Chapter 5

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  As Red was looking for Bomb, he encountered a tall figure with a black hood over his head. Its face was not seen but its eyes were. Red was frightened by this and asks while shaking, "Are, are you the ghost of Christmas Future?"

The figure nods. Red says to it, "I fear you the most for two reasons. What you will be showing me, and your appearance. Could you please remove the hood?"

The tall figure does so, and it is Terence who was under the hood. He growled at Red and he waved his hand across his body and in front of them was a portal. It lead to the future and they entered it.

  Red looked around and saw everyone around was saddened. He was curious, so he asks Terence, "What's going on here?" Terence growls and points to a cemetery. Red goes there, even though it has thick fog, and sees Edward and Eva crying. Then he knew as he got closer to the grave they were standing in front of. Red looked at it and saw Timothy's name on it.

As they walked away, Red says to Terence, "Please tell me that these events can be changed. I never wanted this to happen."

Then he sees many other birds in front of another gravestone mourning. He goes over to the group and sees Chuck, Bomb, Silver, Leonard, and everyone else he knew with this group. He couldn't see the stone with all the fog around, so he asked Terence, "Who lies here?" Terence waves his arms around to get the fog out of the way, then it showed Red's name on the gravestone.

Red falls on his knees and begins to cry. Then he grabs Terence's cloak and yells, "No, it can't be! Help me, please. I promise to change. I will like Christmas again. Please, just give me another chance."

As Red was begging for his life, Terence grabs him and throws him into the freezing ocean. When he hit the water, a whirlpool formed and pulled Red in. Then he sank.

In reality, Red was rolling around his bed and he wakes up in horror. He takes several deep breaths and looks around. Then he says, "Wait, my house? But I thought. What? Is this real. Am I dead?"

He runs to the window and sees a beautiful sunny day with snow on the ground. He looks around and sees Jay with his friends and asks, "Hey, you there. What day is it?"

"Christmas Day." Jay says. "Duh, what world are you living in?"

Red's eyes widened and he says, "Christmas Day. I am alive. The spirits have given me another chance. Then he says to Jay, "Hey, go find Hal and Bubbles, I need to speak to them."

Jay does so and he runs to the village. Minutes later, Jay comes back with the two good friends and Red says, "You asked me yesterday if I wanted to donate to the Happy Hatchling Company."

"Yeah and you said Bah Humbug." Bubbles snapped.

  "Okay, well I changed my mind." Red says. "Here. Would 10 bucks be good?"

"Whatever works for you, we'll take." Hal smiles.

  "Good." Red says as he gives them the money. Then he asks, "What does the Happy Hatchling Company do? I've never heard of it before."

"Well," says Hal, "it's like a daycare if you can't take care of your hatchlings during the day. It's also a hospital for sick hatchlings. We take them in if they aren't doing well. However, it costs a lot of money to take them in." Red gets an idea. "I know a family that could use your help. Follow me."

  When they were about to go, Chuck, Silver and Bomb run towards him and wish him a Merry Christmas. Then he says to them. "I need to find Edward and Eva."

"Oh them?" Bomb asks, "Yeah they're at William's Christmas party. We were about to ask you if you'd like to come." Red agrees to go with them and they all go to William's house.

  Red knocks on the door and William opens it up. William was shocked to see Red at the door and he said, "Red, what a surprise. Come on in. Chuck, Bomb, welcome. Hal, Bubbles, good to see you guys too." Then he says, "Hannah, we have a few new guests here."

  Hannah goes to welcome them, then she sees Red. "William, why did you let that grouch in?"

Before William answered, Red said, "Hannah I'm sorry for what I said years ago. I was just upset. I know your heart belongs to someone else but I am okay with that. Will you forgive me?"

She thought about it and said, "Okay. You can stay." Then Red went to look for Edward and Eva. Chuck, Bomb, and Silver followed him. Red saw Eva and said, "I heard your son isn't doing well. I think I can help him."

He gave her 20 dollars. Then he said, "There's a company called Happy Hatchling. They take care of hatchlings who are ill or can't be watched over during the day."

  "Thank you but this won't be enough." Eva said. Before Red did anything. Chuck, Bomb, Silver, Hal, and Bubbles gave her some more money. She called for Edward and she said, "Honey. I think there's a chance Timothy can make it to next Christmas." Then she showed him the money. Edward thanked him and Red yelled, "Merry Christmas everyone!" Then Timothy walked in and said, "And God bless us everyone!" Then the Christmas party began.

  Red couldn't have been happier. He enjoyed being with all his friends on the most wonderful time of the year. He had fun playing games. Especially musical chairs, which he would end up winning one round. At one point, Red was standing near the fireplace when he saw a mistletoe in front of him, then he sees Silver looking at it also. They both get shy, then get closer. Before they kissed, Chuck stuck a Christmas present in front of them and they both kiss it instead. Then Chuck yells, "Who's ready for gift exchange?!" Then he runs away while Red and Silver chase him.

                                THE END

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