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[Back in the Valley of Peace, the morning gong is rung in the bell tower. The second it rings, Shifu enters the hallway of the bunkhouse. The Five burst out of their rooms and stand outside their doors, ready for inspection.]

FURIOUS SIX: Good morning master!

[One door remains closed.]

Shifu: Bird! [No answer] Panda, wake up!

[He slides open Po and Red's door. Then he chuckles: the room is empty.]

Shifu: [Satisfied] They've quit.

[Shifu walks with a bit more energy as he and the Five approach the training hall courtyard. Tigress looks equally pleased.]

Viper: What do we do now, Master? With the panda and red bird gone, who will be the Dragon Warrior?

Shifu: All we can do is resume our training and trust that in time, the true Dragon Warrior will be revealed.

[Shifu opens the courtyard doors, only to find himself face-to- face with Po's butt. Shifu and the Six are taken aback.]

Red: Come on, Po. You can at least do one.

Shifu: What are you doing here?!

[Po is in the middle of the courtyard, his legs spread wide apart on two training horses with Red next to him. Po looks back over his shoulder to see Shifu and the Six staring at him.]

Po: Hey! Huh... Good morning, Master! I just thought I'd warm up a little. [He tries to lift one leg, but fails.]

Shifu: You're stuck.

Po: Stuck?! Whaa? Pfft... stuck... nah, this is one of my...

Red: Yeah, he's stuck.

Shifu: [To Crane] Help him.

Crane: Oh dear.

[Crane approaches, gingerly grabs Po's waistband and attempts to pull him up by flapping his wings.]

Po: Maybe on three. One. Two-

[Crane pulls him up and Po flops onto his back.]

Po: [Gets to his feet.] Thank you.

Crane: Don't mention it.

Po: No really, I appreci—

Crane: Ever.

[Po falls silent as Crane returns to stand by the group.]

Shifu: You actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night? It takes years to develop one's flexibility... [Shifu flings two boards into the air, and Tigress steps forwards.] and years longer to apply it in combat.

[Shifu snaps his fingers. Instantly, Stella leaps up and executes a perfect split kick. Red is awestruck. Stella lands, waves at Po and Red and returns to Shifu's side. The broken chunks of board land all around Po and Red, a large one knocking Red on the head. Red picks up the piece of splintered board and hides it behind his back.]

Shifu: Put that down! The only souvenirs we collect here are bloody knuckles and broken bones.

Po: Yeah, excellent! [Red chucks away the chunk.]

Shifu: Let's get started.

[Shifu snaps his fingers. The Furious Six gather in a line in the courtyard and Viper and Po face off.]

Viper: Are you ready?

Po: I was born ready—

[Viper lashes out with her tail, flings Po into the air and brings him crashing back down on his head.]

Po: OW! Oh...

Viper: I'm sorry, brother! I thought you said you were ready!

Po: That was awesome! Let's go again. [salutes]

[Irritated, Shifu snaps. Monkey twirls a bamboo staff. He lunges at Red (also wielding a staff) who takes a comical beating. Po and Crane prepare to spar atop the turtle bowl. CRASH. Po falls in and is tossed around like a sack of soup. Crane hovers above the bowl and looks to Shifu. Angered, Shifu snaps. At this time, the sun is setting. We see a series of shots of Po and Red falling on their faces at the work of some invisible opponent, who turns out to be... Mantis. Shifu smiles. Flat on his back, Po and Red manages a salute. This time, Shifu has had it.]

Shifu: I've been taking it easy on you and your friend, panda, but no more! Your next opponent... will be me.

Red: I'm sorry, what?

Po: Alright! Yeah, let's go!

[The Six exchange worried looks. Po, Red and Shifu face off.]

Shifu: Step forth.

[Po doesn't even finish the step as Shifu whirls him around with no effort and and throws him to the floor pinning his arm behind him.]

Shifu: The true path to victory is to find your opponent's weakness and make him suffer for it.

Po: [In pain, but delighted.] Oh ho, yeah!

[Shifu throws Po around again. Red tried to land a punch at the red panda.]

Shifu: To take his strength and use it against him. [Shifu kicks Red  repeatedly in the face. He throw him to the floor again and pins him with his staff, and grips Po by the nose.] Until he finally falls, or quits.

[Po is totally inspired.]

Po: [Nasally] But a real warrior never quits. Don't worry, Master, Red and I will never quit!

[At his breaking point, Shifu flings Po and Red into the air and then leaps at the  with a flying kick. Po and Red crashes out of the door and tumbles down the steps. The Six walk outside and watch him fall.]

Tigress: If they're smart, they won't come back up those steps.

Monkey: But they will.

[Tigress walks back inside.]

Viper: They're not gonna quit, are they?

Stella: I hope not.

Mantis: The panda's not gonna quit bouncin', I'll tell ya that.

[He begins laughing, but Stella silences him with a stern glare. Po and Red yells in the distance as they continue to tumble...

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