Revealing it

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(This chapter has been copied from the OG one shot. Part of this work is not mine.)

Disclaimer-I don't own this story, Rick Riordan and TheAnxiousDeity does. 

Warning: Swearing and talk of Angels and Demons

*Takes place after the war. They are on Olympus.*

The demigods waited patiently for the meeting to start, they were going to receive gifts for winning the war. Zeus then spoke up, "We have won yet another war," his confident voice filled the room, " It's now time to reward our heroes!"

Zeus opened his mouth once more to speak but was cut off when a dark orb appeared in the middle of the room, it radiated power and soon its soft voice echoed these simple words before fading as soon as it came, "You may now reveal yourself."

The gods and demigods were silent, they looked around frantically, "So who's gonna go first?" Percy spoke up, a smirk plastered on his face, "What about you Di Angelo?"

Everyone's gaze shifted to Nico, "Well I have to now." Nico grumbled.

"Nico, what is he talking about?" Hazel questioned.

"This." He stated before a blinding light surrounded him. When the light died, multiple gasps were heard. Nico now had huge pure white wings and a golden crown gracing his head, his skin was fairer and he seemed to hold himself with more grace and confidence, his eyes grew lighter and were now a honey brown, "W-what?" Leo spluttered in shock.

Nico smiled shyly and a small blush spread across his cheeks, he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "I'm an Angel." Nico said, "If you haven't noticed that by now."

"Wait, wait, wait." Annabeth said, raising a hand, "How on earth did you know this?" She said turning to Percy.

Percy chuckled before snapping his fingers, a thick fog spread through outthe room and when it cleared only silence was heard, "What?" Percy teased and smiled showing off his now shark like teeth, "No gasps, no screams, nothing?"

Percy stood tall, long bat like wings stood behind him, it looked like they were scorched at the edges. Large curled horns stuck out from his head, his finger nails pointed like claws and his eyes were a dark red. Annabeth took a step back and Poseidon's jaw dropped, "What." Annabeth said weakly.

"Oh, ya, I'm a Demon." Percy said as if stating the most casual thing in the world.

Zeus' eyes were flaming and he shook with rage, "Why are you here?" He said through gritted teeth.

"We're here to help you." Nico said calmly.

"WE DON"T NEED YOUR HELP!" Zeus blew up.

"Say that to the two wars you would have lost without us." Percy snapped

"He has a point." Apollo spoke up.

"How long have you two been alive?" Athena asked curiously

"I've been alive since the thirteenth century." Percy said.

"I've only been around since the nineteenth." Nico blushed.

"You guys are taking this much better then I expected." Percy said, resting his hand on his hips.

"We really don't know how to react." Jason said. Murmurs of agreement sprouted from the group of half-bloods.

(The rest is my work)

"Wait just a second," Annabeth says, pinching the bridge of her nose. "You're telling me, that this whole thing is a facade so that you can help us in two wars, and that I've been dating a Demon?"

"Yep, pretty much," Percy confirms.

Annabeth stands there, still for a couple of seconds, soaking in all of the information. Then, she shrugs, "Okay," and goes to stand by Percy's side. 

"Annabeth!" Athena calls out to her, fear in her voice. "Don't stand next to him, he might hurt you! Demons are unpredictable, wild creatures!"

"Excuse me?" Percy looks offended, "I'm not wild-"

Nico shoots Percy a look.

"Okay, but I do have feelings and I am NOT a creature!" He finishes.

"But my books said-"

"Your books are WRONG!" Percy interrupts, waving his hand at her. "But seriously, can we like, get out of here?"

"Percy," Nico says, "We can't just leave all of them here without a proper explanation!"

"Fine," He grumbles, summoning a chair that he can sit on, "But make it quick, I can't wait to be causing trouble again down in Hell."

Nico turn to all of the demigods and the Olympians. "You guys might want to get comfortable, we're going to be here for a while.

The Olympians conjure up bean bags for their children, and Dionysus chucks hot, buttery popcorn tubs at people. 

Nico takes a deep breath, then starts explaining.

