Angels in the Snow

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"They send me to go feed the horses, now do they?" Dalila mumbles under her breath, angrily. "Of course they send the weak one, the one who does all the work. Of course they send me in the middle of winter."

She stormed through the halls of the castle and stopped in her tracks once she heard crying. Wait, crying? It was a baby, or more than one. She opened the gates to reveal two babies in baskets, swaddled in blankets crying. Her eyes widened in surprise. She looked around and saw nobody around. One of the babies had stopped crying and was looking at her with big, brown eyes full of curiosity and wonder.

She smiled softly as the other baby had stopped crying. She noticed that both children had pieces of paper wrapped around little white boxes. She unwrapped the paper and read the notes.

To whoever finds our darling daughter,

Her name is Angel. She was born on February 14, 1995. We have to give her away since we simply cannot keep her because of financial problems. We hope you can care for our darling daughter and keep her well. It is not certain if we'll still be in debt in the future, so we may not come back for her. Just tell her that we love her, and this was by far the hardest thing we've ever had to do.

Give this necklace to her on her 11th birthday. And, again, to her new mother or father: thank you so much for taking care of her.

Yours truly,
Angel's mother and father.

PS: The child found next to her is not related to her at all, me and a friend both couldn't afford a child so we both decided to hand them over to someone who could take care of them.

She smiled softly at the brown eyed baby. She looked at the other baby as they scanned her with bright ocean eyes. She gingerly picked up the note that was wrapped in neat string.

To whoever finds our amazing son,

His name is Ky. He was born on February 13th, 1995. Like a friend, we cannot take care of him because we are in debt and we wouldn't be able to feed him. We love him with all our hearts and wish that we had the money to care for him. We hope that you will be able to take care of him like we can't. We will try and get all the money we can and be able come back and care for our son. And, we hope that if we come back that Ky and Angel will be good friends.

Just tell him that we love him. Give the ring to him on his 8th birthday. And, again, Ky and Angel aren't related.

Yours truly,
Ky's mom and dad

Her eyes filled up with tears once she was finished reading the notes. She looked at Ky who was looking at her with big blue eyes. She picked up the baskets and walked back into the warm castle. She knocked on the kitchen door and flashed a grateful smile as Kennedy once the door was opened. She gently placed the baskets on the kitchen table. Kennedy looked at the babies with wide hazel eyes.

"You're insane. Where the bloody hell did you find these kids?!"

"Outside the gates."

"Where are they're parents?!"

"They were abandoned."

Kennedy's eyes softened. "D'you think you'll be able able to take care of 'em on your own?"

"No," Delila shook her head and smiled. "Help me?"

"Sure," Kennedy stroked Angels cheek as she said, "I'll take care of this one while you take care of the other one."

"Her name is Angel and the other one Ky," Delila took Ky into her arms. "Hi baby, I'm your new mommy." Ky cooed and Delila felt as though she could cry.

"Hey, baby girl," Kennedy said gently as she took Angel in her arms. "I'm going to take care of you." Angel cooed happily and Kennedy smiled even more. "I'm Kennedy, and I'm going to be your new mother."

(And after 10 minutes of cooing over how cute Ky and Angel were, Delila remembered her chores and ran out the door at the speed of light.)


Taking care of Angel wasn't a chore - despite her stubbornness and the never ending trouble she got herself into. Whoever her parents were, they must've had a disregard for the rules. The king was ecstatic to have children around, since he and his queen couldn't have children. He loved them the second Kennedy and Delila introduced him to them.

Ky wasn't a trouble maker. He rarely got into trouble and would always follow the rules. He was a very active reader and would normally be late to dinner because he was caught up in a book. He had ocean blue eyes, and brown hair. His smile was lopsided, and showed missing teeth when he threw his back, laughing.

Angel, on the other hand, was very mischievous, and was known around the castle to wander around and steal food - though mostly chocolate chip cookies - from the kitchen. She had brown eyes, and ginger hair, and a smirk almost always on her face.

