Chapter 1

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Kaylee and Timmy were walking to the hill out in the country since no one has ever gone there. They see something in the sky so they try to walk closer to see what it is. Kaylee and Timmy got closer to see the Tower of Heaven. Before either sibling, the Tower of Heaven was attacked by an unknown. Kaylee and Timmy saw the attack coming from and ran in the direction. When they get there, they see a red person attacking the monster. They have seen the suit but never seen that kind.

“--An Angel of the Guardian Realm, GoseiRed!” a red suit said.

Soon after that, they have been fighting each other while Kaylee and Timmy stay hidden to watch as neither of them can fight right now. 

*10 days later*

Timmy and Kaylee have been searching for GoseiRed ever since the fight. Kaylee and Timmy are in the playground taking a break from the searching. They see the group of kids was talking about the boy who is hiding from others.

“That does not sound good,” Kaylee murmured.

“Yeah,” Timmy said.

They watch boys practicing soccer from where they are at. Kaylee and Timmy were listening to their conversations but tried not to get involved with them. The kids left the playground as the boy started to walk away. Kaylee got a feeling that the boy might lead the Oliver siblings to find GoseiRed. 

“Brother come on. That boy might lead us to that person,” Kaylee said as she went after the boy not knowing his name yet.

“Hold o-Shesh sis,” Timmy mumbled as he went after his older sister.

Kaylee follows the young boy as Timmy still after his big sister. When they get closer to the young boy, they can hear him talking to himself. Then they heard someone talking to the boy. The boy looked up to see the baby carriage coming down the steps.

“Oh no! It’s falling!” the boy exclaimed.

“Don’t give up just yet!” the voice said.

Kaylee and Timmy saw the baby carriage going down the steps and was about to save the baby when the wind blew the boy before saving the baby. Kaylee and Timmy felt the power from the mystery person. The boy with the red jacket saved the baby and put it back on the top of the steps. The boy and the Oliver siblings were looking at the boy with the red jacket. The boy with the red jacket sees them.

“Huh? You see me?” the boy with the red jacket said before walking toward them, “Whoops, guess my Invocation came off again.”

The boy with the red jacket walking back and forth while scratching his head. The boy looked at him. Kaylee and Timmy watch them.

“Are you the one who was talking to me?” the boy asked.

“Sorry. Could you pretend you didn’t see that?” the boy with the red jacket asked them.

Timmy and Kaylee looked at each other and knew that the boy with the red jacket has some information about their ancestor. Neither Timmy nor Kaylee were listening to both boys until they heard the boy with the red jacket say the boy’s name caused them to look at them.

“--Right, Nozomu?” the boy with the red jacket said. 

“How do you know my name?” Nozomu asked but the boy with the red jacket left.

Nozomu covered his face when the wind blew on his face. Kaylee and Timmy looked at each other and left to find the boy with the red jacket. Kaylee and Timmy were following the wind as they both have a feeling it would lead them to find GoseiRed. Kaylee and Timmy were running until they came to the scene of the battle.

“They look the same as the one we saw 10 days ago but different colors and symbols,” Kaylee said.

“Yeah, but who are they? Are they the same team as that red or different?” Timmy asked.

“I don’t know lil bro,” Kaylee said, “But we might find out soon.”

Timmy nodded and saw the boy with the red jacket attack the monsters called Bibi soldiers as they were getting knocked back. The boy with the red jacket looking at the group of people who are in the suit.

“Sorry I’m late, guys!” the boy with the red jacket said.

Timmy and Kaylee went to hide to watch and see the boy with the red jacket pulling out some kind of the morpher. They heard some words from the boy.


“Change card!” the boy with the red jacket said but he didn’t feel the card in his hand.

The boy with the red jacket looked down to see that he lost his card. He looked around to find it. Kaylee and Timmy watch from the sideline.

“Does he seem to have lost something?” Timmy asked.

“Yeah,” Kaylee said after seeing that the boy with the red jacket was looking for something.

“I think I lost my Change card,” the boy with the red jacket said as the Oliver siblings listened.

Before anyone else says something, the Bibi soldiers attack them again. Others argued with the boy with the red jacket asking him where did he lose it. Kaylee and Timmy were watching as neither of them was ready to reveal themselves to them. When the blue one uses the card to finish up the fight.

“Presshower card! Invoke!” the blue said.


Timmy turned to see Nozomu running up to them before looking back to see them demorphed. Kaylee, Nozomu, and Timmy were watching them.

“Alata… what is exactly is going on, here?” the blue one said.

“Who are those guys?” Nozomu asked as neither Kaylee nor Timmy knew.

“No idea,” Kaylee said.

