News Forecast

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In the morning, the Louds started to wake up. To be honest, they all looked terrible because most of them slept after midnight. The reason was because they kept thinking about Lucy, Lily and Lincoln. Lincoln was the man with the plan and the one who helped them with there activities. Lucy was the one who made poems which could bring joy to some of the sisters. While Lily was the baby that everyone adored most of the time excluding the times where she goes poo-poo.

The sisters slowly walked down the stairs and saw that their mother was sleeping on the coach. They didn't want to disturb her so they left her to sleep. In the kitchen, Lynn Sr. made breakfast and had them all sit down and eat. 

"Sigh...I miss Lincoln, Lily and Lucy. I couldn't sleep at night knowing that they're gone." Leni Said.

"We all miss them Leni, but we need to know how we can get them back without doing anything destructive." Lori Said.

"That's easier said then done Lori. Your mother and I need to see what we can do to get Lucy, Lincoln and Lily back." Lynn Sr. Said. The rest of breakfast was silent and the Louds slowly went to watch the news before going to the Town Hall.

HELLO ROYAL WOODS!! I'm Kelly Hall and I'm going to tell you the news that will shock you to the core. After numerous attempts to rain in the Louds, a drastic decision was made that saw the removal of three of the infamous children. And for most of Royal Woods, the decision is a godsend since they don't want anymore destruction from the family.

The Louds quickly look at each other in shock. They couldn't have been that trouble to Royal Woods right.

In fact, A couple of the Louds have been reported to break into people's houses for no reason at all. Another one has been reported to eat trash out of the garbage like she hasn't had a proper meal in ages. Sadly the Louds have also been reported to be extremely violent in certain situations. This rises certain questions about the kind of parenting that the parents of the family do? But more on that later, right now my co anchor; Tyler Jones has been in the streets talking to the populace about how they feel about the situation.

"Hello Sir..How do you feel about the Loud situation?" Tyler Asked an random citizen.

"In common sense, I feel like it's horrible to separate families, but in this case I'll make an exception. In fact, Years ago I was walking on the sidewalk when I came across a lemonade stand where one of the Louds chased me down and beat me up just because I didn't want to spend money on their lemonade. I just hope those three Louds get into a better home where they don't become like their older/ younger siblings." A random citizen said.

"What about you Ma'am?" Tyler Asked.

"The Louds have been running amok for years and those parents never stopped them. In fact, What kind of parents let's their children break into people's homes where they either try to get your DNA or do horrible pranks on us while we were sleeping. In fact that prankster almost killed my son by having him glued to the bed surrounded by Peanut Butter. I hope those children get some parents with structure since their parents hardly have any." A random woman said.

"What about you Miss?" Tyler Said.

"When I moved into this town, I never thought that I would hear loud music and explosions. The noice always distracts my children from their work and causes me nothing, but stress." The lady answered.

"Okay. How about you Sir?" Tyler Said.

"Out Of all the Louds, The boy is the one who causes the least amount of trouble. At least he apologizes for any wrongdoing unlike his sisters. In fact that sporty girl of theirs always breaks windows and never says sorry. Not to mention the fact that she believes in Luck too much. However that's just the kicker. That girl is known to beat up people with her bat. However the worst is that little girl who wears gowns and gloves. She blackmails people and is extremely violent when things don't go her way." The random man says.

"That was the opinions of most of the people who I talked to. Back to you, Kelly." Tyler Said.

"Thanks Tyler. That's All for the story right now Royal Woods, but we'll keep you posted as the story moves on. Bye!!" Kelly Said.

The Louds quickly shut off the TV and started to look shocked. They had no idea how much they inpacyed Royal Woods and now they all felt awful except for two certain people who looked extremely angry. 

"That is bad. Now Everyone knows." Lori Said.

"D..Don't worry family. We'll fix this...We just need to change our ways and get on Royal Wood's goodside. However we must go to Town Hall and see what we should do." Lynn Sr. Stated.

Everyone slowly nodded and started to go back upstairs until it was time for them to go. Some of them knew that this won't be so easy as they originally thought. However they needed to get their family members back.

No Matter What They Had To Do.

Author POV:

How was the chapter?

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Bye 👋 

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