Him and Angel were inseparable. They would always run around the castle, either dragging each other along, or laughing like there was no tomorrow.

Delilah and Kennedy smiled to themselves every time they saw Ky and Angel messing around.

Everything was alright.

Ky- 4  Angel - 4


"What if I don't wanna put the jar down?" She asked, giving him her usual mischievous smirk.

"Just put it down!"

"Or what Ky?"

He stayed silent, debating on facing the wrath of Delilah over chocolate chip cookies. Was it worth it? He sneaked one look at her face and wanted to kick himself for feeling his heart speeding up. He shook his head internally; girls had cooties, and he didn't want to like someone with cooties.

"Get the cookie, and get out of here."

Ky- 7 Angel - 7

Ky, as usual, had his nose stuck in a book. He was completely immersed in his book, and he simply had to finish it tonight. It was a story about a thief being sent out on a mission to assassinate a queen named Arielle in exchange for riches and gold, but the thief named Nathaniel ends up falling in love with the queen. Even though romance wasn't his favorite genre, he still liked it, nonetheless. And, for some strange reason, imagining Angel as Arielle and him as Nathaniel made it easier to read.

He was sitting in front of the fireplace and it was December 24, Christmas Eve.

"Hey," a voice said next to him. "What're you reading?"

He looked up from his book to see Angel with her beautiful brown eyes filled with curiosity, her head tilted to the side ever so slightly.

"A book about thief who falls in love with the person he's supposed to assassinate," he answered without missing a beat.

Okay, he thought. Don't give in to whatever she asks, you know it won't be good.

"Sounds interesting," Angel smiled, showing a missing front tooth. "I found this book where a girl is kidnapped and is forced to be a porcelain doll."

"Where did you get this book?" he eyed her suspiciously.

This didn't seem like it was even for their age.

"In the adult section," she answered, sheepishly, shrugging her shoulders.

She looked so innocent but he knew she had some kind of plan cooking in her mind.

"Okay," he said, flipping the corner of the page and putting the book down. "What do you want to do?"

Her sheepish smile was replaced with a smirk and a mischievous glint in her eye. "We sneak out, find the horses and ride them to the hills."

"Are you crazy? Delilah and Kennedy specifically said not to ride the horses without their supervision."

"C'mon Ky, don't be such a downer. It'll only be a little trip and we'll be back before they realize we're gone."

"I don't even know how to ride a horse, Angel," he sighed.

She has been taught how to ride a horse ever since she was three while he hasn't even pet a horse; let alone ride one.

"Then I ride in the front while you hold on to my waist," she shrugged like it was nothing.

"It's Winter!"

"So what?" she sighed with exasperation. "Ky, you can't just spend Winter with your nose stuck in a book."

"Watch me," he said, picking up the book, opening up to a random page and started to read.

He silently hoped that she would go and not get into trouble, but at the same time he wanted her to stay.

He heard her sigh in defeat as she walked out of room. After a few minutes of total silence, he heard footsteps and looked to his right to see Angel with a brown book in her hand titled Stuck In A Dream, sitting down beside him, her nose stuck in a book. Of course, she liked to read, just not as often as him.

The silence that stuck in the air was as calming as it was irritating. As much as he liked silence, he got annoyed when him and Angel were just silent when they could be laughing about something they had caught King Xander sneaking something from the kitchen. He sighed in annoyance as he slammed his book shut, not even bothering to mark the page he was on.

"Where you goin'?" She asked, her brown eyes curious as she looked up from her book, frowning slightly.

"I thought we were goin' to the horses."

Her frown was replaced with a grin in seconds.


Ky- 12 Angel- 12


"Yeah, Angel?"

Ky turned to look at her with gentle blue eyes. Eyes that made her feel like jelly everything she looked in them. The sun made his blue eyes shine even more, and the blue was more evident. They were lying in the grass in the middle of summer. They were watching the clouds make shapes for them as if they knew that two twelve year Olds were looking.