Kaylee, Timmy, and Nozomu followed them and hid behind the rock bridge. They were listening to their conversation. Timmy and Kaylee gasped softly when they heard the word “Guardian Angels” and looked at each other. The pink girl turns and sees them.

“Guardian Angels? All the Earth’s got?” Nozomu asked softly.

Timmy and Kaylee turn to look at Nozomu before feeling the wind pick all of them up from the hiding place to meet an unknown group. Kaylee and Timmy were on guard when they met others but Nozomu was on the ground looking up.

“What was that?!” Nozomu exclaimed.

“Listening in, huh?” a girl with a pink jacket said as she walked toward Nozomu and bend down “Guess you heard everything.”

Nozomu got up and went behind Timmy. Kaylee chuckled softly at her little brother when he looked like what the heck is the boy doing. A girl with a pink jacket stands up and sees the Oliver siblings. The group of people begins to talk to Nozomu, Kaylee, and Timmy. Kaylee and Timmy were listening hoping to find some information and learn who they are. They were on the walk while telling the information.

“So… Guardian Angels protect the Earth from a place called the Guardian Realm?” Nozomu asked.

A girl with the yellow jacket nodded as she put her hand on her knee to level down to Nozomu. Kaylee and Timmy stay quiet while listening but will only ask if they needed.

“But you guys haven’t earned the right to protect the planet yet… so you’re Guardian Angels in training?” Nozomu asked.

“Something like that,” a girl with the pink jacket said as she got in the same position as a girl with the yellow jacket. “And?”

“And you were down here training when the bad guys destroyed your way back home?” Nozomu asked.

“More or less, yeah,” a boy with the black jacket said.

“So, it’s up to the five of you to protect the Earth?” Nozomu asked while smiled.

Kaylee and Timmy listening before noticed what the boy with a blue jacket was going to do.

“You catch on very quickly. Have you satisfied your curiosity? Then it’s time for you to forget all about us,” the boy with a blue jacket said as he took out his morpher.


“Whoa! You are not erasing me and my brother’s memories of you. You gave the information about who you are and are on the right track,” Kaylee said as she growled softly.

Timmy gets in front of Nozomu to protect him from getting harm. Kaylee glared darkly at the boy with a blue jacket. He flinched when he saw Kaylee’s dark glare.

“We can’t allow humans to know about us. It’s the rule,” the boy with a blue jacket said as he was about to put the card into the morpher.

“Wait, Hyde,” the boy with a red jacket said as he grabbed the one with a card known as Hyde, “Nozomu’s my friend.”

“Hold on, what do you mean are on the right track?” a girl with the yellow jacket asked. 

Kaylee and Timmy looked at each other with the silent conversation. Others were confused as the girl with the yellow jacket since they wanted an answer too. Timmy sighed softly.

“My sister and I were looking for the answers about our ancestor. We believe that he was a guardian angel but we could never find out what happened to him and his wife since our other ancestor left the journal to our family for centuries,” Timmy explained.

“Wait your ancestor was a guardian angel?!” a boy with the black jacket asked.

“Hai,” Kaylee said.

“I don’t believe this,” a girl with the yellow jacket said.

“Also, is it like we’re gonna believe that?” a boy with a black jacket said as he changed the subject since he was talking about wiping the memory about them.

“I do,” a boy with a red jacket said, “Agri, we have to be able to trust humans. We’re Guardian Angels. Anyway, that’s that. See you later, Nozomu and you two.”

A boy with the red jacket walked away with his friends. Kaylee and Timmy smiled softly, glad that their memories will not be wiped from their minds. Kaylee and Timmy left the scene before Nozomu could look at the siblings.

“Huh? Where did they go?” Nozomu asked when he didn't see either sister or brother standing there.

A little while later, Kaylee and Timmy heard the attack and went to check it out. They ran and saw Nozomu hiding behind the building and seeing others except a boy with the red jacket trapped in the rock.

“This is not good,” Timmy said.

“Agree,” Kalee said.

The siblings Oliver were watching the battle and see a boy dodged the rock balls that has his friends in it cause them to be free from the rocks. Kaylee winced at the sight as Timmy watched along with Nozomu. Timmy noticed that Nozomu pulled something out of his pocket to reveal the card. Nozomu gasped after nodded his head as the card reveals the figure of red sentai.

“It’s warm,” Nozomu murmured.

Kaylee turned to see Timmy looking at Nozomu and see the card glowing. The siblings Oliver gasped softly then watch the fight. A boy with the red jacket jumped in the air and was about to punch but the monster, known as Closenthird of the Clump, pulled him in. The bandage got stuck in the drill as the boy with the red jacket tried to keep his arm from getting destroyed. Closenthird hits a boy with a red jacket and made him fly back from Closenthird to hit the wall.

