Who Will The Dragon Warrior Be?

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[A pig announcer approaches with a gong in his hoof.]

ANNOUNCER: Let the tournament begin!

[The pig strikes the gong as the crowd cheers. Outside the arena, Po and Red finally reached the top of the stairs; Po out of breath, but pleased with himself. His joy is cut short when he and Red sees the entrance doors beginning to close.]

Red: Uh oh.

Po: Oh, no! [He sprints for the doors.] No no no, wait... we're coming! Yes! [The doors slam shut as he slams into them.] Owww... [Po collapses. The tournament music starts up. Po quickly gets back up and bangs in the door.] Hey, open the door! [Pigs rapping on drums drown out Po's banging.] Let me in!

Red: [He sees a circular window big enough for the two to see] We can look through that window!

Shifu; [Inside the arena] Citizens of the Valley of Peace! [Po and Red ran up to a small circular window, jumps and grabs it, and Po struggles to pull himself up and see inside.] It is my great honor to present to you... Tigress! Stella! Viper! Crane! Monkey! Mantis! The Furious Six!

[Po laughs in delight as his idols leap onto the scene in a stunning display of kung fu prowess. Master Crane flaps his wings and sends a powerful gust of wind into the arena.]

Po: Oh, it's the Furious Six— [He is cut short when the wind blows the window closed, knocking Po and Red back onto the ground.]

Red: Ow!

Shifu; Warriors prepare!

Po: Oh, ah! Peeky-hole! [Po spots a crack in the entrance doors and peeks through.]

Shifu: Ready for battle!

[Po sees Master Crane getting into position, facing a deadly looking machine.]

Red: What's going on in there?

Po: Yeah! Woo! The Thousand Tongues of Fire! [He laughs in anticipation.]

PIG FAN: Whoa, look at that! [Steps in front of and blocks Po's view.]

Po: Hey, get out of the way!

[Po hears a firing sound, looks up, and sees Crane being surrounded by fireworks. He keeps backing up so he can see the spectacle while pushing Red back without noticing, but backs up too much and tumbles down the stairs again while dragging Red down with him. By the time they got back up, Crane has defeated the fireworks and disappeared from view. Po collapses on the ground in disappointment, but then gets back up with determination.]

[While the crowd enjoys the tournament inside the arena, Po and Red make various attempts to gain access; first, Red punches the doors, which causes him pain. Second, Po attempts to pole-vault over the wall, but his weight bends the pole and he gets flung into the wall, cracking it. Third, the two bends a tree to the ground and ties it with the plan to catapult themselves into the arena. However, Po's weight keeps the tree bent when he cuts the rope. When they got off, the tree springs up, whacking Po's nose, then springs back once to strike him on the head. In the next shot, Po and Red are sitting at the top of the stairs, their back to the arena, apparently having given up.]

Shifu: And finally... Master Tigress and Master Stella!

[Hearing this, the two once again gets up and starts looking for another plan. They set out pulling back another, larger tree.]

Shifu: Believe me citizens, you have not seen anything yet!

Po: WE KNOW!!!

Shifu: Masters Tigress and Stella! Face Iron Ox and his Blades of Death!

[Inside the arena, Tigress and Stella prepares to face their daunting opponent. Po and Red suddenly springs up above the arena, catapulted by the tree. Po gets a good glimpse of his favorite of the Five, but then bounces off the rooftops and crashes into a fireworks cart, just outside the arena. Red caught a glance of the pink bird before he crashed into some branches.]

Red: [hits his face] Beak! [hits his arm] Wing! [hits his back] Tail! [hits his gut] Ribs! [hits between his legs] Giblets! [he slides to the ground in pain]

[Back inside the arena, Oogway suddenly closes his eyes and raises his palm. The crowd hushes and looks up at him.]

Oogway: I sense the Dragon Warrior is among us.

[Shifu gives a nod to the Six. Monkey, Crane, Viper and Mantis join Tigress and Stella in the middle of the arena and they quickly position themselves into a line facing the older masters.]

