Chapter 8

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They're maybe trouble at hand

But while there's Moonlight

And music and love and romance

Buster: Now fade up the spot.

[Meena faded the lights]


And dance

Buster: Good. Lower the moon.

[Meena lowers the moon cutout]

Miss Crawly: Coffee?

Buster: Thank you, Miss Crawly.

(cable creaks)

Buster: Okay, that's normal. Just needs a knock.

(Meena knocks the cable)

Buster: See? You're getting it.


And while it's still got a chance

Miss Crawly: Anyone seen my glass eye? The darn thing keeps popping out.

Buster: (spits the glass eye by accident)

Mike: Soon... Whoa!

[The glass eye knocks the moon down, nearly crushing him. It bounced everywhere and hits Pete at the face, knocking him out. The glass eye rolls under Red, making him slip and fell back, accidentally dragging Stella down with him. The glass eye then hits Miss Crawly on the face, placing itself back in her eye socket]

Miss Crawly: Oh!

[Red and Stella stared at each other awkwardly before they got up]

Mike: You almost killed me, jumbo!

Meena: It wasn't me.

Stella: Yeah, it's not Meena's fault!

Mike: Oh, is that so? (screams)

[The moon caught on fire]

Stella: Oh!

Meena: (yells)

[She grabbed a fire extinguisher and sprays the cold water at it. Buster checks on Pete]

Buster: Pete?

Pete: (groans)

Buster: (gasps)

Red: Hey, can we get an ice pack for Pete?

[A few minutes later, the ambulance arrived and took Pete in a stretcher]

Pete: (moaning)

Buster: Pete, you're going to be fine! Just hang in there, buddy!

(indistnct arguing)

[The frog group walked out of the theater, angry]

Buster: Ricky? Kai?

Howie: (crying)

Buster: Why aren't you guys rehearsing?

Howie: We're through. They said I'm an intolerable ego maniac. I don't even know what that means!

Buster: All right.. We're two acts down. Give me some good news, Miss Crawly.

Miss Crawly: Oh, it's not as bad as it looks.


Miss Crawly: Oopsie-daisy.

Buster: (sighs) Meena, how would you like to re-audition for the show?

Meena: Really? Well, yeah.

Buster: Great!

Meena: I mean, no.

Buster: What?

Meena: I mean, yes, I can sing. But, no, I get so nervous and i can't do it. I mean, I would totally do it, but... (stammers) No, I... No.

Buster: I'm gonna take that as a maybe.

(Q-Teez giggles)

(Japanese music playing)

Buster: Great! Look, they're back! We're gonna come back to this, Meena.

(Pop music playing)

(music stops)

Buster: Listen, guys, forget what I said before. You are very talented. Please, join the show. (Q-Tee has no idea what he was saying since they don't understand much English) Okay? Yes? No? Oh, um... Here... (speaking Japanese)

Q-Teez: (gasps)

[One member slapped Buster]

Buster: What? Hey, no! Wait, wait, wait! Don't go!

[Q-Teez left the theater]

(Dance music playing)

[Gunter entered his and Rosita's studio, only to find Rosita placing steps on the floor]

Gunter: Oh. What is this for?

Rosita: Now, we use this to follow the steps.

Goddess on a mountain top

Burning like a silver flame

The summit of beauty and love...

Casper: (yelling)

[Casper bursts in the room and started messing with the steps]

Rosita: Casper! Casper, no!

Gunter: How about this? Ha-ha!

[Gunter joins in]

Rosita: Come on! What did I tell you? I'm so sorry, he had a fever and it was too late to get a sitter, so...

Casper: (giggling and shouting)

Rosita: Well, you seem fine now!

Gunter: Wow!

Well I'm your Venus

I'm your fire, at your desire.

Rosita: Stop! You're messing it up! Hey!

["Call Me Baby" playing]

Ash: I am not singing this!

Buster: What's not to like? You're female and you're a teenager. This song was made for you.

Ash: (sarcastically) Wow. It's like you can see inside my tiny, teenage mind.

Buster: I know, right? You just gotta add some moves and a little bit of...

Hey I just met you. And this is crazy.

But here's my number. So call me maybe.

Go for it!

Ash: Oh, you mean like this?

Try to chase me!

But here's my number. So call me maybe!

Buster: There you go. You're a natural!

(playing piano; pounds on keys)

Johnny: (groan)

Miss Crawly: Yes, that was very bad.

Big Daddy (on radio): Johnny? Come in. Over.

Miss Crawly: Oh, Johnny, you're jacket's talking.

Big Daddy: Johnny, where are you?

Johnny: Dad, what's going on? Over.

Buster: What do you mean you gotta leave now?

Johnny: I know. I'm so sorry. It's just that I've got this family business thing.

Buster: Do I need to start worrying about your commitment here, Johnny? Tell me no.

Johnny: No. Absolutely not. I promise it won't happen again.

