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While the remaining Louds were traveling to the State Building...Lincoln, Lucy and Lily were still getting used to the orphanage. The orphanage where they can eat food that their parents often said was expensive and were given equal attention from the caregivers.

"Lucy...This place is amazing." Lincoln Said. During his short time at the orphanage, Lincoln's eye bags has slowly started to disappear. He often helped the caregivers by doing some chores for them which often made them comment on how they wanted to adopt him.

"Yeah...However I still miss home." Lucy stated. Lucy's hair was cut so you can see her beautiful blue eyes. She was still a goth, but she started to express herself more as time goes on. 

"I know that it's tough Lucy, but we have to make the most of the situation. Besides we only have to stay here until Mom and Dad get stuff straighten out." Lincoln Said. Lucy nodded and started to write in her poetry book while Lincoln helped her out. 

Lincoln and Lucy....Please Come to the Lounge area.

Lincoln and Lucy quickly got up and started to head to the lounge. When they arrived they saw a woman wearing a blue suit with a clipboard.

"Hello...You must be Lincoln and Lucy." The woman greeted.

"Yes." Lincoln Said.

"I'm Mrs. Hannah, and I'm here to give a therapy session to you guys." Mrs. Hannah Said. 

"Why do we need therapy?" Lucy Asked.

"The orphanage thinks that there are some underline issues that you two aren't dealing with. For example, You're eight years old and a goth. Where did this start?" Mrs. Hannah Asked.

"It started when my parents started to get frightened by my eyes. It's gotten so bad that they stopped me from cutting off my bangs to a certain level so they couldn't look at them." Lucy Said.

"Lucy...You're beautiful. Everyone can see that except for your parents who made you feel insecure about yourself. Tell me...Do any of your other siblings have to hide part of themselves in front of your parents like you?" Mrs. Hannah Said.

Lucy felt tears come to her eyes and just shook her head.

"What your parents had you do was wrong. Hiding parts of yourself can only damage your  confidence and self esteem. But don't worry...we'll eventually manage to fix these issues over time. Now let's talk about your brother...Lincoln. Lincoln, What have your parents done to you." Mrs. Hannah stated.

"Well..They had me look after my sister's and help them with their every need. They also seems to punish me more than them and often take their sides of things more than mine." Lincoln admitted. 

"Lincoln, I'm going to be blunt and say that your parents have also damaged you as well. Your sisters aren't angels yet it seems like your parents seem to think that they are. For example, have any of your sisters ever say thank you after you help them with their things?" Mrs. Hannah Asked.

"No..They don't. In fact, they keep me on the back burner of things. For example, my sister's started a sister fight Protocol that made things inconvenient for me. They took my room away from me so they can cool off, took away my sheets and even banned me from the kitchen and bathroom. They kept telling me to butt out, but I never understood the Protocol at all. They never bothered to tell me any details about it. Mom and Dad just let the Protocol go on and hide themselves in their room like a bunch of cowards." Lincoln Said.

"Sounds to me that your parents hardly parent at all. They don't take charge and follow their daughters more which can cause serious issues for you. It also seems like your sister's don't really appreciate all that you do for them and think that you can't solve their problems." Mrs. Hannah Said.

"I'm so sorry for that Lincoln. I had no idea that we treated you so horribly. I just wish that I can take it all back so you can forgive me." Lucy Said.

"I do forgive you Lucy. It just...I want the others to see how poorly they treated me." Lincoln Said.

"Lincoln..You're a kind and caring individual. Your family just abuses it for their own benefit which makes your time there miserable. The next time that we meet, we will try to fix everything that has happened to you at the Loud House. I hope that this session has been helpful." Mrs. Hannah Said.

Lincoln and Lucy waved and started to head towards their rooms to think while Mrs. Hannah sat there with a frown on her face. It'll be a long time until she makes a breakthrough with Lincoln and Lucy, but she knew that it will be worth it. 

Besides the Louds can't possibly regain custody before Lincoln and Lucy gain more self worth.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

I don't own the pictures used in this chapter...it belongs to their creator.

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