"When you're an adult, what are you gonna name your kids?"

His ocean orbs widened. "I-I- I don't........ where did this even come from?"

She rolled her boring brown eyes. "Doesn't matter, just answer the stupid question."

He let out a low chuckle. "Alright, alright. My future kids would be named," he said, pausing and placing an finger on his chin, clearly in thought, "Luna for a girl, and Kace for a boy," he said after a moment of thinking.

She smiled softly as she racked her brain for the meaning of the names. Luna was moon in Italian, and Kace was a name he had heard somewhere. The wind picked up, and she smiled. The wind reminded of her riding her horse, Lena, with the wind blowing in her ginger hair, leaving a mess of knots behind her.

The wind reminded her of freedom.


She turned her head to look at him, surprised that he broke the comfortable silence. "Hm?"

"What are you gonna name your kids?"

Her mud eyes widened. She hadn't even thought of that. She turned back to the clouds, racking her brain for any names she could possible call her favorite as there were so much. She played with the pendant of her necklace that she received when she was 11. The pendant was a silver lotus flower that she cherished.

"Aria Chantelle-Elise for a girl," she whispered after a moment of of thinking, "and Makani Kahale for a boy." Tears rolled down her pale cheeks as she thought about the beautiful children who were lost in the bombing.

Her and Ky visited Ruby and Sapphire's Home for Orphans weekly. The children were all so happy, lively and amazing. They smiled as much as they could because they knew to cherish what they had, as it may not last. Ky brought up the idea to bring in blankets, old toys, and parchment paper for them, and they soon found themselves coming back more and more. A month later the orphanage was bombed, and it killed all the sleeping children.

She vaguely remembered her crying into Ky's shoulder, and him crying in hers. Although there weren't many kids in there - five to be exact - there were still so many kids in the town who would come to the orphanage and play with them. (They had a sleepover that night.)

Both of them understood what it was like to grow up without parents, and, as much as it killed her to admit, there must've been a reason that her parents didn't want her. Ky was the optimistic one; he always expects his parents to come back for them like they said in the letter. But, as much as she wanted to believe it too, she didn't want to get hurt again.

So, in the meantime, she just cried more as Ky pulled her into his chest, rubbing circles on her back whispering that it was going to be okay.


Ky - 15 Angel - 15

"You're so immature," Angel said, sticking out her tongue playfully.

Her cheeks were flushed as she smiled and threw snow on his chest. He laughed and spread his arms and legs out, then pulling them back to his legs and sides. He felt Angel pull his hat off and run her hands through his knotted, messy hair. She lifted his head and placed it in her lap. He looked up and he almost forgot to breathe. Her pale, pink lips were parted, and the gentle flush that was painted on her cheeks took his breath away. The tiny snowflakes in her silky ginger hair melted, and when she was in the light, it looked like intricate jewels gingerly placed. His eyes gently traced all the features of her face, scanned every freckle that dotted her cheeks like stars in the night sky.

God he loved her so much.


Ky- 16 Angel- 16

She woke up to see Ky sleeping beside her. Her head was pounding, and the light from the blinds didn't help anything. She yawned and she realized that she wasn't wearing any clothes. Alarmed, she threw the sheets off Ky's body, and realized that he wasn't wearing any clothes either. With wide eyes the memories from the night before surfaced and flashed through her mind.

They were drunk. He had told her he loved her. She said it back. They kissed. And kissed. And kissed. And they made love.



Month One:

She was pregnant.

He was shocked.

Delilah and Kennedy were torn on being happy and disappointed.

They were having a baby.


Month Two:

She felt like crap every time she had to run to the bathroom to throw up.

He held her hair up.

Delilah taught them how to care for a baby.

They all knew it was going to be worth it.


Month Three:

She felt dizzy.

He helped her walk with a loving smile.

Delilah and Kennedy watched with smiles.

