Angela's tragic backstory

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(Hey guys I just want you all to know because this book has a lot more about my oc then me in real life so I am giving this book to my oc or I am sharing this book with my oc if you guys want to know more about the real Angela Grace DuPlessis anyways my oc has many tragic backstories this one I am telling you why she is afraid of lakes, oceans, and large rivers lets get into the story)
Flash back
One day while Angela was reading  *cough* about different types of mating seasons *cough* she was 15 at the time and her dimension and the sonic dimension collided as one she wanted to know when that was so she was prepared for it. While Angela was so into the book she didn't realize that a medal claw was behind her then the claw grabbed her. Her glasses come flying off her snout when she got grabbed.
Angela: *yelps and tries sees who captured her and gasps*
She saw Eggman but she didn't know he had Sonic to.
Angela: Eggman what do you want with me?
Eggman: not just you but you and Sonic
Angela: *her eyes go small in shock* what are you going to do with us
Eggman: you will see
Angela could see Sonic next to her. She was scared this was her weakness. Being in medal because she can't brake through medal. Then Eggman flue to a lake not just any lake the lake where Angela saw her ex boyfriend kiss that other mare. Eggman flue on top of the lake with both Sonic and Angela hanging under Eggman. Now both Angela and Sonic were scared. Angela knew how to swim but never went in a lake or really far of the ocean. She only went in a pool but only a 2 feet deep pool.
Angela: *starts to cry*
Sonic: Angela it is ok we can get out of this please don't cry
Angela: *sniffs* I can't this is where my boyfriend cheated on me
Sonic felt bad for Angela he knew that Angela's ex cheated on her a week before her 15th birthday. If he wasn't in a medal claw he would comfort her. Then Tails and Knuckles came but Eggman dropped both Sonic and Angela. But Sonic didn't fall he grabbed on and ran to Eggman and made his flying machine lose control. By this time Angela was in the water but she was drowning she was trying to swim but her wings were to heavy. Because her wing are exorbitant that means the water goes in her wings making them heavy. Angela was sinking to the bottom. Eggman's flying machine went in the water sinking to the bottom with Angela. Angela saw Eggman and she used her magic to make a bubble around Eggman flouting him to the top. Angela was going to do that for herself but she was to late.
Tails: sonic are you ok
Sonic: yes but Angela is still in the water
Knuckles: I will get her *jumps in the water*
Soon knuckles finds Angela a few seconds after she fell unconscious and brought her back to the surface.
Tails: *gasps* is she ok
Knuckles: *puts his ear? on her chest and hears 2 heart beats* she is ok but I heard 2 heart beats though
Sonic: 2 heart beats?
Tails: that is impossible *mumbles* maybe I should do some tests on her
Sonic: no she is a friend tails I know you want to know more you could just ask Angela once she wakes up
Tails: ok *is ashamed*
An hour later Angela wakes up in Tails' workshop. But Angela doesn't know or reclines where she is. She soon gets up and walks around the room getting use to walking on two legs again and she hears someone coming and hides. Then tails and sonic come in to check on Angela they both see she is gone.
Sonic: *realizes* Angela it is just me and tails you can come out now
Then Angela uses her magic to turn her visible. Tails and Sonic sees she has her wings covering her face.
Sonic: *mother mode of Sonic activated* Angela what is wrong?
Angela: where are we?
Sonic: we are at Tails' workshop
Angela: oh *is embarrassed and puts her wings away*
Tails: Angela can I ask you a question?
Angela: sure *smiles happily*
Tails: why do you have 2 heart beats?
Angela: oh well us alicorns have 2 hearts because we can live forever we can't die from old age only if someone kills us so if we have a heart attack we have another heart to live off of *scratches my neck in nervousness*
Tails: that is awesome
Angela: and it is also because I am half demon
Tails: what you are a demon
Angela: only half even though half demons get the evil gens back but I have this necklace on *points to a gold Saint Mary necklace* as long as I have it on Demon Angela can't come out *her ears go down*
Sonic: *goes to her and rubs her back*
Angela: *blushes dark red* u-um S-sonic
Sonic: yea?
Angela: c-can you p-please d-don't r-rub t-there
Sonic: why?
Angela: *whispers in his ear*
Sonic: *his eyes go small and moves his hand away* sorry
Angela: *still blushing* i-it is o-ok
Tails: *has a confused look on*
Sonic: tails you will learn about it when you get older
Tails: ok?
Angela: anyways how long was I out for?
Tails: you were out for an hour
Angela: what?
Sonic: yea but it is ok all that matters that you are ok
Angela: did anything go on while I was out?
Sonic: nothing much Knuckles came to see if you where alright a few minutes ago and Silver came and hugged you while you where out (*starts to laugh so hard* I just made that part up)
Angela: what the?
Tails: yeah it was weird I guess he misses you
Angela: well I am going to go I need to check on the dimension to make sure nothing to bad it happening
Sonic and Tails: ok bye
Angela: bye guys *teleports to her castle*
Back to the present
Angela: yeah that is what happened
(Yep and I want you all to check out my friends PuppyDiceTheFox angel199829 amyrose67 and TheRealChara3 and I will see everyone in the next chapter bye~)

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