Buster: It better not.

Johnny: Thank you, Mr. Moon.

[He leaves the theater]

[Later at night, Ash returns to her apartment]

Ash: (sighs) Baby, I'm back.

[Music was playing as she went to the living room, only to find Lance with another girl]


I would love to


Change my friends to enemies

Ash: What is going on here?

[The two porcupines turned to Ash]

Becky: (Takes off her sunglasses) Hi, I'm Becky.

Ash: (angry) Becky?

[She kicks them out]

Lance: Hey, what did you expect? You're never around anymore!

Ash: I did it for US, Lance! You and me!

[She threw his guitar case at him]

Lance: (yells)

Becky: Oh sweetie, I'm sorry. I think I left my sunglasses in there.

(door slams)

Lance: (outside) Come on, Becky. Let's get out of here.

Ash: (sighs)

[At the club, Mike is playing poker with the bear gang as he shows a Royal flush]

Mike: Jackpot, baby! Whoo-hoo! Well, I say we call it a night there, fellas. Hey, put the cash in my car, will ya, Derek? (laughs)

Bear Leader: Well, you're one great card player, Mike.

Mike: Not so bad yourself.

Nancy: (giggles)

Bear Leader: Except I still can't tell how you cheated.

Mike: Cheated? CHEATED? Oh, I am offended. Come on, baby. Let's cut some rug.

[Bear Leader sees the card on the back and grabbed him]

Mike: Oh! What the... (Bear Leader takes the card from behind Mike) Oh. (nervous chuckles) How did that get there? (Kicks the bear leader on the nose) Run for it, baby!

Bear Leader: Hey! Get him!

Mike: (screams) Excuse me!

Bear Leader: Don't let him get away! (grunting)

[The bears chased Mike outside as Mike hurried to his car after Derek finished putting his money in the car]

Mike: Thanks, Derek!

Bear Leader: Out of the way!

(engine starts)

(tires screeching)

Mike: So long suckers! (laughs)

Bear Leader: (growling)

[Stella skated freely in the rink of Skater's Dream while wearing her headphones until she tripped and fell down]

Stella: Ow!

[She heard someone laughing as she turns to see a small group of animals and birds behind her]

Bear: Oh, sorry miss. I didn't see ya. (Offered his hand to her)

Stella: Oh, it's okay. Common mista- (She tried to grab his hand but he moves his hand back and made her fall again)

[The group laughed again, which upsets Stella as she got up on her own]

Stella: I honestly don't know what you guys want, but that's not right to bully someone.

Horse: (Sarcastically) Oh, forgive us, mom.

Bird: What kind of weirdo would wears old worn down headphones?

[She held Stella's headphones, which made Stella gasp]

Stella: Give those back!

[She tried to get her headphones back, but the monkey pushed her back]

Bear: What are you gonna do? Cry?

Red: Hey! Hello! Excuse me. Buddy? Those are fragile. Maybe you shouldn't hold them like that, alright? Not yours.

[The group turns to Red as the bear held the headphones]

Bear: Really? Well, come and get 'em, eyebrows. But watch out, 'cause I'm a bear. And I'll tear you in half with just one swipe. And bears are more dominant than birds! That's all part of my dun-uh.

Bird: Pretty sure it's pronounced "DNA", Your Rockness.

Bear: (Glares) Don't correct me.

[Red exhaled]

Red: Hey, you know what? I got a question for you. Are you aware that that leather jacket that you're wearing isn't fooling anybody?

[Everybody turned to their direction as the bear shrinks]

Red: You know, I've seen you, prancing along the street, "Your Rockness"! And you're what, and I'm just approximating here, ADDICTED TO COLORFUL PONIES!

Bear: Hey... What are you doing?

[Red forcefully rips the jacket off the bear, revealing a t-shirt with colorful ponies in the front. Everybody gasped]

Red: Violá!

Stella: Whoa.

[The bear, embarrassed, covered his shirt before he tossed the headphones away and ran out of the rink. The others followed him as Red picked up the headphones, but they got damaged from being dropped]

Stella: (Gasped) No.

[Red saw the look in her eyes, something about the headphones means something to her. Before he could ask, one customer called him]

Customer: Hey, eyebrows. I've been waiting for my service here for hours. Where's my dessert?

[He gets irritated before he grabbed a dessert from one of the waiters and slams it on the customer's face]

Everybody: (Gasped)

Red: How's that for a dessert? (He turns to leave) Oh, wait. I almost forgot. You know, I'm supposed to do a quick customer satisfaction survey before I, (whistles), split, okay? So, on a scale of one to three stars, what would say about my performance? (Barbara sees this and gets angry as she goes over.) And don't forget, the cake is...

[Barbara stands in front of him, a scowl on her face and her hands on her hips]


[Seconds later, he's thrown out of the building]

Barbara: AND STAY OUT!


Red: (Groans) Pluck my life.

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