“Oh no!” Kaylee said as she was itching to help out.

Timmy held his big sister from going into the fight as neither of them can morph without getting hurt. Nozomu gasped when saw him in the building by Closenthird. The boy with the red jacket came out of the building while being hurt. Nozomu was remembering what he had heard from earlier.

“Just give it a try…” Nozomu murmured.

Kaylee and Timmy were watching and gasped. A boy with the red jacket yelled as he tried to avoid the attack but couldn’t. He fell to the ground after getting blast by Closenthird.

“Alata!!!” Nozomu yelled before run out from the hiding place. 

Kaylee and Timmy saw what Nozomu did and ran after him to protect him from the danger. Nozomu ran toward the boy with the red jacket known as Alata.

“Alata!!!” Nozomu said as he haded out the card toward Alata to take it.

Kaylee and Timmy ran and protect Nozomu. Nozomu got to Alata and handed the card to him.

“Alata…” Nozomu said.

“Nozomu…” Alata said before glared at the monster, “Get Nozomu out of here.”

“Hai,” Kaylee said.

“Come on Nozomu. It’s not safe here,” Timmy said.

Before Kaylee nor Timmy get Nozomu out of the battle, Closenthird on the rock ball was rolling toward them.

“Look out!” Alata said before picked Nozomu up to jump out of the way.

Kaylee and Timmy also jumped to be out of the way before they could get hurt.

“What?!” Closenthird exclaimed as he thought he could get them.

Alata, Nozomu, Kaylee, and Timmy got to the hiding place away from the attack. Kaylee was looking at Alata as Alata hissed in pain when he felt the pain from his arm where it was hurt from days ago. Nomuzu saw Alata holding his arm and went to his side.

“I’m sorry. You’re already hurt, and I…” Nozomu said.

“It’s okay. Its important thing is, you came to help,” Alata said.

Kaylee and Timmy nodded. 

“He’s right,” Kaylee said.

“I don’t know what happened… it’s like my body moved on its own…” Nozomu said softly not knowing what just happened.

“You did great,” Alata said.

Kaylee and Timmy nodded while smiled softly at Nozomu. Alata smiled softly at Nozomu as he and Nozomu stand up. Nozomu handed the card to Alata as Alata nodded saying thank you for returning the card to him. Kaylee and Timmy smiled.

“You did the right thing by returning his card to him,” Timmy said.

“I guess…” Nozomu said.

Alata took his card back and was about to run out when he stops hearing his teammates calling out to him. Alata, Kaylee, Timmy, and Nozomu turned to see others ran toward them. Alata looked at his teammates with his face showing seriousness.

“Let’s go! Time to Change!” Alata said.

Others nodded agreeing with him. They went out into the field while Kaylee and Timmy stay behind to protect Nozomu. Nozomu looked at the siblings Oliver.

“Why are you both willing to protect me?” Nozomu asked.

“Because we want to protect anyone who is not able to fight,” Kaylee and Timmy said at the same time.

“Like me?” Nozomu asked.

“Hai,” Kaylee said.

Nozomu nodded and turn to watch the battle. Kaylee and Timmy kept their eyes on the battle since others were already morphed and fighting. Kaylee and Timmy smiled as Closenthird was destroyed by the Goseigers but have a feeling it's just the beginning of the battle. After the battle, the Goseigers went to check on Nozomu and see him apologizing to another boy. Kaylee and Timmy were watching and felt that the Goseigers were watching too. 

“I knew it! Nozomu knew just the right thing to do!” Alata said as he was happy before gets taps by Agri.

“Hey. Hope you learned somethin’ from droppin’ your card,” Agri said.

“Well, it worked out alright. What’s the big deal?” Eri said as she put her hand on Agri’s shoulder.

Kaylee and Timmy heard the talking from the Goseigers. The sister and brother both looked at each other and walked toward them. Eri and Alata smiled at each other. Agri sees the siblings Oliver.

“What are you doing here?” Agri asked.

“We are here to find our answers since we think you may have any connection to your angel realm,” Timmy said.

Kaylee heard some words from Hydre about the Master Head.

“Hey, is Master Head your leader?” Kaylee asked.

“Hai,” Hyde said.

Alata felt something and turned around to run. Kaylee, Timmy, and the Goseigers turn and see Alata run so they run after him. As soon as Alata stops running, the others also stop running too when they see another monster appear. Kaylee and Timmy gasped when they saw the same monster that attacked 10 days earlier. 

“Is your wound healed, yet? GoseiRed…” the monster asked.

Alata grabs his arm very gently while glaring at the monster. Kaylee and Timmy were very cautious about the monster as Kaylee kept her eye on Alata who is holding his arm right now.

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