Rodrick as they approached Frank and his son. "Mr. Heffley, Greg, I'm so sorry that Frankie let this happen. I promise you, it definitely will not happen again."

"Hey Romeo," the eldest Heffley boy greeted his brother. "How'd it go with the new girl?"

An angry expression crawled onto Greg's face before he tried lunging at his brother. Rodrick dodged him, causing the boy to skate face-first into a little girl's birthday cake.

"Mr. and Mrs. Heffley?" Jo questioned, Frankie and Vinny standing awkwardly by her sides. "Um.. I know this is definitely a bad time. But I wanted to let you know that Rodrick has one last chance before he's be banned from Rocket Rollers. If you need anything, you guys have my number from when I babysat Greg and Manny."

Susan sent her a small smile, "Thank you, Josephine, for being so mature about this."

"Of course! And, don't worry, I'll talk some sense into my brother."

"Are you coming home anytime soon?"

Jo shook her head, placing her head into her hands as she observed the two graves placed in front of her. "I'll be home later."

The two brothers sighed, sitting next to their little sister. "Mom and Dad would be proud of us all, wouldn't they?" She questioned, her voice breaking slightly. "I mean.. I know they would've been proud of you two for keeping Roller Rockets in business. But I'm not so sure about me."

Vinny scoffed, "They would have been the most proud of you, Jo."

"Yeah," Frankie began, "I mean, you're smart, funny, badass, helpful to those who need it, and let's not forget — you got an offer to graduate early and head to the music school you want to go to."

Jo rolled her eyes, "An offer that I declined because I want to have the full high school experience before shipping myself off to Los Angeles."

"It's still an offer you got. Frankie and I are stuck here running Rocket Rollers, while you actually have a guaranteed spot in one of the best music schools in the country."

The girl thought for a moment. She hadn't ever considered what her brothers would be doing while she's away at school. She didn't even think about how they would just be stuck in that stupid town running their father's skating rink for who knows how long.

"Dad never supported my music, and Mom wanted me to work at the salon with her." She reminisced, "They both would've thrown a fit if they were here when I got that offer."

The three remained there in silence, reminiscing on memories they had with their parents for two hours. They all missed them dearly, but it worked out in the end. They still had each other, and that's all they needed.

"It's getting late and you start school tomorrow. C'mon, let's go home."

AGE: 16
maggie lindemann

AGE: 19
uriah shelton

AGE: 21
blake michael

AGE: 16
devon bostick

— R E X I E E S P E A K S —

ah, yes, devon bostick. you know, the ONLY rodrick that should exist?

i don't like the new lord farquaad looking mf.

but anyways, i hope you enjoyed the first chapter!


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