battle plans

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Author's Notes: I claim no rights or do not own the Inuyasha series and its characters. All though this story is completely my own idea.   Also I will be featuring some attacks that are in the series as well as some of my own! Please feel free to leave me your comments and reviews, I appreciate knowing what you think. Thanks!

Special Symbols: "regular human speech", *mental speech*, 'thinking', (author's notes), Bold - demonic speech, Italic - angelic speech, Bold italic - mixed speech, CAPS - ATTACKS

Nine - battle plans

As Inuyasha and Kagome slept, Inuyasha's body returned back to normal as his black wings covered both his and his mates body. Both were worn out from their love making fest that they went through. The two slept soundly until the next morning as Inuyasha's ears twitched when he heard the sound of birds chirping. Inuyasha slowly stretched out his body letting out a low guttered yawn. When he heard a low moan coming from behind him, he quickly turned to see Kagome in the nude by his side. Inuyasha cursed to himself realizing what he had done as he knew that Sesshomaru was going to have his head. Slowly Inuyasha slipped out of the bed placing a blanket over Kagome as he scooped up his clothes getting dressed back into his kimono. A part of him smiled when he noticed the mark on Kagome's neck that said that the young girl was his mate. He had a similar mark on his neck that Kagome had given him. Inuyasha walked over to Kagome gently kissing her on the forehead as her scent and his scent melded together almost perfectly. But then Inuyasha's ears quickly dropped when he noticed the slight bulge in Kagome's stomach.

'Oh Kami, don't tell me that she is with my cub.' Inuyasha thought to himself as he felt Kagome's stomach. True enough he could feel it, a small cub was growing within Kagome. This caused Inuyasha to curse in his demonic tongue. 'Sesshomaru is going to kill me!' Inuyasha snarled to himself as he slowly ventured out of Kagome's room so not to wake the girl. As he closed the door to Kagome's room he was suddenly grabbed by the throat as he was hoisted up in the air as he was pushed hard against the wall. A low snarl of dominance rang out as Sesshomaru held his brother tightly by the throat. Sesshomaru's fangs and claws were fully extended as the corneas to his eyes were blood shot red as his golden yellow eyes had turned ice blue. The full demon knew clearly what the angelic demon had done. Inuyasha's ears and tail sagged as his older brother struggled to keep his demonic blood under control.

Inuyasha........why did you do it? Do you understand what you have done? Sesshomaru snarled sharply. Inuyasha whimpered a little bit bearing his throat to the older male.

I don't know why I did it, something came over us. Kagome is now my mate for life as she is all ready pregnant with my kit. I understand full well what I did as I will take any punishment that you deam fit. whimpered Inuyasha. Sesshomaru growled sharply as he dropped Inuyasha to the ground. Sesshomaru cursed loudly in his demonic tongue as his claws clicked against his beaded necklace as he struggled to calm down. He couldn't blame his brother for what happened. Inuyasha's hermones had over ridden him and Kagome causing the two of them to both indulge in a mating ritual. Slowly Sesshomaru had calmed down as his eyes, fangs, and claws returned back to normal as he helped his brother back up to his feet.

I am sorry Inuyasha, I didn't mean to hurt you. We have no choice but to tell her family about what happened. stated Sesshomaru.

I know. I am not going to hear the end of this. Inuyasha whimpered.

Later on both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru explained what had happened. Grandpa and Mrs. Higurashi couldn't believe their ears. Sesshomaru explained that it wasn't their fault as Inuyasha's hermones took control over them.

"Kagome is now my lifemate as she is already pregnant with my kit. I don't know what to say to make this any better." replied Inuyasha as his ears and tail sagged as he felt assamed by what he did. He did truly love Kagome as he did want her as his mate as he is very protective of the girl. Kagome's face was beet red as she was embarised by what happned. Being someones partner for life was one thing but to also fing out that you are pregnant with their child was completely new. Grandpa and Mrs. Higurashi looked at Kagome and Inuyasha a bit shocked.

"Tell me Inuyasha, how do you feel for Kagome?" asked Mrs. Higurashi. Inuyasha quickly knelt down bowing his head to the ground.

"I love her with every fiber of my being. If you allow me to I would like to mate with her properily." stated Inuyasha which caused Kagome to blush. She understood fully what Inuyasha was asking her family. The angelic demon wanted to marry Kagome formally in a human wedding. Both Grandpa and Mrs. Higurashi talked a bit before they turned back to the angelic demon.

"Inuyasha are you prepared to do what you must for Kagome's sake as well as your child that she now bears?" asked Granpa Higurashi.

"Yes I am. I know that my kits will not be safe unless I stop this war. They have all ready attacked my mate as I will not allow them to do it again." replied Inuyasha. Inuyasha could feel a hand on his back as he slowly lifted up his head to see both of Kagome's family standing besides him smiling.

"We would be proud to have you as a part of our family Inuyasha. We will allow you to marry Kagome." stated Mrs. Higurashi as Inuyasha began to cry tears of blood as he looked at his mate whom was also crying tears of joy. Now came the hard part, fighting against the angels and demons. Both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru talked with Grandpa Higurashi about their plans on what to do. Both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru knew that if they fought against the current lords and ladies that controlled the angels and demons, and managed to defeat them that these leaders would have no choice but to obey Sesshomaru and Inuyasha as they proved that they were stronger than the leaders that ruled them. But they knew that they couldn't do this alone, there had to be others whom could help them.

"I might know of someone whom could help you two. She prides herself as a slayer as she often comes here to restock on talismans. She has even tamed a two tail demon cat to help her." stated Grandpa Higurashi. Both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru turned to the old man in shock. To have tamed a demon cat meant that this slayer was incredibly skilled.

"When can we meet her?" they both asked in unison.

"I will go make the call right away." stated Grandpa Higurashi as he left the room. Both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha wondered what kind of person this slayer was.

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