Shifu: Citizens of the Valley of Peace! Master Oogway will now choose... the Dragon Warrior!

[The crowd cheers, but Po and Red are alarmed as they hear this.]

Red: Oh, no.

Po: Huh? Oh no! No no no, wait! [He suddenly sees the fireworks surrounding him and gets an idea.] Yeah...

[Inside the arena, the pigs are drumming as Oogway begins to slowly approach the Six, his palm swaying in the air as he prepares to make a decision. Outside, Po, with Red's help, ties many small fireworks to a chair, sits on it, and lights the fuse.]

MR. PING: Po!? Red?! [He appears at the top of the stairs, holding Po's apron. He sees Po and Red sitting on the fireworks chair.] What are two you doing?! [He rushes forward and attempts to blow out the fuse.]

Po: What does it look like I'm doing?! No, stop! Stop! We're going to see the Dragon Warrior!

[Oogway is now closer to the Five.]

MR. PING: But I don't understand. You finally had the noodle dream!

[This close to seeing the Dragon Warrior,Red is unable to maintain the façade any longer.]

Red: You seriously don't get it, do you? Po lied. He didn't dream about noodles, Mr. Ping!

[The goose's eyes widen. Po looks down and sees that the fuse is almost out. He braces himself and yells to the heavens.]


[When Po opens his eyes, he finds himself still on the ground: the fuse was a dud. He and Red loses balance on the little chair and falls flat on their faces (the chair still stuck on his rear), then Po begins to sniffle, defeated at last. Though sympathetic, Mr. Ping holds out Po's apron.]

MR. PING: Oh, come on, son. Let's get back to work.

Po: [He sighs.] Okay.

[Po is sadly getting up when all of a sudden, the fireworks on the chair go off, propelling Po and Red into the arena wall. They both screamed.]

MR. PING: Oh! [Propelled by the fireworks, Po slides along the wall on his face, wailing.] Po, Red, come back!

[Suddenly the chair changes direction and Po and Red soars screaming into the sky directly above the arena in a display of fireworks. Below, the crowd looks up and "Oooh" and "Aaah" at the show. As Po eventually stops screaming and the fireworks die out, the burned chair disintegrates beneath him.]

Po/Red: Uh oh. [They plummet back to earth as they scream and Po lands in the middle of the arena. Everything goes black upon impact. Red was still screaming with his eyes closed, but he wasn't falling anymore. He stopped his screaming and opens his eyes to see himself in Master Stella's arms.]

Stella: Are you alright?

Red: [He was a bit flustered.] I-uh, I mean... uh, I... [Stella stares at him, waiting for an answer.] Good catch. [He looks away.] Nice chat with you.

[After some inter-determinate time, Po groggily wakes up. Everything is blurry in his vision.]

Po: Ugh... [He looks up, and the first thing he sees is Masters Mantis and Viper staring down at him.] What's goin' on...? [He turns his head and sees Masters Monkey, Crane and Tigress, also staring at him.] Where, uh...? [What he sees next is a quivering finger pointing straight at his face.] What are you pointing...?

[He shakes his head, and his vision clears. He finds himself lying right in front of Oogway, the one pointing at him. He realizes with a jolt that he has landed right between the old master and the Furious Six.]

Po: Oh! Okay, sorry! Me and my friend just wanted to see who the Dragon Warrior was.

Oogway: How interesting. [He still points at Po, intrigued by this unexpected occurrence. Standing right behind Po, Tigress steps forward, confused.]

Tigress: Master, are you pointing at... me?

Oogway: Him.

Po: Who?... [Po attempts to move out of the way, but Oogway's finger follows him. Tigress's eyes widen.]

Red: I think he means you, bud.

Oogway: You.

Po: Me?

[Oogway lifts up Po's arm with his staff for all to see.]

Oogway: The universe has brought us the Dragon Warrior!

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