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I didn't know how far I ran.

I just ran.

Away from the place that had been my home the past couple of weeks.

Away from Krel, away from all of it.

I finally found my solitary in an alleyway, a dark place where no one would find me.

So I fell to my knees and burst into tears.

The usually warm air felt frigid, and I shivered as the cold seemed to cut through me, freezing everything inside of me.

Too cold.

Too alone.

A glow appeared in front of me, a figure standing over me. The acrid scent of smoke filled my senses. Another vision.

I looked up, and my eyes met those of Sxorces. The angel looked down at me with an almost bored expression, as if he was tired of my languishing state.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I pleaded.

Sxorces smiled slightly. "I am not doing this. I am merely warning you of what is to come if you follow the path you follow."

He held out his hand. "So... have you decided on that deal?"

Slowly, I stood, observing the illusion of the burning city around me.

Is this what this deal would lead to? The destruction of Norxentor, the fall of the angel kingdom?

Did I care?

I'm hardly sure anymore.

It felt like my mind was arguing with itself again.

Do it. It's what you were sent to do, so what if it means you have to get help to succeed with it?

No, don't trust him! You don't have to be bound by the chains of your loyalty.

I took a deep breath. I looked back at Sxorces.

Reluctantly, I sighed, and took his hand.

Sxorces grinned. "Good choice."

Suddenly, Sxorces took his other hand and held it out. I was thrown back by an invisible force, held in midair, unable to move, stuck in a kind of paralyzing trance. Telekinesis. Must be how he's able to reach out to me in the first place.

Sxorces laughed, a psychopathic, gleeful howl that sent chills down my spine. Sxorces flicked his wrist, and thin strands of what looked like glowing golden string wrapped around my wrists, ankles, and neck. The string dug deep, and I struggled to free myself.

"What are you doing?!" I shrieked, "This wasn't part of the deal!"

Sxorce's overly happy laughter ceased, but not all the way. "Oh, Omen. So naive."

He seemed to let go of me, and I collapsed to the ground. It was like he had drained my strength from me, drained my will to fight.

I looked up at him, my gaze filled with hatred. "Why did I think I could trust you?" I spat.

Sxorces chuckled. "Because you knew you needed me to succeed."

With one final bout of maniacal laughter, he disappeared, leaving me in the burning city alone.


Sxorces opened his eyes, seeing the alleyway around him. He looked down to see that he was, indeed, in the demon's body. And not for a short snippet of time either to alter his thoughts, or to give him the push he needed to get the job done. He could be here as long as he wanted.

He grinned, insane pleasure filling his mind. He looked at his claws, and curled them into fists. His tails lashed with excitement, the fluffy ends sharpening into sharp, deadly points.

This... is going to be fun.


574 words

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