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Mayor Angelene: [inhales deeply, sighs]

Angelo: All right. [places the manual] In a short 456 pages, I'm gonna know how to fly this thing. [knuckles crack]

Mayor Angelene: [takes the book away from Angelo] Ugh, Angelo, we don't need a giant, comprehensive manual.

(Mayor Angelene throws the manual away)

Angelo: [gasps]

Mayor Angelene: How hard can it be? ♪ Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo. ♪

(console beeping)

Mayor Angelene: ♪ Try one of these. ♪ [presses a button]

(Sheila B whooping, laughing)

Sheila B: All right, Angelene! Easy on the buttons!

Mayor Angelene: Sorry.

(They hear someone snoring nearby)

Angelo: [shushes] What was that?

Landon & Mr. Creeper: [sleepy murmur, whistling exhale, sleepy murmur, snoring]

(The children removes the cotten candy, Landon and Mr. Creeper are sleeping)

Mr. Creeper: [sucking, cooing]

Mayor Angelene: Landon?

Landon: Oh, hello. Sorry. I couldn't help myself. You know how I am around cotton candy.

Mr. Creeper: [burps]

Landon: Oh, dear. Now look what's happened. Mr. Creeper got all gummed up.

Mr. Creeper: [squeaks, falls off]

Landon: [gasps] Mr. Creeper! Mr. Creeper! Oh, there you are.. I thought you were... Oh. Right, then.. We'll just be on our way... [screams] Hey! Angelene, wh-where are you balloon-flying us to?

Mayor Angelene: We're on a mission to help Grace unite the Trolls, and I'm so glad you're coming with us.

Landon: I did what in the who now?

Angelo: Hey, man, join the club.

Mayor Angelene: And I hope you didn't eat all the cotton candy, because Grace is gonna love it. [clears throat] Angelo-ifer?

Angelo: [clears throat] Y-Yes, Ate-ifer?

Mayor Angelene: What is this?

Angelo: Oh, it's nothing, nothing. That-that-that-that's just my man stuff.

Mayor Angelene: [gasps] I love man stuff!

(She lifts the lid, revealing a bunch of sticks and stones)

Mayor Angelene: Weapons? Ugh. For shame.

Angelo: Well, I-I...

Mayor Angelene: Violence never solves a problem, Angelo.

Mr. Creeper: [squeaks]

(Landon shrieks, he pops the stick fron Mr. Creeper's mouth and Angelo catches it)

Angelo: I'm not saying we have to use them. I'm just saying it's better to be prepared in case we need them.

Mayor Angelene: We won't need them unless these pointy sticks help you listen or these rocks help you put yourself in someone else's shoes. And what about these? Is this... What, I... Is this some kind of jewelry? Oh, it's actually kind of cool-looking. ♪ Oh~! ♪

Angelo: Gi-Give me that. We don't even know what's out there.

(Both children glare at each other until Angelene kicks the bucket away)

Angelo: Wait! No... Oh, man. By the way,. I whittled those for hours.

Mayor Angelene: Angelo, the only weapons we need are this guy and this guy, for hugs!

Landon: Uh, you may want to take a look at this.

(fire crackling softly)

(They see Symphonyville in ruin)

Angelo: This is gonna take a lot of hugs.

(They look around, and Angelo steps onto a broken music record)

Angelo: Whoa. Something gnarly happened here.

Pennywhistle: Hello?

Angelo: [picks up a violin bow] Who said that? Identify yourself!

Pennywhistle: Uh, are you nice or are you mean?

Mayor Angelene: W-We're nice.. We're really nice.

Angelo: Yeah, but not too nice. So don't even try it.

(Pennywhistle pops up from the sand)

Pennywhistle: Okay.

(She rolls up on to Angelene's hands)

Pennywhistle: [softly] Oh. Hi.

Mayor Angelene: What is this place?

Pennywhistle: It used to be called Symphonyville. [coughs] Where the Classical Music Trolls lived. But that was in the before.

Mayor Angelene: What happened here?

Pennywhistle: Well, it was the most wonderful place you ever did seen.


(lively classical music playing, chatter, laughter)

It was a place where all of the Classical Music Trolls could live in perfect harmony.

(classical music continues)

Pennywhistle: [laughs] Ooh.

Wherever the conductor led, we followed.

Lukezart: Play, play. [vocalizes] Beautiful. [laughs]

But then Queen Grace showed up.

Lukezart: Oh, no.

Queen Grace: 'Sup, Lukezart dude? I'm here for your string.

Lukezart: We will not go quietly.

(playing Beethoven's "Symphony No. 5 in C Minor")

(triangle dings, Grace snores)

Queen Grace: [sighs] Mi, mi, mi, mi, mi. Oh. Oh, I'm sorry, I-I must have fallen asleep, because your music is so boring.

Lukezart: [scoffs]

Queen Grace: Where are the words, bro? Right? Now give me your string.

(amplifier buzzes, hums)

(playing Beethoven's "Symphony No. 5 in C Minor")

Classical Trolls: Oh! Oh! [Trolls gasping]

Lukezart: [sighs] No.

(Then Grace staps the baton in half, the string is inside there)

She took our string. Our-our music. She took everyone.

(Garce and the Rock Trolls take away the Classical Trolls


(wind whistling softly)

Pennywhistle: We lost everything.

Mayor Angelene: Grace doesn't want to unite us. She wants to destroy us.

Angelo: We need to make sure our own string is safe.

Mayor Angeelne: Uh, our string is safe. [pulls out a string from her hair]

Angelo: What?! Ate, are-are you crazy?

Mayor Angelene: I thought it was a good idea at the time. I-I can't believe another queen would use her power for evil.

Angelo: Okay. Change of plans. We need to get home as fast as we can and get everyone in the bunker.

Mayor Angelene: Uh, no. Change of plans. We have to stop Grace from destroying all music. If we don't stop her, who will?

Landon: Angelene, you said this could be handled with hugs. How are we gonna hug our way out of this one?

Mayor Angelene: It's okay, Louden.

Landon: Really? It's okay to be terrified? When am I gonna learn to stay away from the cotton candy?!

Mayor Angelene: No. As your mayor, I promise that I will protect you, no matter what. I... pinky promise.

Landon: [gasps] Angelene, you know you can't go back on a pinky promise.

Mayor Angeleen: Never did, never will.

(They put their pinkies together)

(electricity crackles, magic jingling)

(wind whooshing)

Sheila B: [flies away, laughing] Farewell!

(The same wind has caught Louden)

Louden: A pinky promise. Dang.

Landon: Let it be so.

Mayor Angelene: And so it is.

Angelo: [groans]

Pennywhistle: This just got real.

Mayor Angelene: We have to get to the Country Music Trolls in Lonesome Flats before Grace does. [to Pennywhistle] Will you come with us?

Pennywhistle: Oh, no. Someone has to rebuild. And Pennywhistle is that woodwind for the job. [grunts]

Mayor Angelene: [places a small helmet on Pennywhistle] Good luck, little Pennywhistle.

Pennywhistle: Goodbye, Angelene.

(They leave Symphonyville)

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