Start Of The World Tour

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(rock music playing)

King Fire: Rock and roll! [laughs]

(Angelene is taken inside Volcano Rock City)

(crowd cheering)

Sid Fret: All right, where do we put these things?

Rock Troll: I need a circuit hookup.

Landon: [quietly] Okay, come on.. Let's go, let's go, let's go.

(The children sneaks inside Volcano Rock City)

Arabella: [her anklet's bells start jingling quietly]

Sid Fret: Hey. Stop right there.

(jingling stops)

Landon: Arabella, I told you not to wear your anklet.

Sid Fret: Only Rock Trolls are allowed back here.

Landon: Well, it's funny you should mention that, because we are genuine. Hard Rockers.

(electric guitar strums weakly)

(Both Trolls glare at them)

Mr. Creeper: [deep voice] One, two, three, four!

(heavy metal music playing)

Snack Pack: Rainbows, unicorns!

Everything nice, yeah!

Sugarplums, fairy dust!

Everything nice, yeah!

Mr. Creeper: Brush your teeth!

(Creeper's hat squeaks)

Sid Fret: Cool. [he and another Rock Troll gives them instruments] Hurry up.. The show's about to start, man. Queen Grace's about to go onstage.

Cassie: We're screwed.

(rock music playing, crowd cheering)

Queen Grace: So, Angel, is being my best friend everything you could have ever dreamed of?

(Mayor Angelene gets thrown in a cage)

Mayor Angelene: [grunts]

(Grace and Rock Trolls laugh)

Mayor Angelene: I am not your best friend.

Queen Grace: You don't have to be embarrassed. I get it. Being queen can be kind of lonely.

(Then Grace looks at the audience)

Crowd: [chanting] Grace! Grace! Grace! Grace! Grace! [chanting fades]

Queen Grace: There's all this pressure to be a great queen. And instead of real friends, you're just surrounded by people who just tell you what you want to hear.

(Grace walks back to the cage)

Queen Grace: You know, other than your terrible taste in music and clothing and general lifestyle, [leans on the cage] you and me are the same, Angel.

Mayor Angelene: Uh... [scoffs] No, we're not.

Queen Grace: We're both queens who just want to unite the world.

Mayor Angelene: You don't want to unite the world. You want to destroy it!

Queen Grace: Nuh-uh. No way. No. I don't know who told you that. Music has done nothing but divide us. Now that I have the final string, I can make us all one nation of Trolls, under rock.

(The guitar only has five strings, then Grace slips the Pop String in to the guitar and she has all six strings)

Queen Grace: [laughs]

Mayor Angelene: What are you gonna do?

Queen Grace: Play the ultimate power chord, and then... [chuckles, goes down] You'll see!

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