Ky and Angel felt more in love with each passing day.


Month Five:

She was craving cookies.

He had to suffer her wrath (which was the scariest moment of his life).


Month Six:

They discussed baby names.

(And 'discussing' turned into debating .)


Month Seven:

Two couples were standing in the library. There was a woman with ginger hair and pale skin, a man with freckles and brown eyes, a woman with ocean eyes and blonde hair, and man with brown hair and hazel eyes.

They claimed - and were - their parents

Angel was hesitant to let them into their lives given that she had spent the day crying when Delilah had revealed that she was abandoned at birth. Eventually, she came around.

Ky's last name was Gray, and Angel's was Snow.


Month Eight:

She went into labor.

Everyone went into panic.

The day was filled with her screams of pain, and his knuckles being squeezed to death. But he would never tell her that.


He felt his entire being swell with happiness at the sight of his soulmate cradling their child. He was terrified at the thought of holding their baby boy; what if something went wrong? What if he started crying the moment he was placed in his arms?

"So," Angel whispered, stroking their sons' tiny cheek with her thumb, a tear rolling down her cheek, "what're we gonna name the little munchkin?"

"How about Makani Kahale Gray?"

"I like that name."

"Me too."


One month later:

"Thank God he isn't as ugly as you!"


"KY, YOU MADE HIM CRY! Hey that rhymes!"


Eleven years later:

"MAKANI, NOT FAIR!" His youngest sister, Aria Chantelle-Elise Gray, shouted, throwing an apple at him.

He smiled softly. They had been playing a game of Simon Says, and halfway through the game he picked her up and threw her on the soft bed. Her bright blue eyes sparkled with happiness as he stuck his tongue at her.

He reached out and playfully noogied her knotted ginger hair, like his father had done to him countless times before. "It's not good to shout in the house, Princess."

The five year old pouted.

"Kani, leave her alone!" His other younger sister, Forest Melody Gray, exclaimed angrily, wrinkling her nose at him.

"I wasn't doing anything!"

"You were annoying Aria!"

"You're annoyed me countess times! Heck, you're annoying me right now!"

"Well you're annoying me!"

His father walked in with angry and annoyed features, rolling his eyes."Kani, Forest, stop your arguing if you want to go to the meadow!"

"Yes, dad," they said in unison, bowing their heads in shame.

He nodded curtly, before running downstairs, and Makani could sense that his mother would be giving him a scolding about being too stiff as she always did.

He ran a hand throw his messy brown hair, letting out a sigh. "And dad's mad at us now; great." He plopped onto the mattress.

"Don't worry, mommy'll talk to him," Aria said with a little smile, crawling into his lap.

He grinned at Forest. "And this is why she's my favourite sister."

She scoffed, rolling her blue-brown eyes.


They watched with soft smiles as their children threw snowballs at each other with shrieking laughter. The hill was covered in a blanket of snow that was now covered in footprints by thier children.

"They get that from you," Ky said fondly, pecking his wife on the cheek.

She snorted and pushed her dork of a husband away. "Please, they're insane like you."



His bright blue eyes widened. "Makani, put Aria down right now!"

"Or what dad?" Forest asked, a mischievous smirk gracing her features.

He grumbled, rolling his eyes. "I'll keep you both in your rooms on Christmas."

"BUT IT IS CHRISTMAS!" Everybody screamed at the top of their lungs, nearly leaving him deaf.

He rolled his eyes at his wife who was smirking and calling him an idiot.

"Kani, make a snow angel with me!" Aria shouted, giggling uncontrollably.  She fell back, her arms and legs spread out.

"Alright, Ari," he smiled before doing the same.

"Wait for me!" Forest ran over to where they were lying down and did the same as Aria and Makani.

Angel smiled softly as she felt her husbands arm wrap around her waist and her smile widened when she felt his lips pressed against her cheek.

"They're angel's in the snow, aren't they?"

"Yeah, they are."


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