7 - A Visit

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A/N: I may have changed a few things about the Gulag to fit the story. Just go with it, and don't point it out :)

(Blaza PoV)

The mental force pulled me to the center of the clearing, where a hollowed out area made way for a smaller obsidian prison.

The Gulag.

Each obsidian block reinforced with iron bars, the Gulag was a nearly impenetrable prison built by Socks, Meme and myself when we first built this village. On the rim of the hollow was chain-link fencing with barbed wire atop it. Not bothering to have to enter the passcode to open the gate, I simply flew over it. Although I crash landed on the other side as I snagged my foot on the wire - might hav to ask Woolfster for some flight lessons. Him being a dragon tamer and all, he has some experience with flight.

I brushed the dust off of my hoodie and continued forwards. I found the locked doorway, and entered the passcode that I recalled from building the prison. The door opened, and I stepped inside.

The inside of the Gulag was larger than it looked from the outside. There was a small space between the front wall and some iron bars where visitors could stand without being in close proximity to the prisoner. The cell itself took up the rest of the room, and consisted of a bed, a cauldron of water, and a window on the wall. The window had been covered by a piece of cloth.

On the bed sat a green humanoid reptile wearing a purple hoodie. His tail swished back and forth in boredom, and two scaly, dark red wings protruded from his back.

So he was a vampire.

"Meme, if you're here to offer to heal me again, I've already told you," Dino growled, "Nothing can heal vampirism that is a man made medicine."

"Assuming Meme's the only person who ever visits?"

I could visibly see Dino freeze. He turned around to look at me, his usually green eyes shining blood red in the dark.

"What, are you Blaza's guardian Angel or something, coming to chew me out?" Dino said.

"Dino, it's Blaza," I said, "And yes, I'm alive."

Dino just stared at me in shock. "How...?!"

"I have absolutely no idea," I shrugged. "Something about a crystal."

"Blaza, I just wanna say," Dino said, "That I am incredibly sorry for killing you. It wasn't even you I was aiming for, but a stupid vampire..."

He growled. "Oh, what's the use. I have no excuses. I was sent to kill Meme, and ended up killing you. Either way, someone was gonna die."

His words startled me. He was... sent?

"Sent by who?"

"I don't even know his name," Dino shrugged, "Looked like an anthrosteer. Though he had a mask on, so I couldn't tell."

"What the hell is an anthrosteer?" I questioned.

"It's basically what Wicktoria is, but male," Dino explained.

I nodded. That made sense.

"Still though, why did you accept if it was Meme you were killing?" I asked him.

"Long story short, he infected me with some kind of parasite that would kill me in three days time. Said he'd give the cure if I did the job. Guess vampirism killed it off automatically, which is kind of nice," Dino said.

"A parasite?" I said, shuddering at the thought. I had never been fond of worms and such.

"Yeah, not even sure where he got it. Usually only native to mushroom plains. The name was something along the lines of Fungal worms or something."

Huh. Thought those were only a myth. But of course, I also thought revival was a myth. Yet here I am, basically undead.

"Weird," I muttered.

"Alright, I can tell you didn't come here to ask me about this, there's something else on your mind," Dino said, "What's wrong, and why'd you come here for it?"

I blinked. There wasn't anything else on my mind, besides what he just told me.

That force. It was back.

"Blaza? Hello? You good?" Dino asked worriedly.

Why does he sound so distant?

The calling. It's unbearable. I can hardly resist.

"Sorry about this."



(???? PoV)

The body dissipated into dust in front of me. New strength now pulsed through me.

The power was incredible.

I looked at my now bloodstained tail point and grabbed the cloth from the window, quickly wiping the blood off. The sharp, blue end showed my reflection. A glowing white substance dripped down my face from my eyes.

Weird. I couldn't actually feel it. I rubbed my hand on my cheek and, sure enough, saw that the liquid came off and was now on my hand a little bit.


I looked at the bloodied cloth I held and tossed it in the water cauldron in the corner. If anyone came in, they would just think the cloth came loose and Dino had succumbed to the light of the sun.

And before that happened, I should leave.

I quickly exited through the metal bar door, then through the main door. Then flew over the chain link fence.

You could really tell this was a high security prison.

Looking around to make sure no one could see me, I quietly glided over to the back of Blaza's house... also my house, since I was currently inside Blaza's body. 

There, I gave the mortal control back.

I would continue my work later.



Blaza you good bro-?

917 words

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