How Angela came to be

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Bendy: well it started a few weeks before the studio closed Henry started to sketch a sibling for me to care and have fun with but Henry couldn't bring you to life with ink it was too late the studio closed 10 years later I saw the sketches of you on Henry's desk I knew Henry was working on something I just thought it was a skit of a new episode it took me a half of a year to get a spell from the demonic book and combined it with another spell I wanted you to be alive but I didn't want to make you out of ink the spells were to bring you to life but you have to be half ink demon and half real demon so you are still apart of me you were brought to life but you were a baby and the spell had to find 2 parents that one was a demon and the other was not and was a pony and once you where got to the studio you would change back to a cartoon but you would be evil
Angela: s-so my whole life everything was a lie
Bendy: no your parents doesn't know about this Boris Alice and me only know you are alive and my sibling (so you all know Alice is 4 feet tall and Boris is 5 feet tall)
Angela: so how am I in color?
Bendy: you were supposed to be the first character to be in color
Angela: this is kinda hard to believe though can you show me the sketches?
Bendy: ok we have to go to the studio
*time skip*
Bendy: *walks to a desk that has tons of papers on the floor and desk with the name Henry on it*
Angela: *sees a sketch of her and covers my mouth and sees a poster that says 'united siblings with Bendy and Angela the demon' they are hugging* (Angela and Bendy are the same hight they are 3 feet tall)
Bendy: yeah but that episode never came out neither did 'the dancing demons' with you and me
Angela: *sees that my eyes are different but they are still rainbow*
Bendy: yeah your eyes changed when I made you come to life
Angela: so would this means I have to say here?
Bendy: kinda if you want to try to get rid of this illness you have
Angela: but I have fiancé at home
Bendy: *his eye twitches* what who is he?
Angela: well she is a girl
Bendy: what? Never mind you got to explain later
Angela: yeah
Bendy: now you have to explain those scars and bruises by you horn and wings
Angela: oh that was from my 'brother' StePhen he punches me hard there so I can't escape when he hurts me
Bendy: *tries to go out the door but gets pulled back by Angela* let me at him
Angela: no no one deserves to be hurt or killed for something bad they have done they deserve chances to redeem themselves to others that they want to be good
Bendy: *stops and smiles* you are too kind to everyone
Angela: what I believe everyone still has good inside them
Bendy: *chuckles* anyways we got that clear up
Boris: so you are leaving
Angela: I am but not forever I will visit a lot
Boris: yay!!!!! *hugs her*
Angela: Boris I can't breathe
Boris: sorry *lets go*
Angela: it is ok
Alice: make sure you protect yourself
Angela: I will I have been for 7 years
(Ok guys that is it yes they are siblings and sorry I didn't upload this earlier but I was busy helping my mom set up for the party tomorrow I think bendy and Angela are 4 years apart but in reality 10 years apart but Angela was drawn to be 4 years younger then bendy and Angela is 20 but is going to be 21 soon I will let you guys do the math check out my friends sonadowlover2003 TheRealChara3 amyrose67 angel199829 and Fionna_The_Rabbit and I will see you all in the next chapter bye~)

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