I am not alright

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(*is whispering to myself*)
Angela: oh no not again Angela don't listen to it
(*starts to cry a lot and says it louder* I am worthless I am stupid I am a disgrace I am a disappointment no one cares for me no one loves me everyone is just saying that they do and they spread rumors about how stupid and how they dislike you I can't do anything right when I die no one will even care if I die)
Angela: if you guys might be thinking what is happening well Angela here is getting more depressed this started when her brother came back from college and yesterday they went shopping with their dad and she kept thinking that Stephen deserves everything and she doesn't and that she was being greedy if she looked at something she kept thinking this till they got out and she keeps thinking of death
(*cries more* no one will care just grab the switch bald and end it)
Angela: anyways Angeline's Backstory will be out soon we are almost done but we got a long way to go we can't find something on YouTube for the part we are stuck on and both me and my creator meet new people that are new to Wattpad and we have talked for a little bit each day they are 4cham4u and Funtime-Blackey if anyone wants to help me calm Angela down because she would listen to me her inner demons are getting to her well anyways I will see everyone in the next chapter bye~

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