Part 14

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Hi everyone..
Continuation from the last part..

Next day morning at 11 am

Mahir : Dr how is dad..?
Dr : He is not able to speak or move his body..he needs treatment and care..if you want you can shift him to hopstital or ..
Mahir : Dr..plss arrange everything here...
Dr : okay Mahir..don't give up..
Mahir : hmm
Dr leaves from there..
Everyone is very sad about Andy

Goutami : Mahir..where your Bela ?
Mahir in mind ( Bela 😤..she is not my..)
Mahir : Didnt she came to kitchen ??
Goutami : Noo...
Mahir : okay..
Mahir then entered his room and saw Bela sleeping down..
Mahir : hello.. it's morning...wake up .it's not your house to sleep till this much..wake up..
Bela :....
Mahir : What are you doing😡..morning itself don't make me more angry .get up..
Bela : ....
Mahir got angry and pulled her duvet..
Mahir :😱😱😱😱
Mahir : Bela 😰😰

( Mahir saw blood on bedsheet which is flowing from her palm)
Mahir : Bela plss get up....
Mahir got worried
Mahir : Maa ..Uv plss come..

Then he took Bela in arms ( Mahir took her in arms🙈)

Them Mahir took her in arms and went down .
All where shocked to see Mahir like that..
Mahir : Uv plss start the car..
Uv : done
Sumi : Mahir what happened 😰
Sumi : OMG..bleeding😱
Mahir : Maa..plss don't cry..

By saying this Mahir went near car and placed Bela's head on his lap .

Mahir : Uv plss drive fast.
Uv : ok
Mahir : Bela plss open your eyes😩😩..plsss

Soon they reached hospital..
They bought brought trolly and Mahir made Bela to laydown in that  and the other people started moving trolly to Cslty.
Bt the trolly was not got stuck ND the wheels had some prblms..

Mahir : with red and teary eyes..
: What the hell is these..don't have proper facilities 😡😠
By saying this Mahir again took her in arms and made her in Cslty..
Mahir was continuously walking here and there worriedly..

Writers pov : Y Mahir is this much worried on Bela..she is just enemy of Mahir right😜...then Y he is behaving like this..tell me what you think guyss😊)

After a hour
Dr came out ..
Mahir : Dr how is Bela now..
Dr : Does she is facing any prblm or depression..
Mahir :  No..I think so
Dr : Bela is fine now..she needs rest only..
Mahir : Thank You Dr..

(Uv ...what happened to Bhai.. even he didn't behaved this much worried for Dad.. ohh I forgot...bhabhi is his better half❤️..)

Dr : are you sure that Bela doesn't have any sadness of prblms..
Mahir thinks about their fight..
His face suddenly changed..
Dr understood that Mahir is lying by his expression
Then dr took Mahir to councilling room
Mahir pov : y he is taking me to here?

Dr : mahir..after marriage's a common plss don't force your wife for will take time..
Mahir was like :🙄🙄🤔🤔
Dr : so please don't use her as per ur wish..
Mahir : what are you telling Dr..I didn't understand..
Dr :'s okay..don't do such things without her will effect her badly..that's y she done like this..
Mahir : Dr..what are you telling..plss tell clearly..
Dr : don't touch her without permission .. always if you use your wife..she will be doing such things... so plss don't do compel her for se*
Mahir :(he get up from the seat..Dr what are you telling😳😳...I didn't do such things...even I didn't touches her till now
Dr : then Y she attempt to itself told that you she is not facing any are newly wed many couples are having prblms like I guesss this will be the reason behind..
Mahir : What😲😲..she tried to suicide ??
Dr : Yes..her nerves are cut..
Mahir was very shocked to hear like that
His pov : she is strong..she won't do this..if she is doing this..she can do this before that first ni8 by she doesn't and she stayed against me..
Pov ends

Then after 5 days Bela is fine and she needs rest..she gets discharged from hospital and now they are on the way to sehgal mansion..
They reached at mansion..
Mahir got up from car and forwarded his hand to Bela
Bela :😒😒..I don't want yours help..I can walk alone
Mahir :😑

Then they went inside home and Bela sits on bed ..
After sometime..Mahir entered the room and locks that
Bela got scared by his action (🤣🤣🤣🤣)
Then Bela stood up from the bed
Bela : Y r u closing the it I want to go out..
Mahir : for some movements you are not going out of the room🤫🤫
Bela : You the door😤
Mahir : You witch sit there...
Bela : No
Mahir in anger : I told you to sit there
Bela sits there due to fear..
Mahir took a stool and sits near with maintains a gape..

Mahir : okay now tell me Y do you tried to do this..
Bela : I didn't do this...even am not remembering how this had happened..
Mahir : Don't lie😤
Bela : am not lying Mr
Mahir : okk

After a few days.. Bela is alright ..and Andy is improving a the family is happy

One-day morning..
Bela wakes up from the floor and entered in bathroom...

What happened there😜😜 any guess ? Then do comment..

Thanks you all for supporting me and keep supporting me .love you all bye bye..❤️

From the last part the best commenter was none other than my NoorKhan-15 😂😂...the who will be the best commenter in this part..let's see😂❤️❤️
Bye bye all 👋❤️❤️

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