"Basically, Chaos asked us to pose as demigods, as he foresaw that you guys wouldn't win this war without help. It took some convincing for some people to agree to the plan," Nico shoot a look at Percy, who just sticks his tongue out at him. "Anyway, once that was in place, we both went our separate ways, growing up as Nico Di Angelo and Percy Jackson." Nico glances at Percy, who huffs, but nonetheless, continues to tell the story.

"We weren't thinking of being in two wars, we thought that the Titan War was the only one, but then SOMEONE, *cough* Hera *cough*, wiped my memory, well, at least, tried to-"

"Tried to? I did wipe your memories!" Hera sneers.

Percy glares at her, and she flinches under his gaze. His eyes are blazing with fury, a mini fire seems to be reflected in his eye. "I am a Demon," He growls, "And I am higher than you, you puny god. Now shut up." He turns around, mouthing, 'Can-you-believe-her?' to Annabeth, who just rolls her eyes, nodding.

Hera trembles, still trying to gain authority. "You're just a monster from Hell!" She desperately yells at him. "You're a disgrace to heroes!"

He glances over his shoulder. "Imagine how effective your insult would be, if I gave a fuck."

Hera sinks into her seat, looking defeated. Poseidon, Hermes and Apollo are snickering at her, whispering to each other.

"Anyway," Percy faces the demigods, "Where was I?"

"Hera tried to wipe your memory, but failed, being the big screw up she is," Leo reminds him.

"Ah, yes. So since I'm a Demon, she couldn't get to my memories. Then you guys know the rest, we fought in the war, blah blah blah." Percy says. "Any questions?"

"If you were just going to fight in the Titan War, why didn't you reveal yourself straight after?" Piper asks.

Nico smirks as Percy turns a bright, crimson red. "Well, Piper," Nico says, "Mr Hell over here fell head over heels for a certain Athenian Spawn and wanted to stay for a little longer."

Percy huffs, crossing his arms and growling, which does nothing to cease Annabeth's laughter from beside him. "Shut up..."

"Aw! It was true love that stopped Percy from going!" Aphrodite coos.

"I can literally tear you from limb to limb, and use all torture devices I have access to on you." Percy deadpans.

Aphrodite quickly shuts her pie hole.

"So, what are you two going to do now?" Hazel asks. Nico and Percy shrug, but Nico is the one to speak up.

"We will probably hang around the camps, helping with the rebuilding." Nico says. "But I can't promise Percy rebuilding anything."

"Okay, now that that is over, I think we should do the gifts another day, that's enough for today," Zeus announces. "Meeting, DISMISSED!"

The gods flash the demigods to their representative camp. Annabeth pulls Percy over behind a cabin. "We need to talk."

Percy's PoV

When Annabeth pulled me behind a cabin, I knew what she wanted to talk about. She looks me in the eye, "We need to talk."

"I know, I'm a Demon, and you probably don't want to date me anymore, it's fine." I give her a grin, showing off my canines.

"What, no!" She exclaims. "I was going to say, I love you, and I don't want to break up. But the thing is, how are we going to maintain our relationship? I mean, I'll barely get to see you, and you'll stay the same age while I will keep aging."

I look her in the eye. "Don't worry," I kiss her hand, "We'll figure something out. Together."

She smiles, then we walk back out to join the others.

Nico"s PoV

Will grabs my hands, yanking me behind the cabins. "You're an Angel?!" He yells/whispers.

I wince, sheepishly scratching the back of my neck. "Yep...I understand if you want to end our relationship, it's okay-" He cuts me off with a kiss.

"Nico..." He says once he pulls away. "I don't care whether you're an angry emo Hades kid, or a beautiful Angel, I will always love you."

I smile gratefully. "You're the best boyfriend anyone could have Will, you know that, right?"

He scoffs. "Yeah right." We walk out to join the others.

Yay! Second chapter done! It's past 3:00am and my Ipad's on 10 percent, but it's worth it! Sorry I haven't updated it, I just came out of my school holidays and I still want to relax...

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it!

See ya!

- Laurel

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